--- title: "R Notebook" output: html_notebook --- Určete aritmetický průměr, medián, rozptyl a směrodatnou odchylku souboru 34 měření úbytku alkalické rezervy u matek prvorodiček. ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} xpr = c(38.4, 41.2, 39.7, 44.1, 32.4, 41.2, 52.1, 38.1, 40.5, 40.9, 43.9, 42.9, 41.5, 44.8, 38.6, 40.7, 39.6, 38.8, 38.8, 42.5, 38.5, 39.7, 38.8, 33.6, 43.8, 48.7, 39.0, 36.7, 40.2, 38.5, 27.8, 44.6, 36.7, 39.9) ### Overeni predpokladu ## Nezavislost library(s20x) trendscatter(c(1:length(xpr)), y = xpr, f = 0.5, xlab = "Index", ylab = "Zmena alk, rezervy", main = "") library(DescTools) VonNeumannTest(xpr, alternative = "two.sided", unbiased = TRUE) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") library(DescTools) BartelsRankTest(xpr, alternative = "two.sided", method = "normal") # alternative = c("two.sided", "trend", "oscillation") # method = c("normal", "beta", "auto") library(litteR) mk = mann_kendall(xpr, type = "both") # type = c("both", "increasing", "decreasing") p_value(mk) library(lawstat) runs.test(xpr,plot.it = TRUE,alternative = "two.sided") # alternative = c("two.sided", "positive.correlated", "negative.correlated") ## Normalita # Cullen Frey plot library(fitdistrplus) descdist(xpr, discrete=FALSE) descdist(xpr, discrete=FALSE, boot=999) library(PASWR2) eda(xpr, trim = 0, dec = 3) library(s20x) normcheck(xpr) library(UsingR) simple.eda(xpr) library(StatDA) edaplot(xpr,H.freq=FALSE,box=TRUE,H.breaks=30,S.pch=3,S.cex=0.5,D.lwd=1.5,P.log=FALSE,P.main="",P.xlab="Zmena alk. rezervy", P.ylab="Density",B.pch=3,B.cex=0.5) # Shapiro-Francia test library(nortest) sf.test(xpr) # Shapiro-Wilk test shapiro.test(xpr) # Anderson-Darling test library(nortest) ad.test(xpr) # Cramer-von Mises test cvm.test(xpr) # Jarque Bera test library(tseries) jarque.bera.test(xpr) library(lawstat) rjb.test(xpr, option="JB",crit.values="empirical", N = 5000) # klasicky J. B. test rjb.test(xpr, option="RJB",crit.values="empirical", N = 5000) # robustni J. B. test # crit.values = c("chisq.approximation", "empirical") # Lilliefors test (modif. Kolmogorov-Smirnov) library(nortest) lillie.test(xpr) # sj test library(lawstat) sj.test(xpr, crit.values = "empirical", N = 1000) # crit.values = c("t.approximation", "empirical") ## outliers boxplot.stats(xpr, coef = 1.5, do.conf = TRUE, do.out = TRUE) library(univOutl) boxB(xpr, k=1.5, method="resistant", weights=NULL, id=NULL, exclude=NA, logt=FALSE) boxB(xpr, k=1.5, method='asymmetric', weights=NULL, id=NULL,exclude=NA, logt=FALSE)$outliers boxB(xpr, k=1.5, method='adjbox', weights=NULL, id=NULL, exclude=NA, logt=FALSE)$outliers # DAgostinuv test sikmosti library(moments) agostino.test(xpr, alternative = "two.sided") # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") library(moments) moments::skewness(xpr) library(e1071) e1071::skewness(xpr, na.rm = FALSE, type = 3) library(confintr) ci_skewness(xpr,probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca", R = 9999,seed = NULL) # boot_type = c("bca", "perc", "norm", "basic") # Anscombe-Glynnuv test spicatosti library(moments) anscombe.test(xpr, alternative = "two.sided") # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") # Geary test spicatosti library(fmsb) geary.test(xpr) library(moments) kurtosis(xpr)# spicatost library(confintr) ci_kurtosis(xpr,probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca", R = 9999, seed = NULL) # boot_type = c("bca", "perc", "norm", "basic") # Box-Cox library(car) boxCox(lm(xpr~1), lambda = seq(-2, 2, 1/10), plotit = TRUE, interp = TRUE, eps = 1/50, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, family="bcPower", param= "lambda", gamma=NULL,grid=TRUE) library(forecast) lambda = BoxCox.lambda(xpr, method = "loglik", lower = -2, upper = 2) # method = c("guerrero", "loglik") xbc = BoxCox(xpr, lambda) xrt = InvBoxCox(xbc, lambda, biasadj = FALSE, fvar = NULL) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(xpr, main="") hist(xbc, main="",xlab="transf x") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) er <- qt(0.975,df=length(xbc)-1)*sd(xbc)/sqrt(length(xbc)) left <- mean(xbc)-er; left right <- mean(xbc)+er; right InvBoxCox(c(mean(xbc), left, right), lambda, biasadj = FALSE, fvar = NULL) ### Momentove odhady mean(xpr) library(confintr) ci_mean(xpr, probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "t") ci_mean(xpr, probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca", R = 9999, seed = NULL) # boot_type = c("stud" (default), "bca", "perc", "norm", "basic") library(MKinfer) meanCI(xpr, conf.level = 0.95, boot = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") meanCI(xpr, conf.level = 0.95, boot = TRUE, R = 9999, bootci.type = "all",na.rm = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") sd(x) library(confintr) ci_sd(xpr,probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "chi-squared") ci_sd(xpr,probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca",R = 9999, seed = NULL) # type = c("chi-squared", "bootstrap"), # boot_type = c("bca", "perc", "stud", "norm", "basic") library(MKinfer) sdCI(xpr, conf.level = 0.95, boot = FALSE,na.rm = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") sdCI(xpr, conf.level = 0.95, boot = TRUE, R = 9999, bootci.type = "all",na.rm = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") mean(xpr,trim=0.1) mean(xpr,trim=0.07) library(asbio) mean(trim.me(xpr, trim = 0.07)) sd(trim.me(xpr, trim = 0.07)) library(confintr) ci_mean(trim.me(xpr, trim = 0.07), probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "t") ci_mean(trim.me(xpr, trim = 0.07), probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca", R = 9999, seed = NULL) # boot_type = c("stud" (default), "bca", "perc", "norm", "basic") length(xpr) library(asbio) length(trim.me(xpr, trim = 0.07)) length(trim.me(xpr, trim = 0.1)) length(trim.me(xpr, trim = 0.2)) library(asbio) win(xpr,lambda = 0.07) library(WRS2) winmean(xpr, tr = 0.1, na.rm = FALSE) winmean(xpr, tr = 0.07, na.rm = FALSE) sqrt(winvar(xpr, tr = 0.07, na.rm = FALSE, STAND = NULL)) library(confintr) ci_mean(win(xpr,lambda = 0.07), probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "t") ci_mean(win(xpr,lambda = 0.07), probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca", R = 9999, seed = NULL) # boot_type = c("stud" (default), "bca", "perc", "norm", "basic") ### robustni M-odhady (Huber) library(MASS) hub = huber(xpr, k = 1.5, tol = 1e-06) hub$mu hub$s ### Kvantilove odhady median(xpr) library(confintr) ci_median(xpr,probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca", R = 9999,seed = NULL) # type = c("binomial", "bootstrap") # boot_type = c("bca", "perc", "norm", "basic") library(MKinfer) medianCI(xpr, conf.level = 0.95, method = "exact",R = 9999, bootci.type = "bca",minLength = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE,alternative = "two.sided") # method = c("exact", "asymptotic") # bootci.type = c("norm", "basic", "perc", "bca"), # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") mad(xpr, center = median(x), constant = 1.4826, na.rm = FALSE) library(rQCC) mad.unbiased (xpr, center = median(x), constant=1.4826, na.rm = FALSE) mad2.unbiased(xpr, center = median(x), constant=1.4826, na.rm = FALSE) library(confintr) ci_mad(xpr,probs = c(0.025, 0.975),constant = 1.4826,type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca",R = 9999, seed = NULL) # boot_type = c("bca", "perc", "norm", "basic") library(MKinfer) madCI(xpr, conf.level = 0.95, method = "exact", minLength = FALSE,R = 9999, bootci.type = "bca",na.rm = FALSE, constant = 1.4826,alternative = "two.sided") # method = c("exact", "asymptotic") # bootci.type = c("norm", "basic", "perc", "bca"), # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") ### Odhady metodou max. verohodnosti library(MASS) fitdistr(xpr, densfun="normal") fitdistr(xpr, densfun="t") fitdistr(xpr, densfun="cauchy") library(broom) bn = broom::glance(MASS::fitdistr(xpr,"normal")) bt = broom::glance(MASS::fitdistr(xpr,"t")) bc = broom::glance(MASS::fitdistr(xpr,"cauchy")) rbind(bn,bt,bc) library(fitdistrplus) fitdist(xpr,distr="norm", method = "mle") # method = c("mle", "mme", "qme", "mge", "mse") ``` --- title: "R Notebook" output: html_notebook --- Určete střední hodnotu 24 stanovení mědi (v ppm) v celozrnné mouce. ```{r} library(MASS) data(chem) xch = chem # Cullen Frey plot library(fitdistrplus) descdist(xch, discrete=FALSE) descdist(xch, discrete=FALSE, boot=999) library(PASWR2) eda(xch, trim = 0.05, dec = 3) library(s20x) normcheck(xch) library(UsingR) simple.eda(xch) library(StatDA) edaplot(xch,H.freq=FALSE,box=TRUE,H.breaks=30,S.pch=3,S.cex=0.5,D.lwd=1.5,P.log=FALSE,P.main="",P.xlab="Cu [ppm]",P.ylab="Density",B.pch=3,B.cex=0.5) boxplot.stats(xch, coef = 1.5, do.conf = TRUE, do.out = TRUE) library(univOutl) boxB(xch, k=1.5, method="resistant", weights=NULL, id=NULL, exclude=NA, logt=FALSE) boxB(xch, k=1.5, method='asymmetric', weights=NULL, id=NULL,exclude=NA, logt=FALSE)$outliers boxB(xch, k=1.5, method='adjbox', weights=NULL, id=NULL, exclude=NA, logt=FALSE)$outliers library(EnvStats) rosnerTest(xch, k = 2, alpha = 0.05, warn = TRUE) library(outliers) grubbs.test(xch, type=20, opposite=FALSE, two.sided=TRUE) library(extremevalues) getOutliers(xch,method="I",distribution="normal") getOutliers(xch,method="II",distribution="normal") L <- getOutliers(xch,method="II",distribution="normal") outlierPlot(xch,L,mode="qq") outlierPlot(xch,L,mode="residual") library(OutlierDetection) UnivariateOutlierDetection(xch, k = 0.05 * length(xch), cutoff = 0.95, dist = FALSE, dens = FALSE, depth = FALSE, Method = "euclidean", rnames = FALSE) mean(xch) median(xch) sd(xch, na.rm=TRUE) mean(xch,trim=0.1) mean(xch,trim=0.05) library(asbio) mean(trim.me(xch, trim = 0.05)) sd(trim.me(xch, trim = 0.05)) length(xch) library(asbio) length(trim.me(xch, trim = 0.05)) length(trim.me(xch, trim = 0.1)) library(WRS2) winmean(xch, tr = 0.1, na.rm = FALSE) winmean(xch, tr = 0.05, na.rm = FALSE) sqrt(winvar(x, tr = 0.2, na.rm = FALSE, STAND = NULL)) ### robustni M-odhady (Huber) library(MASS) hub = huber(xch, k = 1.5, tol = 1e-06) hub$mu hub$s ``` Průměrná koncentrace z 8 stanovení iontů