C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - exercise -1Section Modelling Programs for molecular modelling II Petr Kulhanek kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Center for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, CZ-61137 Brno C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - exercise TSM Modeling of molecular structures C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - exercise -2Exercise 1 1. In a text editor, create a file in the xyz format describing the water model with the following parameters. The length of OH bonds will be 1 Å. The HOH bond angle will be 90°. Save it to your home directory as "water.xyz". 2. Load the created file into the VMD program. 3. Verify the actual bond length and the size of the HOH angle. (VMD Main > Mouse > Label, VMD Main > Graphics > Labels) 4. Display the water molecule in the following models: Lines, CPK, Licorice, VDW. C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - exercise -3- OpenBabel Format conversion by openbabel: $ module add openbabel $ babel input.xyz output.mol2 alternatively: $ babel -ixyz input.txt –omol2 output.out List supported formats: $ babel -L formats http://openbabel.org/wiki/Main_Page Open Babel is a chemical toolbox designed to speak the many languages ​​of chemical data. It's an open, collaborative project allowing anyone to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials, biochemistry, or related areas. Help: $ babel -H capital H C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - exercise -4Exercise 2 1. Activate the module openbabel. 2. List the formats that the installed version openbabel supports. 3. Convert the file water.xyz to the format Sybyl Mol2 format and save it as water.mol2. 4. Open the file water.mol2 in a text editor and discuss the meaning of its contents. 5. Convert the file water.xyz to the format InChI and save it as water.txt. 6. Open the file water.txt in a text editor and discuss the meaning of its contents. C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - exercise -5Exercise 3 1. Load into the program Avogadro molecule from the file water.xyz. 2. Optimize its geometry. What is the optimal bond length and bond angle? 3. Display the molecule in various graphical representations. 4. Load the file water.xyz into the program Nemesis (Import Structure -> OpenBabel) 5. Display the molecule in various graphical representations. 6. Optimize its geometry. What is the optimal bond length and bond angle? Compare with results obtained in Avogadro. Explain any differences. C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - exercise -6Exercise 4 1. In Sketch Structure project in the program Nemesis, draw the structure of benzoic acid. 2. Convert the molecule to a 3D representation (Structure > Convert to 3D). Rate the quality of the conversion. 3. Repeat the same procedure for cyclohexane. C7800 Introduction to molecular modelling - exercise -7Exercise 5 1. Build C60 in Avogadro using SMILES. 2. Find "Buckminsterfullerene" topic in Wikipedia and get SMILES representation of the molecule. 3. Build the model (Build > Insert > SMILES …). 4. Optimize and polish the model if necessary.