1 Lattice Energy Pauling Rules Bonding Models for Covalent and Ionic Compounds Organic (molecular, covalent) vs. Inorganic (nonmolecular, ionic) bonding G. N. Lewis 1923 Electron pair sharing Orbital overlap Chemical bond Number of bonds = atomic valence Born, Lande, Magelung, Meyer 1918 Electrostatic attraction (Coulomb) + Repulsion 1911 2 The lattice enthalpy change, L, is the standard molar enthalpy change for the process: M+ (gas) + X (gas)  MX(solid) The formation of a solid from ions in the gas phase is always exothermic Lattice enthalpies are usually negative L is the most important energy factor in determining the stability of an ionic compound The most stable crystal structure of a given compound is the one with the highest (most negative) lattice enthalpy L (entropy considerations neglected) H L 0 Lattice Enthalpy, L (L) 3 Lattice Enthalpy, L, kJ/mol 4 d eZZ E BA coul 2 04 1   All compounds adopt the NaCl structure, except CsCl, CsBr, CsI ScN 7547 ∆Hform o = 411 kJ mol1 ∆Hsubl o = 108 kJ mol1 ½ D = 122 kJ mol1 EA = 355 kJ mol1 IE = 502 kJ mol1 L = ?Na(s) + 1/2 Cl2 (g) Na(g) + 1/2 Cl2 (g) Na(g) + Cl (g) Na+ (g) + Cl (g) Na+ (g) + Cl- (g) NaCl (s) 0 = ∆Hform o + ∆Hsubl o + 1/2 D + IE + EA+ L 0 = 411 + 108 +122 + 502 + (355) + L L = 788 kJ mol1 Born-Haber Cycle All enthalpies: kJ mol-1 for normal conditions  standard enthalpies 5 Lattice Enthalpy, L L = ECoul + Erep One ion pair (calculated exactly) (modelled empirically) n = Born exponent (experimental measurement of compressibility or Pauling) B = a constant 6 d eZZ E BA coul 2 04 1   nrep d B E  d ezz ANE ACoul 0 2 4   Coulombic contributions to lattice enthalpies, ECoul Coulombic Contribution to L Coulomb potential of an ion pair ECoul : Coulomb potential (electrostatic potential) A : Madelung constant (depends on structure type) NA: Avogadro constant z : charge number e : elementary charge (1.6022 × 10−19 C) o: dielectric constant (vacuum permittivity, 8.854 × 10−12 F m−1) d : shortest distance between cation and anion 7 Lattice Enthalpy, L 1 mol of ions ECoul = NA A (e2 / 4  e0) (zA zB / d) A = Madelung constant - a single ion interacts with all other ions Erep = NA B / dn L = ECoul + Erep Find minimum dL/d(d) = 0 nA BA A d B N d eZZ ANL  0 2 4 8 Madelung Constant, A Count all interactions in the crystal lattice of one ion with all others Madelung constant A = 1.3862944…… for an infinite linear chain of ions = sum of convergent series The simplest example : 1D lattice 9 Erwin Madelung (1881 – 1972) 2ln2 4 .... 4 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 0 2 0 2 d ZZe d ZZe E BABA coul       Madelung Constant for NaCl Sum of convergent series 3D ionic solids: Coulomb attraction and repulsion A single ion interacts with all other ions 74756.1.... 5 24 2 6 3 8 2 12 6 A 10 M d ZZe d ZZe E BABA coul 0 2 0 2 4 .... 5 1 24 4 1 6 3 1 8 2 1 12 1 1 6 4         Neighbors Distance 6 Cl d 12 Na 2 d 8 Cl 3 d 6 Na 4 d 24 Cl 5 d Madelung Constant for NaCl 11 Madelung Constants for Some Structural Types 12 Structure A A/ Coordination CsCl 1.762675 0.882 (8,8) NaCl 1.747565 0.874 (6,6) CaF2 2.51939 0.840 (8,4) ZnS Wurtzite 1.64132 0.821 (4,4) ZnS Sphalerite 1.63805 0.819 (4,4) CdCl2 2.244 0.75 (6,3) CdI2 2.191 0.73 (6,3) TiO2 Rutile 2.408 0.803 (6,3) Al2O3 Corundum 4.172 0.834 (6,4) Linear Lattice 1.3862944 (2,2) Ion Pair ? (1,1)  = the number of ions in a formula unit Born Repulsion, Erep Because the electron density of atoms decreases exponentially towards zero at large distances from the nucleus the Born repulsion shows the same behavior