Na+ v roztoku byla 0.547 mol/l se směrodatnou odchylkou 0.003 mol/l. Určete intervaly spolehlivosti pro průměr, směrodatnou odchylku a rozptyl pro hladinu významnosti 0.05. ```{r} m = 0.547 s = 0.003 s2 = s^2; s2 n = 5 m + c(-s,s)*qt(0.95,df=n-1)/sqrt(n) library(LearningStats) Mean.CI(m, sigma = NULL, sc = NULL, s = s, n = n, conf.level= 0.95) s*sqrt((n-1)/qchisq(c(0.975,0.025),df=n-1)) library(LearningStats) variance.CI(x = NULL, s = s, sc = NULL, smu = NULL, mu = NULL, n = n, conf.level= 0.95) ``` Byl měřen obsah cínu (v %) ve 100 vzorcích rudy. Výsledky byly zaznamenány formou četnostní tabulky. Určete průměrnou hodnotu a rozptyl. ```{r} xx = c(30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80) fx = c(4, 6, 8, 15, 25, 20, 8, 7, 5, 2) N = sum(fx) wt <- fx/N xx1 = xx[-1] xx2 = xx[-length(xx)] xxm = (xx2+xx1)/2 barplot(wt, names.arg = xxm,xlab = "Sn (%)") density=wt/diff(xx) plot(xxm,density,type = "h",lwd=8,col=4,xlab = "Sn (%)") abline(h=0) xs = seq(xxm[1],xxm[length(xxm)],0.01) dxs = dnorm(xs,mean=53,sd=10) points(xs,dxs,type="l",col = "red", lwd = 2) wm = sum(xxm*fx)/N; wm weighted.mean(xxm, wt, na.rm = TRUE) library(Hmisc) wtd.mean(xxm, weights=wt, normwt=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE) library(modi) ws2 = weighted.var(xxm, wt, na.rm = TRUE); ws2 ws = sqrt(ws2); ws library(Hmisc) wtd.var(xxm, weights=wt, normwt=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE,method='ML') # method=c('unbiased', 'ML') sqrt(wtd.var(xxm, weights=wt, normwt=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE,method='ML')) wm + c(-s,s)*qt(0.95,df=N-1)/sqrt(N) library(LearningStats) Mean.CI(wm, sigma = NULL, sc = NULL, s = s, n = N, conf.level= 0.95) ws*sqrt((N-1)/qchisq(c(0.975,0.025),df=N-1)) library(LearningStats) variance.CI(x = NULL, s = ws, sc = NULL, smu = NULL, mu = NULL, n = N, conf.level= 0.95) library(sn) fitdistr.grouped(breaks=xx, counts=fx, family="normal", trace = FALSE, wpar = NULL) ``` Metodou EDXRF byly stanoveny prvky v keramické mase a glazuře keramiky z lokalit Longquan a Jingdezhen. Ke zkoumání surovin a technologie výpalu bylo vybráno celkem čtyřicet typických střepů (https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Chemical+Composition+of+Ceramic+Samples) ```{r} data <- read.csv("https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/00583/Chemical Composion of Ceramic.csv") head(data) ss <- function(X){substr(X, start=1, stop=2)} snam <- ss(data[,1]) snam MM = as.data.frame(cbind(snam,data[,"Part"],data["MnO"])) colnames(MM) = c("Site","Part","MnO") mno = MM[,"MnO"] part = as.factor(MM[,"Part"]) site = as.factor(MM[,"Site"]) aggregate(mno,list(site,part), FUN=mean) aggregate(mno,list(site,part), FUN=median) aggregate(mno,list(site,part), FUN=length) aggregate(mno,list(site,part), FUN=function(x){sd(x)/mean(x)}) ### Distribuce MnO v keramice jedné z lokalit. mm = MM[which(MM$Site=="DY"),] mno = mm[,"MnO"] ## Normalita # Cullen Frey plot library(fitdistrplus) descdist(mno, discrete=FALSE) descdist(mno, discrete=FALSE, boot=999) descdist(log(mno), discrete=FALSE, boot=999) library(PASWR2) eda(mno, trim = 0, dec = 3) eda(log(mno), trim = 0, dec = 3) library(s20x) normcheck(mno) normcheck(log(mno)) library(UsingR) simple.eda(mno) simple.eda(log(mno)) library(StatDA) edaplot(mno,H.freq=FALSE,box=TRUE,H.breaks=30,S.pch=3,S.cex=0.5,D.lwd=1.5,P.log=FALSE,P.main="",P.xlab="Zmena alk. rezervy", P.ylab="Density",B.pch=3,B.cex=0.5) edaplot(mno,H.freq=FALSE,box=TRUE,H.breaks=30,S.pch=3,S.cex=0.5,D.lwd=1.5,P.log=TRUE,P.main="",P.xlab="Zmena alk. rezervy", P.ylab="Density",B.pch=3,B.cex=0.5) library(cwhmisc) # T3 plot (Ghosh) T3plot(mno,lab=paste("T3 plot of ",deparse(substitute(x))), legend.pos="bottom", cex=0.6) T3plot(log(mno),lab=paste("T3 plot of ",deparse(substitute(x))), legend.pos="bottom", cex=0.6) # Box-Cox library(car) boxCox(lm(mno~1), lambda = seq(-2, 2, 1/10), plotit = TRUE, interp = TRUE, eps = 1/50, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, family="bcPower", param= "lambda", gamma=NULL,grid=TRUE) library(forecast) lambda = BoxCox.lambda(mno, method = "loglik", lower = -2, upper = 2) # method = c("guerrero", "loglik") xbc = BoxCox(mno, lambda) xrt = InvBoxCox(xbc, lambda, biasadj = FALSE, fvar = NULL) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(mno, main="") hist(xbc, main="",xlab="transf x") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) er <- qt(0.975,df=length(xbc)-1)*sd(xbc)/sqrt(length(xbc)) left <- mean(xbc)-er; left right <- mean(xbc)+er; right InvBoxCox(c(mean(xbc), left, right), lambda, biasadj = FALSE, fvar = NULL) ## Bhattacharya plot s ASH library(ash) nn=30 f <- ash1(bin1(mno,nbin=nn),5) # ash estimate nk<-length(f$y)-1 yk<-rep(0,nk) xk<-rep(0,nk) for(i in 1:nk){ yk[i]<-log(f$y[i+1]/f$y[i]) xk[i]<-(f$x[i+1]+f$x[i])/2 } plot(xk,yk, type="l",col=1,lty=1, main="", xlab="x",ylab="ln( f(i+1) / f(i) )") rug(mno) # Hartigan dip test library(diptest) dtb = dip(mno, full.result = TRUE, min.is.0 = TRUE, debug = FALSE); dtb dip.test(mno, simulate.p.value = FALSE, B = 2000) plot(dtb) # Silvermanuv test