Crystalline State Basic Structural Chemistry Structure Types 1 Degree of Crystallinity Crystalline – 3D long range order Single-crystalline Polycrystalline - many crystallites of different sizes and orientations (random, oriented) Paracrystalline - short and medium range order, distortions, lacking long range order Amorphous – no order, random 2 • Single Crystalline • Polycrystalline • Nanocrystalline • Amorphous Degree of Crystallinity Grain boundaries 3 Metallic glass A crystalline solid: HRTEM image of strontium titanate SrTiO3 Brighter atoms are Sr and darker are Ti Degree of Crystallinity A TEM image of amorphous interlayer at the Ti/(001)Si interface in an as-deposited sample 4 Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Structure Analysis a four circle X-ray diffractometer 5 Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction Structure Analysis 6 Crystals • Crystal = a periodic arrangement of structural motifs = building blocks • Building block is called a basis: an atom, a molecule, or a group of atoms or molecules • A periodic arrangement must have translational symmetry such that if you move a building block by a distance: then it falls on another identical building block with the same orientation • If we remove the building blocks and replace them with points, then we have a point lattice or Bravais lattice vectors.are,,andintegers,areand,,where 321 321 cbannn cnbnanT  7 Crystal Structure (POINT) LATTICE the geometrical pattern repeating periodically in space (2D or 3D) formed by points that have identical environment representing the locations of basis or motifs MOTIF (BASIS) the repeating unit of a pattern (an atom, a group of atoms, a molecule etc. ) inside the unit cell UNIT CELL the smallest repetitive volume of the crystal, which when stacked together with replication reproduces the whole crystal 8 Crystal Structure = Lattice + Motifs An „imaginary“ parallel sided region (parallelepiped) of a structure from which the entire crystal can be constructed by purely translational displacements Contains one unit of the translationally repeating pattern Content of a unit cell represents its chemical composition The unit cells that are commonly formed by joining neighbouring lattice points by straight lines, are called primitive unit cells Unit Cell 9 Primitive unit cell Unit cell Crystal = Periodic Arrays of Atoms Lattice point (Atom, molecule, group of molecules,…) Translation Vectors Primitive Cell: • Smallest building block for the crystal lattice • Repetition of the primitive cell gives a crystal lattice a c ba, b , c 10 Five Planar Lattices 11 graphene Lattice points of spherical symmetry a e b,c d Ten Planar Point Groups 12 Symmetry preservation of form and configuration across a point, a line, or a plane symmetry elements Symmetry Element a geometric entity (line, point, plane) about which a symmetry operation takes place Symmetry Operation a permutation of atoms such that an object (molecule or crystal) is transformed into a state indistinguishable from the starting state Point Group the collection of symmetry elements of an isolated shape, does not consider translation Lattice points occupied by motifs of nonspherical symmetry 17 Plane Space Groups - Wallpaper 13 A space group = a complete set of