Magnetic field and stellar structure Jiří Krtička Masaryk University Magnetic field and stellar structure Magnetic field and global stellar structure Magnetic field significantly influences stellar structure if the magnetic field energy is comparable with gravitational energy, that is, 4 oß2 GM2 -ttR3— - 3 4tt R In solar units, B « 108 G This limit is never reached in any star. In nondegenerate stars, the magnetic field is always significantly lower than the above limit. The most strongly magnetized non-degenerate star ever discovered is Babcock star HD 215441, which has M « 2/W0, R « 2/?0I and B « 34 kG, i.e., several orders of magnitude below the limit. Neither this is fulfilled in white dwarfs, where the magnetic field is up to 108G, but R ^ 10~2Rq. The limit is not reached even in magnetars with B upto 1015G, but very small radii R ^ 10~sRq. Magnetic field field does not influence the global structure of stars, but may influence local processes like convection, angular momentum transport, and magnetosphere. Magnetic field and convection The interplay between magnetic field and convection establishes a very complex problem, which shall be treated usign MHD simulations in its general form, coining the term magnetoconvection. At least, an analogue of Schwartzchield stability condition can be formulated as din 7 k-\ 6, < -+ V d In p >c + 8tv>cp where 6V is the vertical component of the magnetic field. This means that the magnetic field may stabilize atmosphere against the convection if 3 = — < 1 M g2 ^ 11 8tt 2 Magnetic field and convection The interplay between magnetic field and convection establishes a very complex problem, which shall be treated usign MHD simulations in its general form, coining the term magnetoconvection. At least, an analogue of Schwartzchield stability condition can be formulated as d In t k < — + a V d In p >c + 8tv>cp where 6V is the vertical component of the magnetic field. This means that the magnetic field may stabilize atmosphere against the convection if s = -p-<1 8tt The magnetic field stabilizes the solar atmosphere against convection in solar spots. As a result, the heat transport becomes inefficient and the spot becomes cool. Magnetic buyonancy Let us assume the horizontal | z magnetic flux tubewith internal and external pressure p\ and pe, ^-1-^ respectively. The hydrostatic -1-g equilibrium requires that B2 Pi + — = Pe-47T This implies that the density inside the flux tube is lower than outside leading to magnetic buyonancy (Parker & Jensen 1955). The magnetic flux tubes rise and appear on the stellar surface in the form of Greek letter ft. This explains the appearance of stellar spots with oposite polarities. 3 Magnetic field decomposition Magnetic field decomposition In many cases, the stars retain some kind of symmetry, for example an axial symmetry around the rotational axis. In such case it becomes convenient to decompose the magnetic field into poloidal and toroidal components, B = Bp + Bt. Denoting t unit vector in the azimuthal direction, the components fulfill Bp • t = 0, Bt = B^t. Introducing scalar P such that the potential of Bp is A = At = —Pt/R, where R is radius in cylindrical coordinates (distance from z axis) (P \ 1 Bp = rot4 = -rot f —t j = x t Here we used rot (^C) = ^rot C + x A and rot (t/R) = 0. Magnetic field decomposition: the current As a result of axial symmetry, from the Ampere's law (e.g., writing in components) ;'t = ^rotep> This means that poloidal magnetic field creates toroidal currents and vice versa. The Lorentz force density is 1111 -j x B = — j x Bt + -jt x ep + — j x ep . c c K c c K S-v-' S-v-' poloidal toroidal From symmetry, the Gauss's law for magnetism in the differential form is div B = div ep + div Bt = div Bp = 0. 5 Ferraro isorotation law Induction equation in the rotating star Let us study rotation of spherically symmetric star with rotational velocity vt = RQt, where R is the radius in cylindrical coordinates, ft is angular frequency, and t is unit toroidal vector. Separating the magnetic field into poloidal and toroidal components, B = Bp + Bt, the induction equation is dB — = rot (vt x B) = rot [RQt x (Bp + Bt)] = rot (RQt x Bp). Evaluating this in the cylindrical component, the tp component of induction equation is ^ = /?(Bp-V)fi. If angular velocity changes along Bp, then the toroidal field is generated from the original poloidal field. Equation of motion in rotating star The equation of motion in the direction of ip is dv. dt pR 00. ~dt 1 ,. {Jt +iP) x (Bp + Bt)] t = - (jp x Bp) t Using the previously derived relations and A • (6 x C) = C • (A x 6) <9ft /? c St C 47T (v(/?B„) x |) x 6, t = —Bp-v(/?ev) 7 Torsional waves Combining the induction and momentum equations and neglecting the changes of 6P we arrive at the wave equation of torsional waves pR' 02Q dt2 47T Bp-V[/?2(Bp-V)ft 02B, dt2 K(Bp-V) _4vr/o/?2 ep • V{RBV) Taking into account small variations of Bp and R d2Q B2 d2Q dt2 Airp ds2 v A d2Q ds2 where s the element length along 6P. The torsional waves propagate with Alfven speed relatively quicky through the star (within 102 — 104yr) 8 Ferraro isorotation law The torsional waves dampen down during the stellar lifetime, dB^/dt = 0, what implies (Bp • V) ft = 0. For Bp = VP x t