approximation: d E nrep B  B and n are constants for a given atom type n can be derived from compressibility measurements or Pauling values (e.g., for NaCl, n = 8) Repulsion arising from overlap of electron clouds 13 Max Born 1882 – 1970 The Born-Landé Equation (1918)  EE repCoulL  min 0 ) 1 1( 4 0 2 0 n N d ezz A AL    set first derivative of the sum to zero 14 Total Lattice Enthalpy from Coulomb interaction and Born repulsion Lattice Enthalpy Calculation        nd eZZ ANL BA A 1 1 4 0 2  El. config. n Example He-He 5 LiH, Be2+ Ne-Ne 7 NaF, MgO, Al3+ Ar-Ar 9 KCl, CaS, CuCl, Zn2+, Ga3+ Kr-Kr 10 RbBr, AgBr, Cd2+, In3+ Xe-Xe 12 CsI, Au+, Tl3+, Ba2+, Hg2+ Born–Mayer Born–Lande        d d d eZZ ANL BA A * 0 2 1 4 For compounds of mixed ion types, use the average value (e.g., for NaCl, n = 8). 15 Pauling's approximate values of n d* = 0.345 Å The Kapustinskii Equation Kapustinskii found that if the Madelung constant for a given structure is divided by the number of ions in one formula unit () the resulting values are almost constant: Structure Madelung constant (A) A/ Coordination CsCl 1.763 0.882 8:8 NaCl 1.748 0.874 6:6 CaF2 2.519 0.840 8:4 -Al2O3 4.172 0.834 6:4 A general lattice energy equation that can be applied to any crystal regardless of the crystal structure            rr G rr ZZ vKL BA 1 K, G = constants 16 The most important advantage of the Kapustinskii equation • it is possible to apply the equation for lattice calculations of crystals with polyatomic ions (e.g., KNO3, (NH4)2SO4 ...) • a set of „thermochemical radii“ was derived for further calculations of lattice enthalpies The Kapustinskii Equation 17 Experimental and Calculated Lattice Enthalpies NaCl Born–Lande calculation L =  765 kJ mol1 Only ionic contribution considered Experimental Born–Haber cycle L =  788 kJ mol1 Lattice Enthalpy consists of ionic and covalent contributions 18 Applications of Lattice Enthalpy calculations • thermal stabilities of ionic solids • stabilities of oxidation states of cations • solubility of salts in water • calculations of electron affinity data • lattice enthalpies and stabilities of „non existent“ compounds Five principles which could be used to determine the structures of complex ionic/covalent crystals Pauling’s Rule no. 1 Coordination Polyhedra • A coordinated polyhedron of anions is formed about each cation • Cation-Anion distance is determined by sums of ionic radii • Cation coordination environment is determined by radius ratio Pauling’s Rules 19 Coordination Polyhedra 20 Different Types of Radii 21 The radius of one ion was fixed to a reasonable value (r(O2-) = 140 pm) (Linus Pauling) That value is then used to compile a set of self consistent values for all other ions P – Pauling radius G – Goldschmidt radius S – Shannon radius Variation of the Electron Density along the Li – F Axis in LiF 22 Variation of Ionic Radii with Coordination Number 23 As the coordination number (CN) increases, the Ionic Radius increases Variation of Atomic Radii through the Periodic Table 24 R.D. Shannon and C.T. Prewitt, Acta Cryst. B25, 925-945 (1969) R.D. Shannon, Acta Cryst. A32, 751-767 (1976) Ionic Radii As the coordination number (CN) increases, the Ionic Radius increases Sr 2+ CN Radius, Å 6 1.32 8 1.40 9 1.45 10 1.50 12 1.58 As the oxidation state increases, cations get smaller (6-fold coordination, in Å) Mn2+ 0.810 Mn3+ 0.785 Mn4+ 0.670 Ti2+ 1.000 Ti3+ 0.810 Ti4+ 0.745 25 Ionic Radii The radius increases down a group in the periodic table The exception - 4d/5d series in the transition metals - the lanthanide