all symmetry elements and translations Seven Crystal Systems in 3D 14 Lattice points of spherical symmetry Fourteen Bravais Lattices in 3D 7 Crystal Systems + Centering = 14 Bravais Lattices 15 Add one atom at the center of the cube Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) a c b a = b = c a  b  c Simple Cubic (SC) Add one atom at the center of each face Face-Centered Cubic (FCC) Conventional Cell = Primitive Cell Conventional Unit Cell  Primitive Cell 16 Centering 3D Lattices and Space Groups Bravais Lattice (Lattice point = Basis of Spherical Symmetry) Crystal Structure (Structural motif = Basis of Arbitrary Symmetry) Number of point groups: 7 (7 crystal systems) 32 (32 crystallographic point groups) Number of space groups: 14 (14 Bravais lattices) 230 (230 space groups) 17 Primitive Cell a a a Body-Centered Cubic (I) Unit Cell Primitive Cell • The smallest cell that can be translated throughout space to completely recreate the entire lattice • Volume of space translated through all the vectors in a lattice that just fills all of space without overlapping or leaving voids • Contains just one Bravais lattice point (Z = 1) • There is not one unique primitive cell, many () possible shapes • The primitive cell for the simple cubic lattice is equal to the simple cubic unit cell (they are identical) (magenta) 18 Primitive Cell A primitive cell of the lattice may be constructed in 2 ways: The primitive cell may have the lattice point confined at its CENTER = the WIGNER-SEITZ cell The primitive cell may be formed by constructing lines BETWEEN lattice points, the lattice points lie at the VERTICES of the cell 19 Nonprimitive Unit Cell vs. Primitive Cell a a a Face-Centered Cubic (F) a Rotated 90º Primitive Cell Unit Cell The primitive cell is smaller or equal in size to the unit cell The unit cells possesses the highest symmetry present in the lattice (for example Cubic) 20 1) Coordinates within a unit cell 2) Express the coordinates u, v, w as fractions of unit cell vectors (lattice parameters) a, b, and c: (h, k, l) 3) Do not clear fractions 4) Entire lattice can be referenced by one unit cell Index System for Points 21 Central point coordinates? Index System for Directions (Miller Indices) 1) Determine coordinates of two points in direction of interest (simplified – origin): u1 v1 w1 and u2 v2 w2 2) Subtract coordinates of the second point from those of the first point: u’ = u1 - u2, v’ = v1 - v2, w’ = w1 - w2 3) Clear fractions from the differences to give indices in lowest integer values 4) Write indices in [ ] brackets - [uvw] 5) Negative = a bar over the integer A = [100] B = [111] C = [1¯2¯2] 22 Index System for Directions (Miller Indices) In the cubic system directions having the same indices regardless of order or sign are equivalent For cubic crystals, the directions are all equivalent by symmetry: [1 0 0], [ 1¯ 0 0], [0 1 0], [0 1¯ 0], [0 0 1], [0 0 1¯ ] Families of crystallographic directions e.g. <1 0 0> Angled brackets denote a family of crystallographic directions 23 1. If the plane passes through the origin, select an equivalent plane or move the origin 2. Find the intercepts on the axes in terms of the lattice constants a, b, c. The axes may be those of a primitive or nonprimitive unit cell 3. Take the