--- title: "R Notebook" output: html_notebook --- Nejistoty a chyby měření ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(errors) xe <- set_errors(3.602, 0.008) options(errors.notation = "plus-minus") print(xe, digits = 2) options(errors.notation = "parenthesis") print(xe, digits = 2) # elementarni naboj e <- set_errors(1.6021766208e-19, 0.0000000098e-19) options(errors.notation = "plus-minus") print(e, digits = 2) options(errors.notation = "parenthesis") print(e, digits = 3) ``` Ze zásilky kaprolaktamu bylo odebráno 10 vzorku a byl u nich stanoven bod tání. Vypočítejte průměrnou hodnotu bodu tání v zásilce a její směrodatnou odchylku. ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} xc = c(68.5, 68.7, 68.3, 68.8, 68.5, 68.2, 68.6, 68.4, 68.2, 68.7) mean(xc) sd(xc) # sd sd(xc)/sqrt(length(xc)) # str chyba prumeru e <- set_errors(mean(xc), sd(xc)/sqrt(length(xc))) options(errors.notation = "plus-minus"); print(e, digits = 2) ``` Šíření chyb ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(propagate) # z prumeru a nejistoty, bez uvedení poctu stupnu volnosti, resp. poctu opakovani x <- c(5, 0.01) y <- c(1, 0.01) EXPR1 <- expression(x/y) DF1 <- cbind(x, y) RES1 <- propagate(expr = EXPR1, data = DF1, type = "stat", do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, nsim = 100000) RES1 RES1$data RES1$prop RES1$sim summary(RES1) plot(RES1) EXPR <- expression(a^b*x) a = c(5, 0.1) b = c(10, 0.1) x = c(1, 0.1) DAT <- cbind(a, b, x) (res <- propagate(EXPR, DAT)) res$data res$prop res$sim summary(res) plot(res) # z prumeru a nejistoty, s uvedením poctu stupnu volnosti EXPR2 <- expression(x/y) x <- c(5, 0.01, 12) y <- c(1, 0.01, 5) DF2 <- cbind(x, y) RES2 <- propagate(expr = EXPR2, data = DF2, type = "stat", do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, nsim = 100000) RES2 RES2$data RES2$prop RES2$sim summary(RES2) plot(RES2) # Výpocet pomocí intervalu EXPR3 <- expression(C * sqrt((520 * H * P)/(M *(t + 460)))) H <- c(64, 65) M <- c(16, 16.2) P <- c(361, 365) t <- c(165, 170) C <- c(38.4, 38.5) DAT3 <- makeDat(EXPR3) interval(DAT3, EXPR3, seq = 2) EXPR5 <- expression(x^2 - x + 1) x <- c(-2, 1) curve(x^2 - x + 1, -2, 1) DAT5 <- makeDat(EXPR5) interval(DAT5, EXPR5, seq = 2) library(metRology) data(GUM.H.1) GUM.H.1 ## a simple uncertainty analysis for the product of two quantities GUM(c("x1","x2"),c(2.3,1.1),c(0.030,0.015),c(5,9999),"x1*x2") ## a simple uncertainty analysis for the product of two quantities GUM.validate(c("x1","x2"), c(2.3,1.1), c(0.030,0.015), c(5,9999), c("A","B"),c("Normal","Rectangular"),"x1*x2") expr <- expression(a+b*2+c*3+d/2) x <- list(a=1, b=3, c=2, d=11) u <- lapply(x, function(x) x/10) # nejistota 10 % u.expr<-uncert(expr, x, u, method="NUM") u.expr # function method f <- function(a,b,c,d) a+b*2+c*3+d/2 u.fun<-uncert(f, x, u, method="NUM") u.fun # formula method u.form<-uncert(~a+b*2+c*3+d/2, x, u, method="NUM") u.form # s korelaci u.cor<-diag(1,4) u.cor[3,4]<-u.cor[4,3]<-0.5 u.cor # num u.formc<-uncert(~a+b*2+c*3+d/2, x, u, method="NUM", cor=u.cor) u.formc # Monte Carlo u.formc.MC<-uncert(~a+b*2+c*3+d/2, x, u, method="MC", cor=u.cor, B=200) u.formc.MC expr <- expression(a/(b-c)) x <- list(a=1, b=3, c=2) u <- lapply(x, function(x) x/20) set.seed(403) u.invexpr<-uncertMC(expr, x, u, distrib=rep("norm", 3), B=999, keep.x=TRUE ) u.invexpr ``` Vypočítejte hustotu a její chybu pro látku, u níž byla opakovaným měřením stanovena hmotnost 6.824 (0.008) g a objem 3.03 (0.01) ml. ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(propagate) EXPR2 <- expression(m/V) m = c(6.824, 0.008) #[g] V = c(3.03, 0.01) #[ml] DF2 <- cbind(m, V) RES2 <- propagate(expr = EXPR2, data = DF2, type = "stat", do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, nsim = 100000) RES2 RES2$data RES2$prop RES2$sim library(errors) e <- set_errors(RES2$sim[1], RES2$sim[2]) options(errors.notation = "plus-minus"); print(e, digits = 1) options(errors.notation = "parenthesis"); print(e, digits = 1) ``` Na píst o průměru 200 (0.05) mm působí pára tlakem 8.2 (0.1) atm. Jakou silou působí pára na píst? ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(propagate) library(measurements) d = c(200, 0.05) # [mm] na [m] d = as.vector(conv_unit(c(200, 0.05), from="mm", to="m")) p = c(8.2, 0.1) # [atm] na [Pa] p = as.vector(conv_unit(c(8.2, 0.1), from="atm", to="Pa")) pi EXPR7 <- expression(p*3.141593*(d/2)^2) DF7 <- cbind(d, p) RES7 <- propagate(expr = EXPR7, data = DF7, type = "stat", do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, nsim = 100000) RES7 RES7$data RES7$prop RES7$sim library(errors) e <- set_errors(RES7$sim[1], RES7$sim[2]) options(errors.notation = "plus-minus"); print(e, digits = 1) options(errors.notation = "parenthesis"); print(e, digits = 1) ``` Vypočítejte koeficient viskozity roztoku glycerinu Stokesovou metodou ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(propagate) r = c(0.0112, 0.0001) # polomer kulicky [cm] l = c(31.23, 0.05) # draha kulicky za cas t [cm] t = c(62.1, 0.2) # cas [s] g = c(980.1,0) # tihove zrychleni [cm/s2] z tabulek d0 = c(13.55,0) # hustota kulicky [g/cm3] z tabulek d = c(1.28,0) # hustota roztoku [g/cm3] z tabulek EXPR3 <- expression((2/9)*g*(((d0-d)*r^2)/l)*t) DF3 <- cbind(r, l, t, g, d0, d) RES3 <- propagate(expr = EXPR3, data = DF3, type = "stat", do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, nsim = 100000) RES3 RES3$data RES3$prop RES3$sim EXPR4 <- expression((2/9)*980.1*(((13.55-1.28)*r^2)/l)*t) DF4 <- cbind(r, l, t) RES4 <- propagate(expr = EXPR4, data = DF4, type = "stat", do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, nsim = 100000) RES4$data RES4$prop RES4$sim library(errors) e <- set_errors(RES4$sim[1], RES4$sim[2]) options(errors.notation = "plus-minus"); print(e, digits = 1) options(errors.notation = "parenthesis"); print(e, digits = 1) ``` Vypočítejte koeficient viskozity roztoku glycerinu pomocí kapilárního viskozimetru. ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(propagate) library(measurements) p = c(20.12, 0.01) # tlak na vytoku z kapilary [mm Hg] to [Pa] p = as.vector(conv_unit(c(20.12, 0.01), from="mmHg", to="Pa")) r = c(0.570, 0.003) # polomer kapilary [mm] to [m] r = conv_unit(c(0.570, 0.003), from="mm", to="m") l = c(10.526, 0.005) # delka kapilary [mm] to [m] l = conv_unit(c(10.526, 0.005), from="mm", to="m") V = c(5.025, 0.001)# objem kapaliny vytekle za cas t [cm3] to [m3] V = conv_unit(c(5.025, 0.001), from="cm3", to="m3") t = c(27.34, 0.02) # cas [s] pi EXPR5 <- expression((3.141593*p*(r^4)*t)/(8*V*l)) DF5 <- cbind(p, r, l, V, t) RES5 <- propagate(expr = EXPR5, data = DF5, type = "stat", do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, nsim = 100000) RES5 # [kg / m.s] RES5$data RES5$prop RES5$sim # conv_multiunit(x = RES5$sim[1:2], from="kg / m", to="g / cm") library(errors) e <- set_errors(RES5$sim[1], RES5$sim[2]) options(errors.notation = "plus-minus"); print(e, digits = 1) options(errors.notation = "parenthesis"); print(e, digits = 1) ``` Součin rozpustnosti stříbrné soli AgX má hodnotu Ks = 4.0 (0.4) x 10^-8. Jaká je chyba vypočtené rovnovážné koncentrace stříbrných iontů ve vode? ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(propagate) EXPR <- expression(x^0.5) x = c(4.0, 0.4) DAT <- data.frame(x) res <- propagate(EXPR,DAT) # NEFUNGUJE pro jednu promennou. library(metRology) GUM("Ks",4.0e-8,0.4e-8,1,"sqrt(Ks)",sig.digits.U = 2) expr <- expression(a^0.5) x <- list(a=4.0e-8) u <- lapply(x, function(x) x/10) # nejistota 10 % u.expr<-uncert(expr, x, u, method="NUM") u.expr # function method f <- function(a) a^0.5 u.fun<-uncert(f, x, u, method="NUM") u.fun # formula method u.form<-uncert(~a^0.5, x, u, method="NUM") u.form ``` Nejistoty a korelace ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(errors) x = c(0.9719378, 1.9840006, 2.9961830, 4.0123346, 5.0012799) errors(x) = c(0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01) y = c(0.9748992, 1.9627805, 2.9935831, 3.9921237, 4.9612555) errors(y) = c(0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02) # bez korelace correl(x, y) = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0) z <- x / y; z # s korelací correl(x, y) = c(0.8864282, 0.9761841, 0.9140209, 0.9496266, 0.9911837) z_correlp <- x / y; z_correlp correl(x, y) = c(-0.8864282, -0.9761841, -0.9140209, -0.9496266, -0.9911837) z_correln <- x / y; z_correln ``` Import dat ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} # Import Dataset v RStudio # clipboard cyclamate<- read.delim("clipboard", header=T) # txt, ascii cyclamate1<- read.table("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\cyclamate.txt", header=T) cyclamate2<- read.delim("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\cyclamate.txt", header=T) ## csv data1 <- read.csv("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\Chemical Composion of Ceramic.csv", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) library(data.table) data2 <- fread("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\Chemical Composion of Ceramic.csv") data3 <- read.csv("https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00583/Chemical Composion of Ceramic.csv") library(readr) ## Excel library(openxlsx) getSheetNames("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\zarodky.xlsx") zarodky1 <- read.xlsx("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\zarodky.xlsx", sheet = "zarodky", startRow = 1, colNames = TRUE, rowNames = FALSE,detectDates = FALSE, skipEmptyRows = TRUE,rows = NULL, cols = NULL,check.names = FALSE) head(zarodky1) library(readxl) zarodky2 <- read_excel("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\zarodky.xlsx", sheet = "zarodky") head(zarodky2) path = "c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\" file.names <- dir(path, pattern =".txt"); file.names RD <- function(X){M <- read.delim(paste("c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\",X,sep="")) return(M)} listt = lapply(file.names,RD) listt[[1]] listt[[2]] listt[[4]] listt[[3]] ``` Export dat ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} # txt, ascii write.table(listt[[3]], file="c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\slinutypr2.txt", sep='\t') # csv write.csv(listt[[3]], "c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\slinutypr.csv", row.names=FALSE) library(readr) write_csv(listt[[4]], "c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\zarodky.csv") library(data.table) fwrite(listt[[2]], "c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\pneu.csv") # Excel