library(silvermantest) # https://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~stochastik/R_packages/ silverman.test(mno, k=1, M = 999, adjust = FALSE, digits = 6) silverman.test(mno, k=2, M = 999, adjust = FALSE, digits = 6) silverman.test(mno, k=3, M = 999, adjust = FALSE, digits = 6) silverman.plot(mno, kmin=1, kmax=3, alpha=0.05, adjust=FALSE) # Ameijeiras-Alonso excess mass test library(multimode) modetest(mno,mod0=1,method="ACR",B=500,lowsup=-Inf,uppsup=Inf,submethod=NULL,n=NULL,tol=NULL,tol2=NULL,gridsize=NULL,alpha=NULL,nMC=NULL,BMC=NULL) # metoda max verohodnosti library(mclust) xs<- sort(mno) dmc <- Mclust(xs,G=NULL) dmcBIC <- mclustBIC(x); dmcBIC nn = 2 dmc <- Mclust(xs,G=nn) dmcz <-round(dmc$z,nn); as.data.frame(cbind(mm[,2],dmcz)) ``` Byl zjišťován obsah tuku (v %) v mléce od 16 ovcí. Určete vhodnou střední hodnotu tučnosti mléka. ```{r} xmo = c(4.08, 3.91, 4.02, 4.26, 4.03, 3.94, 3.82, 3.72, 4.03, 3.87, 4.09, 3.92, 4.18, 3.93, 3.81, 3.71) ### Overeni predpokladu ## Nezavislost library(s20x) trendscatter(c(1:length(xmo)), y = xmo, f = 0.5, xlab = "Index", ylab = "Obsah tuku (%)", main = "") library(DescTools) VonNeumannTest(xmo, alternative = "two.sided", unbiased = TRUE) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") library(DescTools) BartelsRankTest(xmo, alternative = "two.sided", method = "normal") # alternative = c("two.sided", "trend", "oscillation") # method = c("normal", "beta", "auto") library(litteR) mk = mann_kendall(xmo, type = "both") # type = c("both", "increasing", "decreasing") p_value(mk) ## Normalita # Cullen Frey plot library(fitdistrplus) descdist(xmo, discrete=FALSE) descdist(xmo, discrete=FALSE, boot=999) library(PASWR2) eda(xmo, trim = 0, dec = 3) library(s20x) normcheck(xmo) library(UsingR) simple.eda(xmo) library(StatDA) edaplot(xmo,H.freq=FALSE,box=TRUE,H.breaks=30,S.pch=3,S.cex=0.5,D.lwd=1.5,P.log=FALSE,P.main="",P.xlab="Zmena alk. rezervy", P.ylab="Density",B.pch=3,B.cex=0.5) library(cwhmisc) # T3 plot (Ghosh) T3plot(xmo,lab=paste("T3 plot of ",deparse(substitute(x))), legend.pos="bottom", cex=0.6) library(moments) moments::skewness(xmo) library(e1071) e1071::skewness(xmo, na.rm = FALSE, type = 3) library(confintr) ci_skewness(xmo,probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca", R = 9999,seed = NULL) # boot_type = c("bca", "perc", "norm", "basic") # DAgostinuv test sikmosti library(moments) agostino.test(xmo, alternative = "two.sided") # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") library(moments) kurtosis(xmo)# spicatost library(confintr) ci_kurtosis(xmo,probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca", R = 9999, seed = NULL) # boot_type = c("bca", "perc", "norm", "basic") # Anscombe-Glynnuv test spicatosti library(moments) anscombe.test(xmo, alternative = "two.sided") # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") # Geary test spicatosti library(fmsb) geary.test(xmo) # Shapiro-Francia test library(nortest) sf.test(xmo) # Shapiro-Wilk test shapiro.test(xmo) # Anderson-Darling test library(nortest) ad.test(xmo) # Cramer-von Mises test cvm.test(xmo) # Jarque Bera test library(tseries) jarque.bera.test(xmo) library(lawstat) rjb.test(xmo, option="JB",crit.values="empirical", N = 5000) # klasicky J. B. test rjb.test(xmo, option="RJB",crit.values="empirical", N = 5000) # robustni J. B. test # crit.values = c("chisq.approximation", "empirical") # Lilliefors test (modif. Kolmogorov-Smirnov) library(nortest) lillie.test(xmo) # sj test library(lawstat) sj.test(xmo, crit.values = "empirical", N = 1000) # crit.values = c("t.approximation", "empirical") ## outliers boxplot.stats(xmo, coef = 1.5, do.conf = TRUE, do.out = TRUE) ## parametry mean(xmo) library(confintr) ci_mean(xmo, probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "t") ci_mean(xmo, probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca", R = 9999, seed = NULL) # boot_type = c("stud" (default), "bca", "perc", "norm", "basic") library(MKinfer) meanCI(xmo, conf.level = 0.95, boot = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") meanCI(xmo, conf.level = 0.95, boot = TRUE, R = 9999, bootci.type = "all",na.rm = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") ``` Obsah Ba v kostech (ppm) z lokality Dolní Věstonice - Písky. ```{r} xba = c(102.48078, 135.75333, 130.46889, 138.71764, 104.37857, 73.57628,48.91491,67.98234, 101.35093, 60.16596, 90.75023, 47.34744, 49.33503, 76.46496, 175.35793, 130.49675, 148.01476, 114.79635, 65.91149, 83.92482, 71.02072, 34.66255, 96.01142, 78.07690, 54.59542, 158.29052, 119.87277, 69.14092, 78.84901, 41.29317, 72.81092, 554.77243, 259.68719, 149.31984, 107.85497, 82.09231, 26.01403, 98.94641, 56.41384, 86.10823, 118.56925, 94.48836, 65.17541) # Cullen Frey plot library(fitdistrplus) descdist(xba, discrete=FALSE) descdist(xba, discrete=FALSE, boot=999) descdist(log(xba), discrete=FALSE, boot=999) library(PASWR2) eda(xba, trim = 0.05, dec = 3) eda(log(xba), trim = 0.05, dec = 3) library(s20x) normcheck(xba) normcheck(log(xba)) library(UsingR) simple.eda(xba) simple.eda(log(xba)) library(StatDA) edaplot(xba,H.freq=FALSE,box=TRUE,H.breaks=30,S.pch=3,S.cex=0.5,D.lwd=1.5,P.log=FALSE,P.main="",P.xlab="Cu [ppm]",P.ylab="Density",B.pch=3,B.cex=0.5) library(StatDA) edaplot(xba,H.freq=FALSE,box=TRUE,H.breaks=30,S.pch=3,S.cex=0.5,D.lwd=1.5,P.log=TRUE,P.main="",P.xlab="Cu [ppm]",P.ylab="Density",B.pch=3,B.cex=0.5) boxplot.stats(xba, coef = 1.5, do.conf = TRUE, do.out = TRUE) library(univOutl) boxB(xba, k=1.5, method="resistant", weights=NULL, id=NULL, exclude=NA, logt=FALSE) boxB(xba, k=1.5, method='asymmetric', weights=NULL, id=NULL,exclude=NA, logt=FALSE)$outliers boxB(xba, k=1.5, method='adjbox', weights=NULL, id=NULL, exclude=NA, logt=FALSE)$outliers library(extremevalues) #getOutliers(xba,method="I",distribution="normal") #getOutliers(xba,method="II",distribution="normal") getOutliers(xba,method="I",distribution="lognormal") getOutliers(xba,method="II",distribution="lognormal") L <- getOutliers(xch,method="II",distribution="normal") outlierPlot(xch,L,mode="qq") outlierPlot(xch,L,mode="residual") library(OutlierDetection) UnivariateOutlierDetection(xba, k = 0.05 * length(xch), cutoff = 0.95, dist = FALSE, dens = FALSE, depth = FALSE, Method = "euclidean", rnames = FALSE) mno = xba[-32] # mno = xba[-c(32,33)] # Box-Cox library(car) boxCox(lm(mno~1), lambda = seq(-2, 2, 1/10), plotit = TRUE, interp = TRUE, eps = 1/50, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, family="bcPower", param= "lambda", gamma=NULL,grid=TRUE) library(forecast) lambda = BoxCox.lambda(mno, method = "loglik", lower = -2, upper = 2) # method = c("guerrero", "loglik") xbc = BoxCox(mno, lambda) xrt = InvBoxCox(xbc, lambda, biasadj = FALSE, fvar = NULL) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(mno, main="") hist(xbc, main="",xlab="transf x") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) er <- qt(0.975,df=length(xbc)-1)*sd(xbc)/sqrt(length(xbc)) left <- mean(xbc)-er right <- mean(xbc)+er InvBoxCox(c(mean(xbc), left, right), lambda, biasadj = FALSE, fvar = NULL) mean(xba) median(xba) sd(xba, na.rm=TRUE) mean(mno) median(mno) sd(mno, na.rm=TRUE) library(FSA) geomean(mno, na.rm = FALSE, zneg.rm = FALSE) library(DescTools) Gmean(mno, method = "boot", conf.level = 0.05,sides = "two.sided", na.rm = FALSE) # method = c("classic", "boot") # sides = c("two.sided","left","right") library(fuel) lognormalmean(mno, estimator="ml", base = exp(1),n = length(mno), m = n - 1, d = 1/n) library(FSA) sg = geosd(mno, na.rm = FALSE, zneg.rm = FALSE); 10^sg library(fuel) lognormalsd(mno, estimator="ml", base = exp(1),n = length(mno),m = n - 1, d = 1/n) library(DescTools) Gsd(mno, na.rm = FALSE) ### Kvantilove odhady median(xba) library(confintr) ci_median(xba,probs = c(0.025, 0.975),type = "bootstrap", boot_type = "bca", R = 9999,seed = NULL) # type = c("binomial", "bootstrap") # boot_type = c("bca", "perc", "norm", "basic") library(MKinfer) medianCI(xba, conf.level = 0.95, method = "exact",R = 9999, bootci.type = "bca",minLength = FALSE, na.rm = FALSE,alternative = "two.sided") # method = c("exact", "asymptotic") # bootci.type = c("norm", "basic", "perc", "bca"), # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") mad(xba, center = median(xba), constant = 1.4826, na.rm = FALSE) library(rQCC) mad.unbiased (xba, center = median(xba), constant=1.4826, na.rm = FALSE) mad2.unbiased(xba, center = median(xba), constant=1.4826, na.rm = FALSE) library(fitdistrplus) flm = fitdist(mno,distr="lnorm", method = "mle") # method = c("mle", "mme", "qme", "mge", "mse") summary(flm) fga = fitdist(mno,distr="gamma", method = "mle") # method = c("mle", "mme", "qme", "mge", "mse") summary(fga) ``` Při zjišťování obsahu uhlíku v uhlí byly (za předpokladu normálního rozdělení) z 20 měření vypočteny průměrný obsah 83.050 % a směrodatná odchylka 3.456 %. Určete 95% intervaly spolehlivosti obou parametrů. ```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} m = 83.050 s = 3.456 n = 20 m + c(-s, s)*qt(0.975,df=n-1)/sqrt(n) library(LearningStats) Mean.CI(m, sigma = NULL, sc = NULL, s = s, n = n, conf.level= 0.95)$CI s*sqrt((n-1)/qchisq(c(0.975, 0.025), df=n-1)) library(LearningStats) variance.CI(x = NULL, s = s, sc = NULL, smu = NULL, mu = NULL, n = n, conf.level= 0.95) ``` Aktivita enzymu podílejícího se na metabolismu karcinogenních látek. Jde o hodnoty močového metabolického poměru 5-acetylamino-6-formylamino-3-methyluracilu k1-methylxantinu (AFMU/1X) po perorálním podání kofeinu. ```{r} library(multimode) data(enzyme) xea = enzyme ## Normalita # Cullen Frey plot library(fitdistrplus) descdist(xea, discrete=FALSE) descdist(xea, discrete=FALSE, boot=999) descdist(log(xea), discrete=FALSE, boot=999) library(PASWR2) eda(xea, trim = 0, dec = 3) eda(log(xea), trim = 0, dec = 3) library(s20x) normcheck(xea) normcheck(log(xea)) library(UsingR) simple.eda(xea) simple.eda(log(xea)) library(StatDA) edaplot(xea,H.freq=FALSE,box=TRUE,H.breaks=30,S.pch=3,S.cex=0.5,D.lwd=1.5,P.log=FALSE,P.main="",P.xlab="Aktivita enzymu", P.ylab="Density",B.pch=3,B.cex=0.5) edaplot(xea,H.freq=FALSE,box=TRUE,H.breaks=30,S.pch=3,S.cex=0.5,D.lwd=1.5,P.log=TRUE,P.main="",P.xlab="Aktivita