contraction (6-fold coordination, in Å) Al3+ 0.675 Ga3+ 0.760 In3+ 0.940 Tl3+ 1.025 Ti4+ 0.745 Zr4+ 0.86 Hf4+ 0.85 Right to left across the periodic table the radius decreases (6 coordinate radii, in Å) La3+ 1.172 Nd3+ 1.123 Gd3+ 1.078 Lu 3+ 1.001 26 1. Ionic radii increase down a group (Lanthanide contraction restricts the increase of heavy ions) 2. Radii of equal charge ions decrease across a period 3. Ionic radii increase with increasing coordination number the higher the CN the bigger the ion 4. The ionic radius of a given atom decreases with increasing charge (r(Fe2+) > r(Fe3+)) 5. Cations are usually the smaller ions in a cation/anion combination (exceptions: r(Cs+) > r(F-)) 6. Frequently used for rationalization of structures: „radius ratio“ r(cation)/r(anion) (< 1) General Trends for Ionic Radii 27 Cation/Anion Radius Ratio CN r/R 12 – hcp/ccp 1.00 (substitution) 8 – cubic 0.732 – 1.00 6 – octahedral 0.414 – 0.732 4 – tetrahedral 0.225 – 0.414 Optimal radius ratio for given CN ions are in touch 28 29 Structure Map Structural map as function of radius ratios for AB compounds Structural map as function of radius ratios for A2BO4 compounds Dependence of the structure type on parameters, such as ionic radii, ionicity, electronegativity etc. 30 Structure Map Dependence of the structure type (coordination number) on the electronegativity difference and the average principal quantum number (size and polarizability) AB compounds 31 the electronegativity difference Pauling’s Rule no. 2 Bond Strength The strength of an electrostatic bond sij= valence / CN The bond valence sum (BVS) of each ion equals its oxidation state Vi The valence of an ion (Vi, equal to the oxidation state of the ion) is equal to a sum of the valences of its bonds (sij): Vi =  sij In a stable ionic structure the charge on an ion is balanced by the sum of electrostatic bond strengths (sij) to the ions in its coordination polyhedron TiO2 (Rutile) Ti - oxidation state of +4, coordinated to 6 oxygens VTi = +4 = 6 (sij) sij = +2/3 The bond valence of oxygen, coordinated by 3 Ti atoms Vo = 3 (sij) = 3 (-2/3) = 2 Each bond has a valence of sij with respect to the cation and sij with respect to the anion Pauling’s Rules 32 Bond Strength Brown, Shannon, Donnay, Allmann: Correlation of the valence of a bond sij with the (experimental) bond distance dij Rij = standard single bond length - determined empirically from (many) structures where bond distances and ideal valences are accurately known Tables of Rij values for given bonding pairs (i.e., Nb-O, Cr-N, Mg-F, etc.) have been calculated, just as tables of ionic radii are available A constant b = 0.37 R = d s = e0 = 1 R  d s = e1 < 1 a bond longer than R is weaker than 1 R  d s = e1 > 1 a bond shorter than R is stronger than 1 b dR s ijij ij   exp 33 Bond Valence Sum (BVS) Correlation of the valence of a bond sij with the (experimental) bond distance dij Use of the bond valence sum (BVS) concept: A) To check experimentally determined structures for correctness, or bonding instabilities B) To predict new structures C) To locate light atoms such as hydrogen or Li ion, which are hard to find experimentally D) To determine ordering of ions which are hard to differentiate experimentally, such as Al3+ and Si4+, or O2- and FE) To check/confirm oxidation states of atoms (Co2+ /Co3+ , Fe2+ / Fe3+ ) b dR s ijij ij   exp CN z sv i iji  34 Bond Valence Sum (BVS) b dR s ijij ij   exp CN z sv i iji  35 FeTiO3 (mineral Ilmenite) possesses the corundum structure – an hcp array of oxides with cations