library(openxlsx) write.xlsx(listt[[1]], "c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\cyklamaty1.xlsx", asTable = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE) library(writexl) write_xlsx(listt[[1]], "c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\cyklamaty2.xlsx") ``` Čísla dle Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(erah) findComp(name = "caffeine", id.database = mslib, CAS = NULL,chem.form = NULL) findComp(name = "proline", id.database = mslib, CAS = NULL,chem.form = NULL) findComp(name = NULL, id.database = mslib, CAS = "58-08-2",chem.form = NULL) findComp(name = NULL, id.database = mslib, CAS = "50-78-2",chem.form = NULL) library(httk) chem.physical_and_invitro.data CAS.checksum(CAS.string="50-78-2") # Aspirin CAS.checksum(CAS.string="58-08-2") # Caffeine ``` BCPC Compendium of Pesticide Common Names https://pesticidecompendium.bcpc.org formerly known as Alan Woods Compendium of Pesticide Common Names http://www.alanwood.net/pesticides ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(webchem) # use names bcpc_query("DEET", type = 'commonname', verbose = TRUE) bcpc_query("Fluazinam", type = 'commonname', verbose = TRUE)$fluazinam$formula[1] bcpc_query('Parathion', from ='name') out = bcpc_query(c('Fluazinam','Diclofop'), from ='name') out # use CAS-numbers bcpc_query("79622-59-6", from ='cas') bcpc_query("51-03-6", from = 'cas', verbose = TRUE) # from = c("name", "cas") ``` ChemicalIdentifierResolver(CIR) http://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/ ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(webchem) cir_query("piperonyl butoxide", representation = "smiles", resolver = NULL, first = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) cir_query("51-03-6", representation = "smiles", resolver = NULL, first = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) # SMILES cir_query('Imidacloprid', representation = 'smiles') cir_query('Aspirin', 'smiles') cir_query('Triclosan', 'smiles') cir_query("3380-34-5", 'smiles') # CAS cir_query('Imidacloprid', representation = 'cas') cir_query('DEET', 'cas', first = TRUE) cir_query('Triclosan', 'cas') cir_query("3380-34-5", 'cas', first = TRUE) cir_query("3380-34-5", 'cas', resolver = 'cas_number') # InChIKey cir_query('Imidacloprid', representation = 'stdinchikey') # Molecular weight cir_query('Imidacloprid', representation = 'mw') # number of rings cir_query('Imidacloprid', representation = 'ring_count') # formula cir_query("3380-34-5", 'formula') # name cir_query("3380-34-5", 'names') cir_query("3380-34-5", 'pubchem_sid') cir_query("3380-34-5", 'chemnavigator_sid') name = 'Triclosan' cir_query(name, 'mw') cir_query(name, 'formula') cir_query(name, 'monoisotopic_mass') cir_query(name, 'heteroatom_count') cir_query(name, 'hydrogen_atom_count') comp <- c('Triclosan', 'Aspirin') cir_query(comp, 'cas') cir_query(comp, 'cas', first = TRUE) cir_query(comp, 'smiles') cir_query(comp, 'mw') cir_img("CCO", dir = "c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\") # SMILES query = c("Glyphosate", "Isoproturon", "BSYNRYMUTXBXSQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N") cir_img(query, dir = "c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\", bgcolor = "transparent", antialising = 0) query = "Triclosan" cir_img(query,dir = "c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\",format = "png",width = 600,height = 600,linewidth = 2,symbolfontsize = 30,bgcolor = "white",antialiasing = FALSE,atomcolor = "black",bondcolor = "black",csymbol = "all",hsymbol = "all",hcolor = "black",header = "",footer = "",frame = 1,verbose = getOption("verbose")) ``` ChemicalIdentifierResolver(CIR) https://cactus.nci.nih.gov/chemical/structure ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(MSbox) describe('Triclosan', "formula", info = TRUE) describe('malic acid', "formula", info = TRUE) describe('malic acid', "mw", info = FALSE) describe('malic acid', "hydrogen_atom_count", info = FALSE) describe('malic acid', "heteroatom_count", info = FALSE) describe(c('malic acid', 'citric acid', 'tartaric acid'), "smiles") describe('glyphosate', "formula", info = FALSE) describe('glyphosate', "mw", info = FALSE) describe('glyphosate', "smiles", info = FALSE) describe('glyphosate', "stdinchikey", info = FALSE) ``` Chemical Translation Service (CTS) http://cts.fiehnlab.ucdavis.edu/ ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(webchem) out <- cts_compinfo("XEFQLINVKFYRCS-UHFFFAOYSA-N", verbose = TRUE) str(out) out[[1]][1:5] inchikeys <- c("XEFQLINVKFYRCS-UHFFFAOYSA-N","BSYNRYMUTXBXSQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N" ) out2 <- cts_compinfo(inchikeys) str(out2) sapply(out2, function(y) c(y$formula,y$molweight)) cts_convert('XEFQLINVKFYRCS-UHFFFAOYSA-N', 'inchikey', 'Chemical Name') # 'Chemical Name','InChIKey','PubChem CID', 'ChemSpider', 'CAS' comp <- c('XEFQLINVKFYRCS-UHFFFAOYSA-N', 'BSYNRYMUTXBXSQ-UHFFFAOYSA-N') cts_convert(comp, 'inchikey', 'CAS') # cts_convert(query, from, to, first = FALSE, verbose = TRUE) ``` PubChem https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ CompoundID (CID) for a search query using PUG-REST https://pubchem.