reciprocals of these numbers and then reduce to three integers having the same ratio, usually the smallest three integers 4. (1/∞ = 0) 5. The result enclosed in parenthesis (hkl), is called the index of the plane Index System for Crystal Planes (Miller Indices) 24 Index System for Crystal Planes (Miller Indices) 25 Index System for Crystal Planes (Miller Indices) Cubic system - planes having the same indices regardless of order or sign are equivalent - braces {hkl} (111), (11¯1), (111¯) …. belong to {111} family (100), (1¯00), (010), and (001) ….. belong to {100} family 26 Index System for Crystal Planes (Miller Indices) The Miller indices (hkl) is the same vector as the normal to the plane [hkl] 27 Index System for Crystal Planes (Miller Indices) 28 2 nm Atomic planes influence • Optical properties • Reactivity • Surface tension • Dislocations Quasiperiodic Crystals 29 2 nm Quasiperiodic crystal = a structure that is ordered but not periodic continuously fills all available space, but it lacks translational symmetry Penrose - a plane filled in a nonperiodic fashion using two different types of tiles Five-fold symmetry Only 2, 3, 4, 6fold symmetry allowed to fill 2D plane completely Crystals and Crystal Bonding • metallic (Cu, Fe, Au, Ba, alloys ) metallic bonding, electron delocalization • ionic (NaCl, CsCl, CaF2, ... ) ionic bonds, cations and anions, electrostatic interactions, ions pack into extremely regular crystalline structures, in an arrangement that minimizes the lattice energy (maximizing attractions and minimizing repulsions). The lattice energy is the summation of the interaction of all sites with all other sites. • covalent network solid (diamond, graphite, SiO2, AlN,... ) atoms, covalent bonding, a chemical compound (or element) in which the atoms are bonded by covalent bonds in a continuous network extending throughout the material, there are no individual molecules, the entire crystal or amorphous solid may be considered a macromolecule • molecular (Ar, C60, HF, H2O, organics, proteins ) molecules, van der Waals and hydrogen bonding 30 Covalent Network Solids 31 Three Cubic Cells SC or Primitive (P) BCC (I) FCC (F) 32 33 SC or Primitive (P) BCC (I) FCC (F) Coordination number Z = number of lattice points per unit cell a a a d D a = edge d = face diagonl (d2 = a2 + a2 = 2a2) D = body diagonal (D2 = d2 + a2 = 2a2 + a2 = 3a2) a2 d a3 D Cube 34 CN 6 Simple Cubic SC = Polonium Space filling 52% Z = 1 35 Space filling 68% CN 8 BCC = W, Tungsten a d D r -Fe, Cr, V, Li-Cs, Ba Z = 2 36 BCC 37 Zeolite Octasilicate = motif Space filling 74% CN 12 FCC = Copper, Cu = CCP d r Z = 4 38 Close Packing in Plane 2D 39 Close Packing The second layer - B and C holes cannot be occupied at the same time 40 Close Packing in Space 3D 41 The third layer decides: Hexagonal HCP Cubic CCP 42 Hexagonal HCP Cubic CCP Mg, Be, Zn, Ni, Li, Os, Sc, Ti, Co, Y, Ru, solid He Cu, γ-Fe (austenite), Ca, Sr, Ag, Au, Ni, Rh, solid Ne-Xe, F2, C60, opal (300 nm) 43 Hexagonal HCP Cubic CCP = FCC CCP = FCC (ABC) Close packed layers of CCP are oriented perpendicularly to the body diagonal of the cubic cell of FCC CCP FCC 44 Structures with Larger Motifs 45 C60 - FCC = CCP SEM - Opal – 300 nm SiO2 FCC = CCP Structures with Larger Motifs TEM images of superlattices