enzymu", P.ylab="Density",B.pch=3,B.cex=0.5) # Box-Cox library(car) boxCox(lm(xea~1), lambda = seq(-2, 2, 1/10), plotit = TRUE, interp = TRUE, eps = 1/50, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, family="bcPower", param= "lambda", gamma=NULL,grid=TRUE) library(forecast) lambda = BoxCox.lambda(xea, method = "loglik", lower = -2, upper = 2) # method = c("guerrero", "loglik") xbc = BoxCox(xea, lambda) xrt = InvBoxCox(xbc, lambda, biasadj = FALSE, fvar = NULL) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(xea, main="") hist(xbc, main="",xlab="transf x") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) er <- qt(0.975,df=length(xbc)-1)*sd(xbc)/sqrt(length(xbc)) left <- mean(xbc)-er; left right <- mean(xbc)+er; right InvBoxCox(c(mean(xbc), left, right), lambda, biasadj = FALSE, fvar = NULL) ## Bhattacharya plot s ASH dat = xea library(ash) nn=30 f <- ash1(bin1(dat,nbin=nn),5) # ash estimate nk<-length(f$y)-1 yk<-rep(0,nk) xk<-rep(0,nk) for(i in 1:nk){ yk[i]<-log(f$y[i+1]/f$y[i]) xk[i]<-(f$x[i+1]+f$x[i])/2 } plot(xk,yk, type="l",col=1,lty=1, main="", xlab="x",ylab="ln( f(i+1) / f(i) )") rug(dat) # Hartigan dip test library(diptest) dtb = dip(xea, full.result = TRUE, min.is.0 = TRUE, debug = FALSE); dtb dip.test(xea, simulate.p.value = FALSE, B = 2000) plot(dtb) # Silvermanuv test library(silvermantest) # https://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~stochastik/R_packages/ silverman.test(mno, k=1, M = 999, adjust = FALSE, digits = 6) silverman.test(mno, k=2, M = 999, adjust = FALSE, digits = 6) silverman.test(mno, k=3, M = 999, adjust = FALSE, digits = 6) silverman.test(mno, k=4, M = 999, adjust = FALSE, digits = 6) silverman.plot(mno, kmin=1, kmax=3, alpha=0.05, adjust=FALSE) # Ameijeiras-Alonso excess mass test library(multimode) modetest(mno,mod0=1,method="ACR",B=500,lowsup=-Inf,uppsup=Inf,submethod=NULL,n=NULL,tol=NULL,tol2=NULL,gridsize=NULL,alpha=NULL,nMC=NULL,BMC=NULL) # metoda max verohodnosti library(mclust) xs<- sort(mno) dmc <- Mclust(xs,G=NULL) dmcBIC <- mclustBIC(x); dmcBIC nn = 3 dmc <- Mclust(xs,G=nn) dmcz <-round(dmc$z,nn); dmcz ``` Procento oxidu křemičitého (v %) ve 22 chondritových meteoritech. ```{r} library(multimode) data(chondrite) xcd = chondrite ## Normalita # Cullen Frey plot library(fitdistrplus) descdist(xcd, discrete=FALSE) descdist(xcd, discrete=FALSE, boot=999) descdist(log(xcd), discrete=FALSE, boot=999) library(PASWR2) eda(xcd, trim = 0, dec = 3) eda(log(xcd), trim = 0, dec = 3) library(s20x) normcheck(xcd) normcheck(log(xcd)) library(UsingR) simple.eda(xcd) simple.eda(log(xcd)) library(StatDA) edaplot(xcd, H.freq=FALSE,box=TRUE,H.breaks=30,S.pch=3,S.cex=0.5,D.lwd=1.5,P.log=FALSE,P.main="",P.xlab="SiO2", P.ylab="Density",B.pch=3,B.cex=0.5) edaplot(xcd,H.freq=FALSE,box=TRUE,H.breaks=30,S.pch=3,S.cex=0.5,D.lwd=1.5,P.log=TRUE,P.main="",P.xlab="SiO2", P.ylab="Density",B.pch=3,B.cex=0.5) # Box-Cox library(car) boxCox(lm(xcd~1), lambda = seq(-2, 2, 1/10), plotit = TRUE, interp = TRUE, eps = 1/50, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, family="bcPower", param= "lambda", gamma=NULL,grid=TRUE) library(forecast) lambda = BoxCox.lambda(xcd, method = "loglik", lower = -2, upper = 2) # method = c("guerrero", "loglik") xbc = BoxCox(xcd, lambda) xrt = InvBoxCox(xbc, lambda, biasadj = FALSE, fvar = NULL) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) hist(xcd, main="") hist(xbc, main="",xlab="transf x") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) er <- qt(0.975,df=length(xbc)-1)*sd(xbc)/sqrt(length(xbc)) left <- mean(xbc)-er; left right <- mean(xbc)+er; right InvBoxCox(c(mean(xbc), left, right), lambda, biasadj = FALSE, fvar = NULL) ## Bhattacharya plot s ASH dat = xcd library(ash) nn=30 f <- ash1(bin1(dat,nbin=nn),5) # ash estimate nk<-length(f$y)-1 yk<-rep(0,nk) xk<-rep(0,nk) for(i in 1:nk){ yk[i]<-log(f$y[i+1]/f$y[i]) xk[i]<-(f$x[i+1]+f$x[i])/2 } plot(xk,yk, type="l",col=1,lty=1, main="", xlab="x",ylab="ln( f(i+1) / f(i) )") rug(dat) # Hartigan dip test library(diptest) dtb = dip(xcd, full.result = TRUE, min.is.0 = TRUE, debug = FALSE); dtb dip.test(xcd, simulate.p.value = FALSE, B = 2000) plot(dtb) # Silvermanuv test dat = xcd library(silvermantest) # https://www.mathematik.uni-marburg.de/~stochastik/R_packages/ silverman.test(dat, k=1, M = 999, adjust = FALSE, digits = 6) silverman.test(dat, k=2, M = 999, adjust = FALSE, digits = 6) silverman.test(dat, k=3, M = 999, adjust = FALSE, digits = 6) silverman.plot(dat, kmin=1, kmax=3, alpha=0.05, adjust=FALSE) # Ameijeiras-Alonso excess mass test library(multimode) modetest(xcd,mod0=1,method="ACR",B=500,lowsup=-Inf,uppsup=Inf,submethod=NULL,n=NULL,tol=NULL,tol2=NULL,gridsize=NULL,alpha=NULL,nMC=NULL,BMC=NULL) # metoda max verohodnosti library(mclust) xs<- sort(xcd) dmc <- Mclust(xs,G=NULL) dmcBIC <- mclustBIC(x); dmcBIC nn = 2 dmc <- Mclust(xs,G=nn) dmcz <-round(dmc$z,nn); dmcz ``` Určete počet paralelních kolorimetrických stanovení obsahu Fe, aby maximální chyba výsledné hodnoty průměru nepřekročila hodnotu 0.005. Chyba metody (směrodatná odchylka) je 0.0132. ```{r} delta = 0.005 sigma = 0.0132 np = (3*sigma/delta)^2; np nz = ((sigma*qnorm(0.975))/delta)^2; nz library(samplingbook) sample.size.mean(e=delta, S=sigma, N = Inf, level = 0.95) qt = 3 nt = ((sigma*qt)/delta)^2; nt # iterace nt = nt-1 nt = ((sigma*qt(0.975,(nt-1)))/delta)^2; nt ``` Automatický soustruh vyrábí těsnící kroužky o deklarovaném průměru 25 mm. Náhodně vybraných 30 kroužků mělo průměrnou hodnotu 25.43 mm a směrodatnou odchylku 0.145 mm. Je možné při riziku 5 % připustit, že automat dodržuje nominální hodnotu 25 mm? ```{r} library(PASWR2) tsum.test(mean.x = 25.43, s.x = 0.145, n.x = 30, mean.y = NULL, s.y = NULL,n.y = NULL, alternative = "two.sided", mu = 25,var.equal = FALSE,conf.level = 0.95) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") ``` Při použití dvou odlišných metod měření byly na 10 vzorcích zjištěny rozdíly v naměřených údajích.Rozhodněte, zda existuje systematický rozdíl mezi oběma metodami (na hladině významnosti 0.05). ```{r} dx = c(1.2, -3.5, 0.5, 1.4, -0.8, 5.1, 6.8, 1.7, 0.9, -2.3) library(s20x) normcheck(dx) # One sample t-test t.test(dx,mu=0, alternative = "two.sided") # Robustni one sample t-test library(rt.test) rt.test(dx, alternative = "two.sided",mu = 0, test.stat = "TA", conf.level = 0.95) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") # test.stat = c("TA", "TB"), based on the empirical distributions of the TA statistic (based on median and MAD) and the TBstatistic (based on Hodges-Lehmann and Shamos # Bootstrap t-Test library(MKinfer) boot.t.test(dx, y = NULL,alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = FALSE, var.equal = FALSE,conf.level = 0.95, R = 9999, symmetric = FALSE) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") library(Bolstad) bayes.t.test(dx, y = NULL,alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = FALSE,var.equal = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95,prior = "jeffreys", m = NULL,n0 = NULL,sig.med = NULL, kappa = 1,sigmaPrior = "chisq",nIter = 10000, nBurn = 1000) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") # prior = c("jeffreys", "joint.conj") library(BSDA) SIGN.test(dx, md = 0, alternative = "two.sided",conf.level = 0.95) library(DescTools) SignTest(dx,mu = 0, alternative = "two.sided",conf.level = 0.95) # one sample Wilcoxon (Mann-Whitney) test wilcox.test(dx, y,alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = FALSE, exact = FALSE, correct = TRUE,conf.int = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") library(exactRankTests) wilcox.exact(dx, y, mu = 0,alternative = "two.sided",paired = FALSE, exact = FALSE,conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) # "two.sided"(default),"greater"or"less" ``` Výsledky měření téže konstanty dvěma metodami poskytly normálně rozdělené hodnoty výběrů (n1 = 25 a n2 = 31) se směrodatnými odchylkami s1 = 0.523 a s2 = 0.363. Lze na hladině významnosti 0.05 považovat obě metody za stejně přesné? ```{r} library(LearningStats) diffvariance.test(sc1 = 0.523, sc2 = 0.363, n1 = 25, n2 = 31, alternative = "two.sided",alpha = 0.05, plot = TRUE) diffvariance.CI(sc1 = 0.523, sc2 = 0.363, n1 = 25, n2 = 31, conf.level= 0.05) ``` Balicí automat zhotovuje balíčky o dané hmotnosti s maximální směrodatnou odchylkou 0.4 g. Ze zkušebního vzorku 10 balíčků byla vypočtena výběrová směrodatná odchylka 0.5 g. Rozhodněte (pro hladinu významnosti 5 %), zda nedošlo k poruše zařízení (nebyla překročena maximální směrodatná odchylka). ```{r} n = 10 sig = 0.4 ss = 0.5 library(LearningStats) variance.test(x = NULL, s = NULL, sc = ss, smu = NULL, mu = NULL, n = n, sigma02= sig^2, alternative = "greater", alpha = 0.05, plot = TRUE, lwd = 1) ``` Hladiny olova v krvi 33 dětí rodičů, kteří pracovali v továrně na výrobu olova, a 33 kontrolních dětí z jejich okolí. ```{r} library(PairedData) data(BloodLead) xe = BloodLead[,2] xc = BloodLead[,3] library(PASWR2) eda((xe-xc), trim = 0, dec = 3) library(s20x) normcheck((xe-xc)) library(PairedData) boxplot(xc,xe) plot(xc,xe,xlim=c(0,80),ylim=c(0,80)) abline(0,1) summary(paired(xe, xc),tr=0.2) effect.size(paired(xe, xc),tr=0.2) slidingchart(paired(xe, xc)) # Cohen d (standardized mean difference) mean(xe-xc)/sd(xe-xc) library(lsr) d = cohensD(xe, xc,method = "paired"); d library(effsize) cohen.d(xe, xc, paired = TRUE) cor(xe, xc,method = "pearson") cor(xe, xc,method = "spearman") # t-test t.test(xe, xc, paired = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") # t.test(elem ~ lom, data = data, paired = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") # Bootstrap t-Test library(MKinfer) boot.t.test(xe, xc, alternative = "two.sided",mu = 0, paired = TRUE, var.equal = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, R = 9999, symmetric = FALSE) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") library(CarletonStats) bootPaired(xe, xc, conf.level = 0.95, B = 10000,plot.hist = TRUE, plot.qq = FALSE, legend.loc = "topright",x.name = deparse(substitute(x)), y.name = deparse(substitute(y))) # Yuen's trimmed mean test library(PairedData) yuen.t.test(xe, xc, tr = 