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/ ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} # get_cid(query, from = "name", first = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, arg = NULL) comp <- c('Triclosan', 'Aspirin') get_cid(comp) # from = 'name'(default),'cid','sid','aid','smiles', 'inchi', 'inchikey' pc_prop(5564, properties = NULL, verbose = TRUE) pc_synonyms('Aspirin') pc_synonyms(c('Aspirin', 'Triclosan')) pc_synonyms(5564, from = 'cid') # from = 'name'(default),'cid','sid','aid','smiles', 'inchi', 'inchikey' ``` ETOX: Information System Ecotoxicology and Environmental Quality Targets https:// webetox.uba.de/webETOX/index.do ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} comps <- c('Triclosan','Glyphosate', 'DEET') get_etoxid(comps, match = 'all') ids <- c("20179", "9051", "2001") etox_basic(ids) comp <- c('Triclosan', 'Aspirin') # nefunguje etox_basic(comp) id <- get_etoxid("fluazinam", match = 'best') etox_tests(id) etox_basic("98976") ``` Wikidata Item ID ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} get_wdid('Triclosan', language = 'de') get_wdid('DDT') get_wdid('DDT', match = 'all') # match = c("best", "first", "all", "ask", "na") comps <- c('Triclosan', 'Glyphosate') get_wdid(comps) id <- c("Q408646") wd_ident(id, verbose = TRUE) # 'smiles', 'cas', 'cid', 'einecs', 'csid', 'inchi', 'inchikey', 'drugbank', 'zvg', 'chebi', 'chembl', 'unii' and source_url ``` Flavor percepts http://www.flavornet.org ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} fn_percept("123-32-0", verbose = TRUE) CASs <- c("75-07-0", "64-17-5", "109-66-0", "78-94-4", "78-93-3") fn_percept(CASs, verbose = TRUE) ``` ChemIDPlus http://chem.sis.nlm.nih.gov/chemidplus http://cts.fiehnlab.ucdavis.edu/ ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(webchem) ci_query('WSFSSNUMVMOOMR-UHFFFAOYSA-N', from ='inchikey') y2 <- ci_query('WSFSSNUMVMOOMR-UHFFFAOYSA-N', from ='inchikey') y2[[1]]$name y2 <- ci_query('50-00-0', from ='rn') y2[[1]]$name comps <- c("50-00-0", "64-17-5") ci_query(comps, from = "rn") y2 <- ci_query('50-00-0', from = 'rn') y2[['50-00-0']]$inchikey y2[['50-00-0']]$name y2[['50-00-0']]$physprop y2[['50-00-0']]$smiles y2[['50-00-0']]$cas y2[['50-00-0']]$synonyms y2[['50-00-0']]$toxicity y1 <- ci_query('50-00-0', from ='rn') y1[['50-00-0']]$name # extract log-P sapply(y1, function(y){if (length(y) == 1 && is.na(y)) return(NA) y$physprop$Value[y$physprop$`Physical Property`=='log P (octanol-water)']}) ``` Query the OPSIN (Open Parser for Systematic IUPAC nomenclature) web service http://opsin.ch.cam.ac.uk/instructions.html ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(webchem) opsin_query('Cyclopropane', verbose = TRUE) opsin_query(c('Cyclopropane', 'Octane'), verbose = TRUE) ``` Acute toxicity data from U.S. EPA ECOTOX ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(webchem) lc50 lc50[,1] tnm = "67485-29-4" nam = cir_query(tnm, 'names', first = FALSE) lc50[which(lc50[,1]==tnm),2] ``` ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(PesticideLoadIndicator) products.path() products = products.load() check_products_column_names(products) substances = substances.load() compute_pesticide_load_indicator(substances, products) # Organic plant protection products in the river Jagst (Germany) in 2013 library(webchem) jagst unique(jagst[,"substance"]) library(ChemmineR) pubchemSmilesSearch(smile) library(CHNOSZ) iCH <- info("SO2") info(iCH) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} # library(rJava) library(rcdk) formula <- get.formula('NH4', charge = 1) formula formula@mass formula@charge formula@isotopes formula@string anle138b = parse.smiles("C1OC2=C(O1)C=C(C=C2)C3=CC(=NN3)C4=CC(=CC=C4)Br")[[1]] anle138b = parse.smiles("c1ccccc1CC(=O)C(N)CC1CCCCOC1")[[1]] get.depictor(width = 500, height = 500, zoom = 1.3, style = "cow", annotate = "off", abbr = "on", suppressh = TRUE, showTitle = FALSE, smaLimit = 100, sma = NULL) rcdkplot = function(molecule){ par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) # set margins to zero since this isn't a real plot temp1 = view.image.2d(molecule, depictor = NULL) # get Java representation into an image matrix. set number of pixels you want horiz and vertical plot(NA,NA,xlim=c(1,10),ylim=c(1,10),xaxt='n',yaxt='n',xlab='',ylab='') # create an empty plot rasterImage(temp1,1,1,10,10) # boundaries of raster: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax. here i set them equal to plot boundaries } rcdkplot(anle138b) todepict <- function(mol,pathsd){# raalizadeh, https://github.com/CDK-R/cdkr/issues/61 result = tryCatch({ factory <- .jnew("org.openscience.cdk.depict.DepictionGenerator")$withAtomColors() factory$withSize(1000,1000)#$getStyle("cow") temp1 <- paste0(pathsd) result<-factory$depict(mol)$writeTo(temp1) }, warning = function(w) { result=NULL }, error = function(e) { result=NULL }) return(result) } library(MSbox) smile <- as.character(describe('camptothecin', "smiles", info = FALSE) ) mol<-parse.smiles(smile)[[1]] todepict(mol,'c:\\Users\\lubop\\Dropbox\\kursR\\camptothecin.png') ``` ```{r} as.character(3.14) as.character(pi) data <- c(-11, 21, 1.5, -31) as.character(data) ## number of strings length("BaCrO4") length("How many characters?") length(c("How", "many", "characters?")) ## number of charaters nchar("BaCrO4") nchar("How many characters?") nchar(c("How", "many", "characters?")) library(stringr) str_length("BaCrO4") str_length("How many