composed of 11.3 nm Ni nanoparticles 46 Structures with Larger Motifs 47 Coordination Polyhedrons 48 Which is HCP and which is CCP? Space Filling a = lattice parameter Atom Radius, r Number of Atoms (lattice points), Z Space filling SC a/2 1 52% BCC 3a/4 2 68% FCC 2a/4 4 74% Diamond 3a/8 8 34% 49 50 Two Types of Voids (Holes) in Close-Packed Structures (CCP and HCP) 51 Tetrahedral Holes TN cp atoms in a lattice cell N Octahedral Holes 2N Tetrahedral Holes Tetrahedral Holes T+ Octahedral Holes 52 Two Types of Voids (Holes) Tetrahedral Holes (T)Octahedral Holes (O) 53 Z = 4 number of atoms in the CCP cell (N) T = 8 number of tetrahedral holes (2N) Z = 4 number of atoms in the CCP cell (N) O = 4 number of octahedral holes (N) Two Types of Voids (Holes) HCP N hcp atoms in a lattice cell N Octahedral Holes (OC) 2N Tetrahedral Holes (TE) 54 Characteristic Structures of Solids = Structure Types Rock salt NaCl: LiCl, KBr, AgCl, MgO, TiO, FeO, SnAs, UC, TiN, ... Fluorite CaF2: BaCl2, K2O, PbO2 ... Lithium bismutide Li3Bi: Fe3Al, M3C60 Sphalerite (zinc blende) ZnS: CuCl, HgS, GaAs ... Nickel arsenide NiAs: FeS, PtSn, CoS ... Wurtzite ZnS: ZnO, MnS, SiC ICSD 3555 NaCl 3438 MgAl2O4 2628 GdFeO3 55 Structure Types Derived from CCP = FCC 56 Fluorite CaF2 and Antifluorite Li2O Fluorite structure = a face-centered cubic array (FCC) of cations = cubic close packing (CCP) of cations with all tetrahedral holes filled by anions = a simple cubic (SC) array of anions Antifluorite structure = a face-centred cubic (FCC) array of anions = cubic close packing (CCP) of anions, with cations in all of the tetrahedral holes (the reverse of the fluorite structure) 57 Fluorite CaF2 and Antifluorite Li2O F / Li 58 Ca / O Fluorite CaF2 and Antifluorite Li2O Oxides: Na2O, K2O, UO2, ZrO2, ThO2 alkali metal sulfides, selenides and tellurides K2[PtCl6], (NH4)2[PtCl6], Cs2[SiF6], [Fe(NH3)6][TaF6]2 CaF2, SrF2, SrCl2, BaF2, BaCl2, CdF2, HgF2, EuF2, -PbF2, PbO2 Li2O, Li2S, Li2Se, Li2Te, Na2O, Na2S, Na2Se, Na2Te, K2O, K2S 59 Fluorite CaF2 and Antifluorite Li2O 60 Pyrochlores = Disordered Fluorite 61 CaF2 (Ca4F8) Pyrochlore A2B2O7 (Na,Ca)2Nb2O6(OH,F) Y2Ti2O7, La2Zr2O7 Sphalerite (zincblende, ZnS) Cubic close packing of anions with 1/2 tetrahedral holes filled by cations 62 Sphalerite (zincblende, ZnS) 13-15 compounds: BP, BAs, AlP, AlAs, GaAs, GaP, GaSb, AlSb, InP, InAs, InSb 12-16 compounds: BeS, BeSe, BeTe, b-MnS (red), -MnSe, -CdS, CdSe, CdTe, HgS, HgSe, HgTe, ZnSe, ZnTe Halogenides: AgI, CuF, CuCl, CuBr, CuI, NH4F Borides: PB, AsB Carbides: -SiC Nitrides: BN 63 Cubic Diamond 64 6,16Å 2,50 Å 4,10Å Sphalerite Cubic = chairs only Wurzite Hexagonal = chairs + boats SiO2 cristobalite Replace C-C with Si-O-Si Lonsdaleite SiO2 tridymite Ice-hexagonal Replace C-C with O-HꞏꞏꞏꞏO Diamond 65 Diamond Structure 66 Elements of Group 14: C, Si, Ge, grey-Sn • Add 4 atoms to FCC/CCP to ½ of tetrahedral holes • Tetrahedral bond arrangement of all atoms • Each atom has 4 nearest neighbors and 12 next nearest neighbors Cuprite Cu2O - Cubic Diamond Lattices 67 Two interpenetrating diamond lattices Replace C-C with O-Cu-O Wurzite, ZnS Hexagonal close packing of anions with 1/2 tetrahedral holes filled by cations 68 ZnO, ZnS, ZnSe, ZnTe, BeO, CdS, CdSe, MnS, AgI, AlN, GaN Lonsdaleite Zincite, ZnO 