filling 2/3 of octahedral holes. Decide which oxidation states (valences) are present: Fe(II) Ti(IV) or Fe(III) Ti(III) Bond Distances (dexp, Å) Tabulated Rij values Constants FeO = 3×2.07 and 3×2.20 R0(FeO) = 1.795 Å b = 0.30 TiO = 3×1.88 and 3×2.09 R0(TiO) = 1.815 Å b = 0.37 Oxygen valence and coordination number? Each oxygen is bound to Fe and Ti with both bond distances Pauling’s Rule no. 3 Polyhedral Linking The presence of shared edges, and particularly shared faces decreases the stability of a structure This is particularly true for cations with large valences and small coordination number Avoid shared polyhedral edges and/or faces Pauling’s Rules 36 Polyhedral Linking 37 The Coulombic interactions in stable structures - Maximize the cation-anion interactions (attractive) - Minimize the anion-anion and cation-cation interactions (repulsive) - Increase the coordination number - Decrease the cation-anion distance - If ions too close - electron-electron repulsions The cation-cation distance decreases and the Coulomb repulsion increases as • the degree of sharing increases (corner < edge < face) • CN decreases (cubic < octahedral < tetrahedral) • cation oxidation state increases (a stronger Coulomb repulsion) Polyhedral Linking 38 Pauling’s Rule no. 4 Cation Evasion In a crystal containing different cations those with large valence and small coord. number tend not to share polyhedral elements (anions) Pauling’s Rules Perovskite, CaTiO3 CaII 12-coordinate CaO12 cuboctahedra share FACES TiIV 6-coordinate TiO6 octahedra share only VERTICES 39 Pauling’s Rule no. 5 Environmental Homogeneity The rule of parsimony The number of chemically different coordination environments for a given ion tends to be small Once the optimal chemical environment for an ion is found, if possible, all ions of that type should have the same environment Pauling’s Rules 40 Strukturbericht Symbols A partly systematic method for specifying the structure of a crystal A - monatomic (elements), B - diatomic with equal numbers of atoms of each type (AB), C - a 2-1 abundance ratio (AB2), D0 - 3-1, etc. Structure type Struktur bericht Space group (S.G. No.) Lattice Cu A1 Fm-3m (225) fcc W, Fe A2 Im-3m (229) bcc Mg A3 P63/mmc (194) hcp C - diamond A4 Fd-3m (227) diamond NaCl B1 Fm-3m (225) CsCl B2 Pm-3m (221) ZnS B3 F43m (216) Zincblende ZnS B4 P63/mc (186) Wurtzite CaF2 C1 Fm-3m (225) Fluorite 41 Pearson Symbols Indicate the crystal symmetry and the number of atoms in the unit cell e.g., NaCl - a face-centered (F) cubic (c) structure with 8 atoms in the unit cell = cF8 monoclinic (m), hexagonal (h), orthorhombic (o), asymmetric (a), primitive (P) the Pearson symbol does not necessarily specify a unique structure (see cF8) Structure type Pearson Symbol Struktur bericht Space group (S.G. No.) Cu cF4 A1 Fm-3m (225) W, Fe cI2 A2 Im-3m (229) Mg hP2 A3 P63/mmc (194) C - diamond cF8 A4 Fd-3m (227) NaCl cF8 B1 Fm-3m (225) CsCl cP2 B2 Pm-3m (221) ZnS (zb) cF8 B3 F43m (216) ZnS (w) hP4 B4 P63/mc (186) CaF2 cF12 C1 Fm-3m (225) 42 Space Group Symbols (230) primitive (P), face-centered (F), body-centered (I), base-centered (A, B, C), rhombohedral (R) S. G. Class Centering Symbol syntax (examples) Triclinic P P1, P-1 Monoclinic P, C, B Paxis, Pplane, Paxis/plane (P21, Cm, P21/c) Orthorhombic P, F, I, C, A Paxisaxisaxis, Pplaneplaneplane (Pmmm, Cmc21) Tetragonal P, I P4, P4axisaxisaxis, P4planeplaneplane (I4/m, P4mm) Trigonal P, R P3axis, P3plane (R-3m) Hexagonal P P6, P6axisplane (P63/mmc) Cubic P, F, I Paxis3plane, Pplane3plane (Pm-3m, Fm-3m) 43