0.2, alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") # Chenuv paired sample t-test pro zesikmenou distribuci library(EnvStats) chenTTest(xe, xc , alternative = "greater", mu = 0, paired = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, ci.method = "z") # alternative = c("less", "greater") # ci.method = "z", "t" library(Bolstad) bayes.t.test(xe, xc,alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = TRUE,var.equal = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95,prior = "jeffreys", m = NULL,n0 = NULL,sig.med = NULL, kappa = 1,sigmaPrior = "chisq",nIter = 10000, nBurn = 1000) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") # prior = c("jeffreys", "joint.conj"), ## Wilcoxonuv parovy test wilcox.test(xe, xc, paired = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided", conf.int = TRUE) library(PairedData) wilcox.test(paired(xe, xc)) ## medianovy (znamenkovy) parovy test library(EnvStats) signTest(xe, xc, alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) # Permutation test for paired data library(CarletonStats) permTestPaired(xe, xc, B = 9999,alternative = "two.sided", plot.hist = TRUE,legend.loc = "topright", plot.qq = FALSE,x.name = deparse(substitute(x)), y.name = deparse(substitute(y))) plot((xe+xc)/2, (xe-xc)) ``` Stanovení koncentrace F3+ (v %) v přípravku "Ferrum citricum ammoniatum viride" se provádí titrací jodu (uvolněného oxidací KI železitými ionty) thiosíranem na škrobový maz. Titrace byla provedna u jedné části vzorků ihned a u druhé 30 minut po přidání KI. Líší se na hladině významnosti 0.05 výsledky obou postupů? ```{r} xih = c(13.29, 13.36, 13.32, 13.53, 13.56, 13.43, 13.30, 13.43) x30 = c(13.86, 13.99, 13.88, 13.91, 13.89, 13.94, 13.80, 13.89) fe3 = list(xih,x30) names(fe3) = c("Fe hned", "Fe 30m") library(reshape2) fe = setNames(melt(fe3), c('koncentrace','metoda')) library(lattice) bwplot(koncentrace~metoda, data=fe) hist(xih,xlim=c(13,14),col='skyblue',border=T) hist(x30,add=T,col=scales::alpha('red',.5),border=T) library(PASWR2) eda((xih-x30), trim = 0, dec = 3) library(s20x) normcheck((xih-x30)) library(PairedData) boxplot(xih,x30) plot(xih,x30,xlim=c(13,14),ylim=c(13,14)) abline(0,1) summary(paired(xih, x30),tr=0.2) effect.size(paired(xih, x30),tr=0.2) slidingchart(paired(xih, x30)) # Cohen d (standardized mean difference) mean(xih-x30)/sd(xih-x30) library(lsr) d = cohensD(xih, x30,method = "paired"); d library(effsize) cohen.d(xih, x30, paired = TRUE) cor(xih, x30,method = "pearson") cor(xih, x30,method = "spearman") # t-test t.test(xih, x30, paired = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") # t.test(elem ~ lom, data = data, paired = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided") # Bootstrap t-Test library(MKinfer) boot.t.test(xih, x30, alternative = "two.sided",mu = 0, paired = TRUE, var.equal = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95, R = 9999, symmetric = FALSE) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") library(CarletonStats) bootPaired(xih, x30, conf.level = 0.95, B = 10000,plot.hist = TRUE, plot.qq = FALSE, legend.loc = "topright",x.name = deparse(substitute(x)), y.name = deparse(substitute(y))) # Yuen's trimmed mean test library(PairedData) yuen.t.test(xih, x30, tr = 0.2, alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") # Chenuv paired sample t-test pro zesikmenou distribuci library(EnvStats) chenTTest(xih, x30 , alternative = "greater", mu = 0, paired = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, ci.method = "z") # alternative = c("less", "greater") # ci.method = "z", "t" library(Bolstad) bayes.t.test(xih, x30,alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = TRUE,var.equal = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95,prior = "jeffreys", m = NULL,n0 = NULL,sig.med = NULL, kappa = 1,sigmaPrior = "chisq",nIter = 10000, nBurn = 1000) # alternative = c("two.sided", "less", "greater") # prior = c("jeffreys", "joint.conj"), ## Wilcoxonuv parovy test wilcox.test(xih, x30, paired = TRUE, alternative = "two.sided", conf.int = TRUE) library(PairedData) wilcox.test(paired(xih, x30)) ## medianovy (znamenkovy) parovy test library(EnvStats) signTest(xih, x30, alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, paired = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95) # Permutation test for paired data library(CarletonStats) permTestPaired(xih, x30, B = 9999,alternative = "two.sided", plot.hist = TRUE,legend.loc = "topright", plot.qq = FALSE,x.name = deparse(substitute(x)), y.name = deparse(substitute(y))) plot((xih+x30)/2, (xih-x30)) library(blandr) bas2 = blandr.statistics (xih,x30, sig.level=0.95) bas2$bias bas2$biasUpperCI bas2$biasLowerCI bas2$regression.equation cor(bas2$means,bas2$differences)^2 # R^2 blandr.plot.qq(bas2) blandr.display.and.draw(method1=xih, method2=x30, plotter = "ggplot",method1name = "Ihned", method2name = "30 min.",plotTitle = "Bland-Altman plot for comparison of 2 methods",sig.level = 0.95, annotate = TRUE, ciDisplay = TRUE,ciShading = TRUE, normalLow = FALSE, normalHigh = FALSE,lowest_y_axis = FALSE, highest_y_axis = FALSE, point_size = 2) ```