Courses/Výuka doc. Vrana •E5040 Environmental Compartments and their Pollution/ Složky životního prostředí a jejich znečištění •E5041 – Cvičení k E5040 •E0330 Good Laboratory Practice/Správná laboratorní praxe •C3705 Správná laboratorní praxe v chemické laboratoři Research topics/výzkumná témata •Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of POPs in aquatic food chains •Relationship between composition and effects of complex mixtures of aquatic pollutants •Global distribution of POPs and other organic pollutants in the hydrosphere •Accumulation in textiles and release by laundry as an emission pathway for aromatic amines from indoor environments to waste- and surface waters •Effectiveness of wastewater treatment to remove organic contaminants •Human exposure: Permeation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons through protective clothing •Human exposure: Silicone wristbands to assess dermal exposure to chemicals • "Chemodynamika znečištění životního prostředí“ Chemodynamics of environmental pollution" research group; Doc. Branislav Vrana: Aquatic Chemistry/Akvatická chemie Prof. Gerhard Lammel: Air pollution / atmospheric cycling of pollutants 26 Chemodynamics of environmental pollution Cooperations with: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice – Roman Grabic, RECETOX – Assoc. Prof. Hilscherová NORMAN association, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), NIVA (Norway) and others Aim: Analytical and bioanalytical assessments of organic micropollutants using a combination of passive sampling, bioassays and non-target screening Methodology: field measurements, passive sampling in water and sediment, target and suspect screening chemical analysis, bioanalytical tools Achievement: Setting up the baseline for representative monitoring of trace organic pollutants in large water bodies. Identification of toxicity drivers in complex mixtures. Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated > A picture containing person, person, wall, wearing Description automatically generated PI: Branislav Vrana A picture containing logo Description automatically generated A couple of men holding a sign by a river Description automatically generated with low confidence Chemodynamics of environmental pollution Cooperations with: University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, NORMAN association, International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), NIVA (Norway) and others Aim: Investigation of the relationship between concentrations of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in freshwater fish at different trophic levels and in water using passive sampling Methodology: field measurements, passive sampling in water and fish, chemical analysis Achievement: The trophic magnification in freshwater food chains rarely amplifies levels of persistent HOCs in fish above those in the surrounding environment. > A picture containing person, person, wall, wearing Description automatically generated PI: Branislav Vrana Investigating pathway of mutagenic amines to surface waters 4 •Sorption to textiles •Distribution in laundry water •Reach sewer system •Reach surface waters Obsah obrázku příslušenství, náhrdelník Popis byl vytvořen automaticky > A picture containing person, person, wall, wearing Description automatically generated PI: Branislav Vrana Chemodynamics of environmental pollution Cooperations with: UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig Testování přestupu polycyklických aromatických uhlovodíků textiliemi 5 •Textil může sorbovat chemické látky z prostředí Þbariéra mezi vnějším prostředím a kůží Þmožnosti ochrany před rizikovými látkami při expozici při výkonu povolání příklad – hasiči (PAHs) Þ=> potenciální sekundární zdroj kontaminace • > A picture containing person, person, wall, wearing Description automatically generated PI: Branislav Vrana Chemodynamics of environmental pollution Cooperations with: Dekonta, a.s. A picture containing linedrawing Description automatically generated A person wearing a garment Description automatically generated with medium confidence Diagram, engineering drawing Description automatically generated Chemodynamics of environmental pollution Cooperations with: Univeristy of Rhode Island, Environment Canada, multiple international partners Aim: Global distribution of POPs and other organic pollutants in the hydrosphere Methodology: field measurements, passive sampling in water, chemical analysis Achievement: Established global monitoring network AQUA-GAPS/MONET > A picture containing person, person, wall, wearing Description automatically generated PI: Branislav Vrana PCB 153 RECETOX Science Faculty Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic Míša Minaříková Foppe Smedes Tanya Rusina Lenka Sedlačková Pavla Fialová Brano Vrana Jaromír Sobotka A person wearing glasses and smiling at the camera Description generated with very high confidence Jakub Urík Simona Krupčíková A person with long hair Description automatically generated with low confidence