characters?") str_length(c("How", "many", "characters?")) some_text = c("one", "two", "three", NA, "five") str_length(some_text) nchar(some_text) some_factor = factor(c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2), labels = c("good", "bad")) some_factor str_length(some_factor) nchar(some_factor) # Usporadani set11 = c("today", "produced", "example", "beautiful", "a", "nicely") # sort (decreasing order) sort(set11) # sort (increasing order) sort(set11, decreasing = TRUE) library(stringi) stri_reverse("dna") stri_reverse(set11) ### Spojovani retezcu toString(17.04) toString(c(17.04, 1978)) toString(c("Bonjour", 123, TRUE, NA, log(exp(1)))) ## paste paste("This is", "out of", "examples.") paste0("This is", "out of", "examples.") paste0("This is", " out of", " examples.") a <- "acetic" b <- "acid" c <- "anhydride" d1 <- paste(a, b, c); d1 d2 <- paste(a, b, c, sep = "-"); d2 paste("I", "love", "R", sep = "-") str <- paste(c(1:3), "4", sep = ":") print (str) str <- paste(c(1:4), c(5:8), sep = "--") print (str) paste("X", 1:5, sep = ".") paste(1:3, c("!", "?", "+")) paste(1:3, c("!", "?", "+"), sep = "") paste0(1:3, c("!", "?", "+")) paste(1:3, c("!", "?", "+"), sep = "", collapse = "") paste0(1:3, c("!", "?", "+"), collapse = "") paste("The value of pi is", round(pi,3), "and value of e is", round(exp(1),3),".") df <- data.frame(cation=c('sodium','mercury','iron','calcium'), anion=c('acetate','sulphate','dioxide','oxalate'), purity=c(0.99, 0.9, 0.999, 0.985)) df df$name = paste(df$cation, df$anion) df library(stringr) str_c("May", "The", "Force", "Be", "With", "You") library(stringr) str_c("May", "The", "Force", NULL, "Be", "With", "You", character(0)) paste("May", "The", "Force", NULL, "Be", "With", "You", character(0)) str_c("May", "The", "Force", "Be", "With", "You", sep = "_") # str_join("May", "The", "Force", "Be", "With", "You", sep = "-") # analogicka fce k predchozi ## cat - pouze vypisuje retezec cat("learn", "code", "tech", sep = ":") str <- cat("learn", "code", "tech", sep = ":") # nelze ulozit do promenne print (str) my_string = c("learn", "code", "tech") cat(my_string, "with R") cat(my_string, "with R", sep = " =) ") cat(1:10, sep = "-") cat(month.name[1:4], sep = " ") cat(c(1:5), file ='sample.txt') cat(my_string, "with R", file = "output.txt") cat(11:20, sep = '\n', file = 'temp.csv') readLines('temp.csv') # read the file temp.csv cat("The value of pi is", round(pi,3), "and value of e is", round(exp(1),3),".") ## print - vypisuje vsechny formaty print(df) df my_value <- 8235.675324 my_value print(my_value) print(my_value, digits = 5) print(c("learn", "code", "tech")) paste(c("learn", "code", "tech")) paste(c("learn", "code", "tech"), collapse=" ") cat(c("learn", "code", "tech")) my_string <- "This is \nthe example string" print(my_string) cat(my_string) ### library(stringr) str_dup("hola", 3) str_dup("adios", 1:3) words = c("lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet") str_dup(words, 2) str_dup(words, 1:5) #### format(c("A", "BB", "CCC"), width = 5, justify = "centre") format(c("A", "BB", "CCC"), width = 5, justify = "left") format(c("A", "BB", "CCC"), width = 5, justify = "right") format(c("A", "BB", "CCC"), width = 5, justify = "none") library(stringr) str_pad("hola", width = 7) str_pad("adios", width = 7, side = "both") str_pad("hashtag", width = 8, pad = "#") str_pad("hashtag", width = 9, side = "both", pad = "-") ##### editace ciselnych retezcu ## sprintf # '%f' indicates 'fixed point' decimal notation sprintf("%f", pi) sprintf("%f", 123.45) sprintf("%f", 123.456789) # decimal notation with 3 decimal digits sprintf("%.3f", pi) sprintf("%.3f", 123.456789) # 1 integer and 0 decimal digits sprintf("%1.0f", pi) sprintf("%1.0f", 123.456789) # decimal notation with 3 decimal digits sprintf("%5.1f", pi) sprintf("%05.1f", pi) sprintf("%6.1f", 123.456789) sprintf("%06.1f", 123.456789) # print with sign (positive) sprintf("%+f", pi) sprintf("%+f", 123.456789) # prefix a space sprintf("% f", pi) sprintf("% f", 123.456789) # left adjustment sprintf("%-10f", pi) sprintf("%-10f", 123.456) # exponential decimal notation 'e' sprintf("%e", pi) sprintf("%e", 123.456789) # exponential decimal notation 'E' sprintf("%E", pi) sprintf("%E", 123.456789) # number of significant digits (6 by default) sprintf("%g", pi) sprintf("%g", 123.456789) ## format format(pi) format(123.45) format(123.456789) format(123.45, nsmall = 5) format(12.3456789, nsmall=2) format(12.3456789, nsmall=7) format(12.3, nsmall=3) format(12.3456789, digits=2) format(12.3456789, digits=5) format(c(6, 13.1), digits = 2) format(12.3456789, digits=5, nsmall = 6) format(c(6, 13.1), digits = 2, nsmall = 2) format(1/1:5, digits = 2) format(format(1/1:5, digits = 2), width = 6, justify = "centre") format(12345678, big.mark = ",") # oddeleni tisicu format(1230, big.mark = ",") ## uvozovky ve vypisu retezce my_string = "programming with data is fun" print(my_string) print(my_string, quote = FALSE) noquote(my_string) no_quotes = noquote(c("some", "quoted", "text", "!