69 Semiconductors of 13-15 and 12-16 type 70 Rock Salt, NaCl Cubic close packing of anions with all octahedral holes filled by cations 71 Anion and cation sublattices = same FCC/CCP Rock salt (NaCl) = Anti-rock salt (ClNa) Rock Salt, NaCl 72 Rock Salt Structures (NaCl) Hydrides: LiH, NaH, KH, NH4BH4 – H2 storage material Pd(H) Borides: ZrB, HfB Carbides: TiC, ZrC, VC, UC Nitrides: ScN, TiN, UN, CrN, VN, ZrN Oxides: MgO, CaO, SrO, BaO, TiO, VO, MnO, FeO, CoO, NiO Chalcogenides: MgS, CaS, SrS, BaS, a-MnS, MgSe, CaSe, SrSe, BaSe, CaTe Halides: LiF, LiCl, LiBr, LiI, NaF, NaBr, NaI, KF, KCl, KBr, KI, RbF, RbCl, RbBr, RbI, CsF, AgCl, AgF, AgBr Intermetallics: SnAs Other FeS2 (pyrite), CaC2, NaO2 73 Rock Salt Structures (NaCl) 74 Rock Salt Structures (NaCl) FeS2 (pyrite), CaC2, NaO2 SiO2 pyrite - high pressure polymorph, in Uranus and Neptune core 75 Nickel Arsenide, NiAs Hexagonal close packing of anions (As) with all octahedral holes filled by cations (Ni) NiS, NiAs, NiSb, NiSe, NiSn, NiTe, FeS, FeSe, FeTe, FeSb, PtSn, CoS, CoSe, CoTe, CoSb, CrSe, CrTe, CoSb, PtB (anti-NiAs structure) 76 unit cell Ni As ReB2 - type Hexagonal close packing of anions with all tetrahedral holes filled by cations 77 Li3Bi (anti BiF3) Fe3Al [Cr(NH3)6]Cl3 K3[Fe(CN)6] M3C60 Cubic close packing of anions with all tetrahedral and octahedral holes filled by cations 78 CsCl Primitive cubic packing of anions with all cubic holes filled by cations 79 Primitive cubic packing of CsCl8 cubes sharing all faces CsCl CsCl is not BCC CsBr, CsI, CsCN, NH4Cl, NH4Br, TlCl, TlBr, TlI, CuZn, CuPd, LiHg 80 NaTl Niggli – 230 space groups – restrictions on arrangement of atoms: There are only 4 possible AB cubic structures: NaCl, ZnS-sphalerite, CsCl, and NaTl Both sublattices form independent diamond structures. The atoms sit on the sites of a bcc lattice with abcc = ½ a 81 SC of ReO6 octahedra ReO3 NaCl structure with 3/4 of cations removed and 1/4 of anions removed Cubic-WO3, UO3, MoF3, NbF3, TaF3, AlF3, Cu3N 82 What type of unit cell? sc, bcc, fcc 1839 G. Rose named mineral after C. A. Perovski TiO6 – octahedra CaO12 – cuboctahedra (Ca2+ and O2 form a cubic close packing) preferred structure of piezoelectric, ferroelectric and superconducting materials Perovskite Structure CaTiO3 Goldschmidt’s tolerance factor 83 Perovskite, CaTiO3 Two equvivalent views of the unit cell of perovskite Ti CaO Ti O Ca Cubic close packing of Ca and O with 1/4 octahedral holes filled by Ti cations 84 Perovskite, ABX3 MgSiO3, CaSiO3 KNbO3, KTaO3, KIO3, NaNbO3, NaWO3, LaCoO3, LaCrO3, LaFeO3, LaGaO3, LaVO3, SrTiO3, SrZrO3, SrFeO3 ThTaN3, BaTaO2N 85 0.8 < t < 0.9 orthorhombic/monoclinic 0.9 < t < 0.97 cubic 0.97 < t < 1.02 tetragonal Goldschmidt’s tolerance factor Perovskite - Ferroelectric BaTiO3 86 Perovskite, BaTiO3 87 Tc = critical temperature Perovskite - Ferroelectric BaTiO3 88 Perovskite Structure of YBCO 89 Perovskite Structure of CH3NH3PbI3 90 Three Polymorphs of TiO2 anatase (a), rutile (b) and brookite (c) 91 Rutile, TiO2 CN – stoichiometry Rule AxBy CN(A) / CN(B) = y / x Distorted hexagonal close packing of anions with 1/2 octahedral holes filled by cations (giving a tetragonal lattice) 92 Rutile, TiO2 GeO2, CrO2, IrO2, MoO2, WO2, NbO2, -MnO2, OsO2, VO2 (>340 K), RuO2, CoF2, FeF2, MgF2, MnF2 