Algebra III exercises, fall semester 2021-22 Giulio Lo Monaco 1. Describe coproduct in the category Ab of abelian groups and group homomorphisms. What is the relation between these and coproducts in Grp? [2 points] 2. A generating set for an algebra A is a set X ⊆ A such that ⟨X⟩. A basis is a generating set X such that for each a ∈ X, then ⟨X \ {a}⟩ ̸= A. Prove that an algebra need not have a basis. Prove that if A is finitely generated, then it has a finite basis. [2 points] 3. Let consider an algebra structure on N with one unary operation −⊙ defined by 0⊙ = 0 and for n > 0, n⊙ = n − 1. Prove that N has no basis. [1 point] 4. Consider the set {a, b, c, d} with no operations. How many congruences does it have? Now endow it with a unary operation defined by a → b, b → a, c → d, d → c. How many congruences are there now? [1 point] 5. An algebra is simple if its only congruences are the diagonal ∆A ⊆ A × A and A × A itself. Consider an algebra A with one ternary operation t defined by t(x, y, z) = z if x = y x if x ̸= y. Prove that A is simple. [1 point] 6. Given a monad T on a category C, we know that there are two functors FT : C ⇆ Alg(T) : UT . Prove that these form an adjunction FT ⊣ UT . [2 points] 7. A split fork is a diagram a b c f0 f1 e for which there exist arrows a b ct s in such a way that ef0 = ef1, es = 1c, f0t = 1b and f1t = se. Prove that a split fork is always an absolute coequalizer. [1 point] 8. Prove that the free group monad is finitely accessible. [2 points] 1 9. Describe the algebras of the monad (−)N . [1 point] 10. Prove that, if |X| = λ, then the monad (−)X is λ+ -accessible, but it is not µ-accessible for any µ ≤ λ. [2 points] 11. There is a free point monad on sets given by X → X •. The multiplication X • • → X • is defined by sending X to X and both additional points to the unique additional points in the codomain. The unit is the inclusion X → X •. Establish whether this monad is λ-accessible for some λ, and describe its algebras. [2 points] 12. Prove that a sequence of R-modules A → B → C → 0 is exact if and only if for every R-module N the induced sequence 0 → Hom(C, N) → Hom(B, N) → Hom(A, N) is exact. [2 points] 13. Prove that a sequence A → B → C → 0 of R-modules is exact if and only if the square A B 0 C u v is a pushout. [2 points] 14. Find an example of a non-flat module. [2 points] 15. Find two modules M and N with finitely generated submodules M0 and N0 respectively, such that there is a non-zero tensor mi ⊗ni ∈ M0 ⊗N0 which is zero in M ⊗ N. [1 point] 16. Remember that a poset I is directed if every finite subposet I0 admits an upper bound in I. A diagram in a category is called directed if it is indexed by a directed poset. Give an explicit description of the colimit of a directed diagram. (Hint: if all the maps in a given directed diagram are inclusions, then the colimit is simply the union of all the involved modules.) [2 points] 17. Show that the operation of tensoring commutes with directed colimits, i.e. if A is a module and (Bi)i∈I is a directed diagram, then the natural map colimi∈I(A ⊗ Bi) → A ⊗ colimi∈I Bi is an isomorphism. [2 points] 2 18. A ring is called a PID (principal ideal domain) if every ideal is of the form I = (a), i.e. generated by a single element. Show that, if R is a PID, then a quotient of an injective R-module is injective. [1 point] 19. Show that every module admits both a projective and an injective resolu- tion. [2 points] 20. Show that the homology and the cohomology functors are additive, i.e. for two maps f, g : C → D between chain complexes, we have Hn(f + g) = Hn(f) + Hn(g) and similarly for cohomology. [2 points] 21. Show that, for a left (resp. right) exact functor F there is a natural isomorphism R0F ∼= F (resp. L0F ∼= F). [1 point] 22. If B is a Z-module and p is a natural number, compute the modules Extn (Z/p, B) for all n. (Hint: Z is a PID.) Also, compute all modules Torn (Z/p, B). [3 points] 23. Prove at least one between (a) and (b) and at least one between (c) and (d) among the following statements: (a) A is projective ⇔ ∀B Ext1 (A, B) = 0 ⇔ ∀B ∀n > 0 Extn (A, B) = 0; (b) B is injective ⇔ ∀A Ext1 (A, B) = 0 ⇔ ∀A ∀n > 0 Extn (A, B) = 0; (c) A is flat ⇔ ∀B Tor1 (A, B) = 0 ⇔ ∀B ∀n > 0 Torn (A, B) = 0; (d) B is flat ⇔ ∀A Tor1 (A, B) = 0 ⇔ ∀A ∀n > 0 Torn (A, B) = 0. [4 points] 24. Show that if U is an exact functor and F is right exact, then we have natural isomorphisms ULnF ∼= LnUF. [2 points] 25. Show that Torn (A, B) commutes with finite sums in both variables. [2 points] 3