%^(&=")) no_quotes no_quotes[2:3] noquote(paste("I", "love", "R", sep = "-")) noquote(cat("The value of pi is", round(pi,3), "and value of e is", round(exp(1),3),".") ) dQuote(my_string) sQuote(my_string) x <- "2020-05-29 19:18:05" dQuote(x) sQuote(x) ######## substr(month.name, 1, 3) substring(month.name, 1, 3) strtrim(month.name, 3) rs <- ("This is First R String Example") strsplit(rs, split = " ") rs <- ("This&is&First&R&String&Example") strsplit(rs, split = "&") a <- "Alabama-Alaska-Arizona-Arkansas-California" strsplit(a, split = "-") str = "Splitting sentence into words" strsplit(str, " ") unlist(strsplit(str, " ")) rs <- ("C21H22N2O2") # strychnin strsplit(rs, split = "[0-9]+")[[1]] strsplit(rs, split = "[A-Z]+")[[1]][-1] strsplit(rs, "\\D+")[[1]][-1] regmatches(rs, gregexpr("[[:digit:]]+", rs)) library(stringr) str_extract_all(rs,"[0-9]+")[[1]] library(strex) str_extract_numbers(rs,decimals = FALSE) rs <- ("C21H22N2O2") strsplit(rs, split = "") string_date<-c("2-07-2020","5-07-2020","6-07-2020", "7-07-2020","8-07-2020") ssp = strsplit(string_date,split = "-"); ssp # extract 'bcd' substr("abcdef", start=2, stop=4) substring("ABCDEF", 2, 4) # extract each letter substring("ABCDEF", 1:6, 1:6) library(stringr) lorem = "Lorem Ipsum" substring(lorem, first = 1, last = 5) str_sub(lorem, start = 1, end = 5) str_sub("adios", 1:3) resto = c("brasserie", "bistrot", "creperie", "bouchon") substring(resto, first = -4, last = -1) str_sub(resto, start = -4, end = -1) str_sub(lorem, seq_len(nchar(lorem))) substring(lorem, seq_len(nchar(lorem))) str_sub(lorem,-2) ### orezani mezer na koncich retezce trimws(" This has trailing spaces. ") bad_text = c("This", " example ", "has several ", " whitespaces ") trimws(bad_text) library(stringr) str_trim(bad_text, side = "left") str_trim(bad_text, side = "right") str_trim(bad_text, side = "both") ## replace chartr(old = "All", new = "aLL", "All ChaRacterS in Upper Case") chartr("a", "A", "This is a boring string") chartr("a", "0", "This is a bad example") crazy = c("Here's to the crazy ones", "The misfits", "The rebels") chartr("aei", "#!?", crazy) x = c("may", "the", "force", "be", "with", "you") substr(x, 2, 2) <- "#" x y = c("may", "the", "force", "be", "with", "you") substr(y, 2, 3) <- ":)" y z = c("may", "the", "force", "be", "with", "you") substr(z, 2, 3) <- c("#", "@") z text = c("more", "emotions", "are", "better", "than", "less") substring(text, 1:3) <- c(" ", "zzz") text library(stringr) lorem = "Lorem Ipsum" str_sub(lorem, -1) <- "Nullam" lorem lorem = "Lorem Ipsum" str_sub(lorem, 1, 5) <- "Nullam" lorem lorem = "Lorem Ipsum" str_sub(lorem, c(1, 7), c(5, 8)) <- c("Nullam", "Enim") lorem ## to lower case tolower("BaCrO4") tolower(c("aLL ChaRacterS in LoweR caSe", "ABCDE")) casefold("aLL ChaRacterS in LoweR caSe") ## to upper case toupper("BaCrO4") toupper(c("All ChaRacterS in Upper Case", "abcde")) casefold("All ChaRacterS in Upper Case", upper = TRUE) ### filtrovani startsWith(month.name, "J") endsWith(month.name, "ember") myStrings <- paste(1:3, month.name, sep = ". ") myStrings # Is a pattern present (returns a logical vector)? grepl("ember", myStrings) # In which elements is a pattern present (returns indices)? grep("ember", myStrings) # In which elements is a pattern present (returns the values)? grep("ember", myStrings, value = TRUE) x1<-c("R is a programming language and programming software environment", "R is freely available under the GNU General Public License", "This programming language was named R") grep("programming",x1,fixed=TRUE) # Srovnani 2 retezcu message1 <- "Pro" message2 <- "Pro" message3 <- "pRO" message1 == message2 message1 == message3 # Hledani retezce v jinem retezci str <- "Hello World!" grepl("H", str) grepl("Hello", str) grepl("X", str) grepl(message1, message2) grepl(message1, message3) identical(message1, message2) identical(message1, message3) identical(tolower(message1), tolower(message3)) message1[message1 %in% message2] message1[message1 %in% message3] message1[tolower(message1) %in% tolower(message3)] vector1 <- c("hey", "hello", "greetings") vector2 <- c("hey", "hello", "hi") vector1[vector1 %in% vector2] ### library(stringr) change = c("Be the change", "you want to be") # extract first word word(change, 1) # extract second word word(change, 2) # extract last word word(change, -1) # extract all but the first words word(change, 2, -1) word(change,start=1,end=2,sep=fixed(" ")) data <- c('Ab_Cd-001234.txt','Ab_Cd-001234.txt') gsub('.*-([0-9]+).*','\\1','Ab_Cd-001234.txt') x <- c('Ab_Cd-001234.txt','Ab_Cd-001234.txt') sub('.*-([0-9]+).*','\\1',x) library(stringr) regexp <- "[[:digit:]]+" str_extract(data, regexp) library(qdap) genXtract("Ab_Cd-001234.txt", "-", ".txt") x <- c('Ab_Cd-001234.txt','Ab_Cd-001234.txt') genXtract(x, "-", ".txt") library(tools) sub(".*-", "", file_path_sans_ext(x)) library(gsubfn) strapplyc(x, "-(\\d+)\\.", simplify = TRUE) strapply(x, "-(\\d+)\\.", as.numeric, simplify = TRUE) x <- c("a very nice character string") library(stringr) str_replace(x, "c", "xxx") str_replace_all(x, "c", "xxx") x <- "aaabbb" sub("a", "c", x) gsub("a", "c", x) sub("a|b", "c", x) gsub("a|b", "c", x) x <- c("d", "a", "c", "abba") grep("a", x) grepl("a", x) grep("a|c", x) grepl("a|c", x) regexpr("a", x) gregexpr("a", x) regexec("a", x) x <- "example_xxx_string" library(stringr) str_sub(string = x, start = 8, end = 12) str_sub(string = x, start = 8, end = 12) <- " character " # Replace substring x x <- "xxxxyxxyxaaaaaay" x sub("y", "NEW", x) gsub("y", "NEW", x) library(stringr) str_replace(x, "y", "NEW") str_replace_all(x, "y", "NEW") ``` Kvadraticke a kubicke rovnice Velikost výslednice dvou navzajem kolmých sil je 34 N. Jaká je velikost skládaných sil, je-li jedna z nich o 14 N větší než druha? ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} # Pythagorova veta: x^2 + (x + 14)^2 = 34^2 library(Ryacas) eq <- "x^2 + (x + 14)^2 - 34^2" yac_str(paste0("Simplify(", eq, ")")) # zjednodusení výrazu # diskriminant dc = c(1,14,-480) D = dc[2]^2 - 4*dc[1]*dc[3] if (D == 0) {cat("Kvadraticka rovnice ma dva sobe rovne realne koreny (dvojnasobny koren).")} if (D > 0) {cat("Kvadraticka rovnice ma dva ruzne realne koreny.")} if (D < 0) {cat("Kvadraticka rovnice nema zadny koren v oboru realnych cisel. V oboru komplexnich cisel ma dva imaginarni komplexne sdruzene koreny.")} # Descartes rule sum(diff(sign(dc)) != 0) cat("Pocet kladnych korenu:", sum(diff(sign(dc)) != 0)) # pocet kladnych korenu library(sfsmisc) nr.sign.chg(dc) cat("Pocet kladnych korenu:", nr.sign.chg(dc)) # pocet kladnych korenu fun <- function (x) {x^2 + (x + 14)^2 - 34^2} uniroot(fun, c(-1, 0),extendInt = "yes", tol = 1e-9) # base uniroot(fun, c(0, 1),extendInt = "yes", tol = 1e-9) # uniroot(fun, c(-1, 1),extendInt = "yes", tol = 1e-9) F1 <- uniroot(fun, c(0, 100),extendInt = "yes", tol = 1e-9) F1$root fun <- function(x){x^2 + 14*x - 480} uniroot(fun, c(-1, 0),extendInt = "yes", tol = 1e-9) # base uniroot(fun, c(0, 1),extendInt = "yes", tol = 1e-9) F1 <- uniroot(fun, c(0, 100),extendInt = "yes", tol = 1e-9) F1$root rr = polyroot(c(-480, 14, 1)) # base Re(rr) library(pracma) rr = roots(c(1, 14, -480)) rr ## graficke reseni xx = seq(-50,50,1) yy = abs(xx^2 + (xx + 14)^2 - 34^2) plot(xx,yy,type="l") abline(h=0,col=2) xx[which(yy==0)] xx[yy==0] ## graficke reseni xx = seq(-50,50,1) yy = xx^2 zz = -14*xx + 480 plot(xx,yy,type="l") abline(480,-14,col=2) plot(xx,yy,type="l",xlim = c(10,20),ylim=c(0,500)) abline(480,-14,col=2) ``` Jake pH má roztok kyseliny mravenčí o koncentraci 8.5 x 10-4 mol/l? ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} pKA = 3.752 KA = 10^-pKA; KA Kw = 10^-14 cA = 8.5e-4 # [mol/l ] # H = sqrt(KA*cA) H <- sqrt(KA*cA) pH = -log10(H); pH # [H+]^2 + KA*[H+] + KA*cA = 0 CE = c(1,KA,-KA*cA) fun <- function (x) CE[1]*x^2 + CE[2]*x + CE[3] uniroot(fun, c(-1e-1, 0),tol = 1e-9) uniroot(fun, c(0, 1e-1),tol = 1e-9) H <- uniroot(fun, c(0, 1e-1),tol = 1e-9)$root # base pH = -log10(H); pH library(rootSolve) rootSolve::uniroot.all(fun, c(-1e-1, 0), tol = 1e-9) rootSolve::uniroot.all(fun, c(0, 1e-1), tol = 1e-9) H <- rootSolve::uniroot.all(fun, c(-1e-1, 1e-1), tol = 1e-9) pH = -log10(H); pH library(Rmpfr) Rmpfr::unirootR(fun, lower=-1e-1, upper=0, tol = 1e-9) Rmpfr::unirootR(fun, lower=0, upper=1e-1, tol = 1e-9) H <- Rmpfr::unirootR(fun, lower=0, upper=1e-1, tol = 1e-9)$root pH = -log10(H); pH # [H+]^3 + KA*[H+]^2 - [H+]*(KA*cA + Kw) - KA*Kw = 0 CE = c(1,KA,-(KA*cA + Kw),-KA*Kw) library(RConics) x0 = cubic(CE); x0 H = Re(x0[which(Im(x0)==0)]) H = Re(x0[which(Re(x0)>=0)]) pH = -log10(H); pH fun <- function (x) CE[1]*x^3 + CE[2]*x^2 + CE[3]*x + CE[4] uniroot(fun, c(-1e-1,0),tol = 1e-9) uniroot(fun, c(0, 1e-1),tol = 1e-9) H <- uniroot(fun, c(0, 1e-1),tol = 1e-9)$root # base pH = -log10(H); pH library(rootSolve) rootSolve::uniroot.all(fun, c(-1e-1, 0),tol = 1e-9) rootSolve::uniroot.all(fun, c(0,1e-1),tol = 1e-9) H <- rootSolve::uniroot.all(fun, c(-1e-1, 1e-1),tol = 1e-9) pH = -log10(H); pH library(Rmpfr) Rmpfr::unirootR(fun, lower=-1e-1, upper=0, tol = 1e-9) Rmpfr::unirootR(fun, lower=0, upper=1e-1, tol = 1e-9) H <- Rmpfr::unirootR(fun, lower=0, upper=1e-1, tol = 1e-9)$root pH = -log10(H); pH ``` Tlakova lahev s oxidem uhlicitym obsahuje 10.0 kg plynu. Jaký objem zaujíma stlaceny plyn, kdyz pri teplote 30 °C je tlak v lahvi 13.17e6 Pa? Vypocet provedte pomoci van der Waalsovy rovnice. ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} # (p + a/Vm^2)(Vm - b) = R*T # [Vm = 0.075 m3/kmol, n = 0.2273 kmol, V = 0.0171 m3] library(measurements) p = 13.17e6 # [Pa] m = conv_unit(10.0, from="kg", to="g") t = conv_unit(30, from="C", to="K") R = 8.3141 # [J / mol K] R = R*1000 # [J / kmol K] Mr = 44.01 # [g/mol] n = m/Mr # [mol] n = n/100 # [kmol] # vypocet pro idealni plyn # p*Vm - R*T = 0 Vm = R*t/p V = Vm*n; V # [m3] # vypocet pro realny plyn a = 0.365e6 # [m6 Pa / kmol2] b = 0.0428 # [m3 / kmol] # Vm**3 - (b + R*t/p)*Vm**2 + (a/p)*Vm - a*b/p # realne i komplexni koreny library(RConics) CE = c(1,-(b + R*t/p),a/p,-(a*b/p)) x0 = cubic(CE); x0 Vm = Re(x0[which(Im(x0)==0)]) # [m3 / kmol] Vm V = Vm*n; V # [m3] # jen realne koreny fun <- function (x) CE[1]*x^3 + CE[2]*x^2 + CE[3]*x + CE[4] #curve(fun(x),-4,4) #abline(h = 0, lty = 3) Vm <- uniroot(fun, c(-4, 4))$root # base V = Vm*n; V # [m3] library(rootSolve) Vm <- rootSolve::uniroot.all(fun, c(-4, 4)) V = Vm*n; V # [m3] library(Rmpfr) Vm <- Rmpfr::unirootR(fun, lower=-4, upper=4, tol = 1e-9)$root V = Vm*n; V # [m3] ## graficke reseni # CE = c(1,-(b + R*t/p),a/p,-(a*b/p)) xx <- seq(-4,4, by=0.01) yy <- CE[1]*xx^3 zz <- -CE[2]*xx^2 - CE[3]*xx - CE[4] plot(xx,yy,type="l", col=2) points(xx,zz,type="l", col=4) plot(xx, yy, type="l",col=2,xlim=c(0.05,0.1),ylim=c(0,0.001)) points(xx, zz, type="l",col=4) ``` ### soustavy linearnich rovnic ### Ze dvou slitin s 60% a 80% obsahem mědi se ma získat 40 kg slitiny se 