93 TiO6 – octahedra OTi3 – trigonal planar (alternative to CaF2 for highly charged smaller cations) FCC array of O2- ions, A2+ occupies 1/8 of the tetrahedral and B3+ 1/2 of the octahedral holes  normal spinel: AB2O4  inverse spinel: B[AB]O4 Fe3O4 = Fe3+[Fe2+Fe3+]O4  basis structure for several magnetic materials The Spinel Structure: MgAl2O4 94 Magnetite (Fe3O4) and Maghemite (γ-Fe2O3) 95 Cubic inverse spinel O2- atoms are arranged in closepacked FCC lattice Fe2+ occupy ½ of OCT sites Fe3+ are split evenly across the remaining OCT and TET sites Fully oxidized form of magnetite Inverse spinel with cation deficiency One of every six octahedral sites in magnetite is vacant Stoichiometry Fetet(Fe5/3□1/3)octO4 Spinels, AB2X4 AB2X4 Spinel normal: Cubic close packing of anions with 1/2 octahedral holes filled by B cations and 1/8 tetrahedral holes by A cations MgAl2O4, CoAl2O4, MgTi2O4, Fe2GeO4, NiAl2O4, MnCr2O4 AB2X4 Spinel inverse: As for spinel but A cations and 1/2 of B cations interchanged MgFe2O4, NiFe2O4, MgIn2O4, MgIn2S4, Mg2TiO4, Zn2TiO4, Zn2SnO4, FeCo2O4. δ = the inversion parameter (AδB1-δ)A[A1-δB1+δ]BO4 Values from δ = 1 (normal) to δ = 0 (inverse) May depend on synthesis conditions 96 Corundum, Al2O3 Al2O3 lattice consists of HCP array of O2− ions Al3+ ions fill ……. of all octahedral holes The Al centres are surrounded by ……. oxides Oxides are coordinated by …… Al3+ ions 97 Garnets Naturally occuring garnets A3B2Si3O12 = A3B2(SiO4)3 A3 = divalent cation (Mg, Fe, Mn or Ca) dodecahedral B2 = trivalent (Al, Fe3+, Ti, or Cr) octahedral Si3 = tetravalent, tetrahedral Since Ca is much larger in radius than the other divalent cations, there are two series of garnets: one with calcium and one without: pyralspite contain Al (pyrope, almandine, spessartine) ugrandite contain Ca (uvarovite, grossular, andradite) Synthetic garnets A3B5O12 A3 = trivalent cations, large size (Y, La,…) B5 = trivalent (Al, Fe3+, Ti, or Cr) 2B octahedral, 3B tetrahedral Y3Al5O12 Y3Fe5O12 98 Synthetic Garnets A3B5O12 YAG Garnet Y3Al5O12 Y3 = red - dodecahedral trivalent cations, large size Al5 = blue 2 octahedral 3 tetrahedral O12 99 Fullerides M1C60 all the octahedral (O) sites (dark blue) are occupied (NaCl) M2C60 all the tetrahedral (T) sites (light blue) are occupied (CaF2) M3C60 both the O and the T sites are occupied (BiF3) M4C60 rearranged to a body-centered tetragonal (bct) cell and both the O and the T sites of the bct lattice are occupied M6C60 a bcc lattice and all its T sites are occupied 100 Layered Structures CdI2 Hexagonal close packing of anions with 1/2 octahedral holes filled by cations CoI2, FeI2, MgI2, MnI2, PbI2, ThI2, TiI2, TmI2, VI2, YbI2, ZnI2, VBr2, TiBr2, MnBr2, FeBr2, CoBr2, TiCl2, TiS2, TaS2 Mg(OH)2 - brucite CdCl2 Cubic close packing of anions with 1/2 octahedral holes filled by cations CdCl2, CdBr2, CoCl2, FeCl2, MgCl2, MnCl2, NiCl2, NiI2, ZnBr2, ZnI2, Cs2O* (anti-CdCl2 structure) 101 CdI2 Hexagonal Close Packing 102 HCP of anions with 1/2 octahedral holes filled by cations Fully occupied and completely empty planes alternate CdCl2 Cubic Close Packing 103 CCP of anions with 1/2 octahedral holes filled by cations, fully occupied and completely empty planes alternate Vocabulary of terms 104 Parallelepiped = rovnoběžnostěn