we have (VP x t) • Vft = 0. Again using the identity A • (B x C) = C • (A x 6) we have t • (VP x Vft) = 0. As a result of symmetry around the z axis, the term in the bracket should have a component just in the direction of t. This implies VP x Vft = 0, or ft = ft(P). This is Ferraro isorotation law, which says that the angular rotation frequency is constant along the magnetic field line. In most cases, this means solid body rotation for magnetic stars. From the equation of motion in the stationary state dQ/dt = 0 and therefore 6P • V(P6^) = 0. Again using 6P = —-^VP x t we have RB^ = f(P). Therefore the current ,v=iV(ffEv)x(=_i_f* 00 (for the frozen field) or in the vicinity of 0 we shall have vp —>► 00, which does not make a sense. Consequently, any axisymmetric magnetic field cannot be sustained against the Ohmic decay via axisymmetric flow of matter. 14 Towards the working dynamo: model due to Babcock & Parker The Cowling antidynamo theorem shows that to sustain a working dynamo, one needs to employ the toroidal field component. The dynamo model is based on oscillarory process: • The process starts with a dipolar field. As a result of differential rotation, the magnetic field is wind up. Therefore, the differential rotation creates toroidal field from initial poloidal field. • In a second step, the poloidal field should be recreated from initial toroidal one. This happends due to the magnetic buyonancy and convection, due to which the magnetic flux tubes move upward. The convective bubles expand, what creates the the Coriolis force, which winds us the toroidal field creating the poloidal field. These steps lead to reversal of the magnetic poles. Therefore the real period of the dynamo is twice that given by these processes. 15 Parker's dynamo: poloidal component of induction equation We shall assume general magnetic field that contains both poloidal and toroidal components induced by stellar rotation ep = rot (At), Bt = B^t, v=vp + QRt. The general induction equation including the resistivity A dB —— = rot (v x B) - A rot rot B = rot(v x B) - AAB. The poloidal component has the form of d (rot (At)) , , ,A. v ^—— = rot (v x B) - A rot rot rot (At), what gives for A after integration with Bp = rot (At) = — t x V/4 9^Qt^ = - v x (t x VA) - A rot rot (At). With rot rot (At) = V div (At) - A (At) = - A/l - /I//?2 we have =0 (sym.) dA ( 1 _ + „p.W\ = Af A--^ | A 16 Parker's dynamo: toroidal component of induction equation The toroidal component of the induction equation is dB< dt = rot (ft/? t xBp + i/pX (B^t)) -A(B 1 we obtain exponentially growing wave (with amplitude constrained due to damping) with period 2tt/ yr]k2^/\D D > 0 (y' > 0) it disseminates towards the poles, while for D < 0 (y' < 0) it disseminates towards the equator, explaining the cyclical movement of solar spots. For 21 Magneto-rotational instability Magneto-rotational instability: principle The magneto-rotational instability is a possible source of anomalous viscosity in accretion disks. Let us study the stability of the material in the disk imersed in magnetic field. The magnetic field follows the density perturbation. For a strong field (/3 < 1): magnetic field returns the blob to its original position. On the other hand, for weak field (/3 > 1) the centrifugal force wins and the material is further accelerated leading to instability. Therefore, the magnetorotational isntability is a weak field instability. 22 Magneto-rotational instability: perturbations We will study the magneto-rotational instability (MRI) in so-called Boussinesq approximation assuming constant density and introducing just density variations in the buyonancy term. We will study the perturbations in the disk with radially variable angular velocity ft(P). We will assume that the stationary magnetic field is homogeneous and has nonzero component just in the direction perpendicular to the disk. Thus, the velocity in cylindrical coordinates is v = (5vr, QR + 5vdp dp bp\kzdz dRj\k kRd\n (pp"5/3) din (pp"5/3) dz OR -k uj - 4ft' kl k\ + k\ kR{k2zvlz + Ni) - 2kRkzNRNz + k: dft: + N 0. However, this never happens in real disks where dfi/d/? < 0. Therefore, the instability, which is called the magneto-rotational instability, always appears in real disks (Fricke 1969, Balbus & Hawley 1991). The instability leads to turbulence, which is considered to be the main source of anomalous viscosity in disks. 30 Magneto-rotational instability: conditions Neglecting the Brunt-Vaisala frequencies, the instability appears (the previous condition is not fulfilled) for small wavenumbers 1/2 ^ ^z,max din/? VAz For larger wavenumbers the magnetic stresses are so large that they return the blob to its original position. Denoting a typical vertical disk thickness as 23/2/-/ with H = aR/v^, where is the Keplerian rotation velocity and a is the sound speed, only the modes with wavelength lower than 23^2H can exist in the disk, giving the condition for the lowest wavelength leading to instability as 2vr//cZ5max < 23/2/-/. Inserting the Alfven speed with the midplane density P0i the conditions for the development of instability gives — ■ \ 1/2 2 avKM 7t VrR2 3 /2 where the disk mass- loss rate is M = (2tt)0/ vRp0RH. 31 Suggested reading L. Mestel: Stellar magnetism 32