75% obsahem mědi. Kolik kg každé slitiny je třeba použít? [10 a 30 kg] ```{r} library(rootSolve) model <- function(x){ F1 <- 0.6*x[1] + 0.8*x[2] - 30 F2 <- x[1] + x[2] - 40 c(F1 = F1, F2 = F2)} ss <- multiroot(f = model, start = c(1, 1)) ss$root ### graficke reseni # 0.6*m1 + 0.8*m2 = 40*0.75 => m1 = 40*0.75/0.6 - 0.8/0.6 * m2 => m1 = 50 - 1.33 * m2 # m1 + m2 = 40 => m1 = 40 - m2 xx = seq(0,50,0.1) yy = 50 - 1.33*xx zz = 40 - xx plot(xx, yy, type="l",col=2) points(xx, zz, type="l",col=4) plot(xx, yy, type="l",col=2,xlim=c(25,35),ylim=c(0,20)) points(xx, zz, type="l",col=4) ``` Do bazenu natece prutokem A za 3 h a prutokem B za 4 h celkem 2150 hl vody. Prutokem A za 4 h a prutokem B za 2 h by nateklo 1700 hl vody. Kolik hl vody natece prutokem A a kolik prutokem B za 1 hodinu? A 250 hl, B 350 hl ```{r} library(rootSolve) model <- function(x){ F1 <- 3*x[1] + 4*x[2] - 2150 F2 <- 4*x[1] + 2*x[2] - 1700 c(F1 = F1, F2 = F2)} ss <- multiroot(f = model, start = c(1, 1)) ss$root ### graficke reseni # 3*m1 + 4*m2 = 2150 => m2 = 2150/4 - 3/4 * m1 => m2 = 537.5 - 0.75 * m1 # 4*m1 + 2*m2 = 1700 => m2 = 1700/2 - 4/2 * m1 => m2 = 850 - 2 * m1 xx = seq(0,500,1) yy = 537.5 - 0.75*xx zz = 850 - 2*xx plot(xx, yy, type="l",col=2) points(xx, zz, type="l",col=4) plot(xx, yy, type="l",col=2,xlim=c(200,300),ylim=c(300,400)) points(xx, zz, type="l",col=4) ``` Ze dvou druhu caje v cene 160 Kc a 220 Kc za 1 kg je treba pripravit 20 kg smesi v cene 205 Kc za 1 kg. Kolik kg kazdeho caje je treba smichat? 5 kg levnejsiho a 15 kg drazsiho ```{r} library(rootSolve) ### opravit zadani model <- function(x){ F1 <- 160*x[1] + 220*x[2] - 4100 F2 <- x[1] + x[2] - 20 c(F1 = F1, F2 = F2)} ss <- multiroot(f = model, start = c(1, 1)) ss$root ### graficke reseni # 160*m1 + 220*m2 = 4100 => m1 = 4100/160 - 220/160 * m2 => m1 = 25.625 - 1.375 * m2 # m1 + m2 = 20 => m1 = 20 - m2 xx = seq(0,20,0.1) yy = 25.625 - 1.375*xx zz = 20 - xx plot(xx, yy, type="l",col=2) points(xx, zz, type="l",col=4) plot(xx, yy, type="l",col=2,xlim=c(10,20),ylim=c(0,10)) points(xx, zz, type="l",col=4) ``` Kolik g 60% a kolik g 30% roztoku NaCl je treba smichat pri priprave 100 g 40% roztoku? 20 g 60% a a 80 g 35% ```{r} library(rootSolve) model <- function(x){ F1 <- 0.6*x[1] + 0.3*x[2] - 40 F2 <- x[1] + x[2] - 100 c(F1 = F1, F2 = F2)} ss <- multiroot(f = model, start = c(1, 1)) ss$root ### graficke reseni # 0.6*m1 + 0.3*m2 = 100*0.4 => m1 = 40/0.6 - 0.3/0.6 * m2 => m1 = 66.67 - 0.5 * m2 # m1 + m2 = 100 => m1 = 100 - m2 xx = seq(0,100,0.1) yy = 66.67 - 0.5*xx zz = 100 - xx plot(xx, yy, type="l",col=2) points(xx, zz, type="l",col=4) plot(xx, yy, type="l",col=2,xlim=c(65,70),ylim=c(30,40)) points(xx, zz, type="l",col=4) ### matice B = c(0.40*100,100) # [mg] names(B) = c("60%","30%") r1 = c(0.60,1) # [mg] r2 = c(0.30,1) # [mg] A = cbind(r1,r2) colnames(A) = c("60%","30%") rownames(A) = c("r30","r3") det(A) # matice je regularni n = h library(matlib) c(R(A), R(cbind(A,B))) # show ranks all.equal(R(A), R(cbind(A,B))) # consistent? showEqn(A, B) matlib::Solve(A, B) limSolve::Solve(A, B) # library(limSolve) G <-matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE, data = c(1, 0, 0, 1)) H <- c(0, 0) ldei(A, B, G = G, H = H)$X # library(cmna) gdls(A, B, alpha = 0.05, tol = 1e-06, m = 1e+05) # least squares with graident descent jacobi(A, B, tol = 1e-06, maxiter = 100) # iterativematrix gaussseidel(A, B, tol = 1e-06, maxiter = 100) # iterativematrix solvematrix(A, B) # refmatrix ``` Ze dvou kovu o hustotach 7.4 g/cm3 a 8.2 g/cm3 je treba pripravit 0.5 kg slitiny o hustote 7.6 g/cm3. Kolik g kazdiho z kovu je k tomu potreba? 375 g lehciho a 125 g tezsiho ```{r} library(rootSolve) model <- function(x){ F1 <- 7.4*x[1] + 8.2*x[2] - 3800 F2 <- x[1] + x[2] - 500 c(F1 = F1, F2 = F2)} ss <- multiroot(f = model, start = c(1, 1)) ss$root # [kg] ### graficke reseni # 7.4*m1 + 8.2*m2 = 0.5*7.6 => m1 = 3800/7.4 - 8.2/7.4 * m2 => m1 = 513.5 - 1.108 * m2 # m1 + m2 = 500 => m1 = 500 - m2 xx = seq(0,500,1) yy = 513.5 - 1.108*xx zz = 500 - xx plot(xx, yy, type="l",col=2) points(xx, zz, type="l",col=4) plot(xx, yy, type="l",col=2,xlim=c(100,150),ylim=c(350,400)) points(xx, zz, type="l",col=4) ### matice B = c(7.6,1) # [mg] names(B) = c("kov1","kov2") r1 = c(7.4,1) # [mg] r2 = c(8.2,1) # [mg] A = cbind(r1,r2) colnames(A) = c("kov1","kov2") rownames(A) = c("7.4","8.2") det(A) # matice je regularni n = h library(matlib) c(R(A), R(cbind(A,B))) # show ranks all.equal(R(A), R(cbind(A,B))) # consistent? showEqn(A, B) rr = matlib::Solve(A, B) read.table(text = rr[1], fill = TRUE)[[3]]*500 # [g] read.table(text = rr[2], fill = TRUE)[[3]]*500 # [g] rr = limSolve::Solve(A, B) rr*500 # [g] # library(limSolve) G <-matrix(ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE, data = c(1, 0, 0, 1)) H <- c(0, 0) rr = ldei(A, B, G = G, H = H)$X rr*500 # [g] ``` V tepelné elektrárne mají zásobu uhlí, která vystací na 24 dní, bude-li v cinnosti pouze první blok, na 30 dní, bude-li v provozu pouze 2. blok a na 20 dní, bude-li v provozu pouze 3. blok. Na jak dloho vystací zásoba, budou-li v provozu vsechny bloky najednou? ```{r} # x/24 + x/30 + x/20 = 1 library(Ryacas) vr <- ysym("x/24 + x/30 + x/20 - 1") solve(vr, "x") fun <- function (x) x/24 + x/30 + x/20 - 1 uniroot(fun, c(0, 1),extendInt = "yes", tol = 1e-9)$root ```