You are viewing Mauriceq Schlkhtenmayer's screen ? ^^^^^^3 Hydrogen Pile ST>rage rge Ecc Replication h pster<> Consortium Partners H2 & Subsurface expertise Project start: January 2021 Location : Etrez (Ain) France H2 Production : Electrolyzer 1MW End of Pilot Phase : December 2023 Storage Capacity : 3 - 44 tons Test industrial scale renewable hydrogen production and storage in salt caverns supported by technical and economic reproducibility of the process to other sites throughout Europe storengy 5 ESK ARMINE5 # Regulation 6 Safety INE-RIS Storage replication potential incvyn storengy Technical and economic assessments eiementenergy %0 Batteriolofy Purification equinor - axeueRa Coardinition storeng T eiementenergy 9 partners, 4 countries You are viewing Mauriceq Schlichtenmayer's screen M Project Overview HyPSTER project is divided into two parts h pstero Renewable Hydrogen Production Electrolyzer 1MW • Hydrogen transportation by tube trailers Pilot of Hydrogen Storage in salt cavern • Use of an experimental existing cavern Tightness tests • Pressure variation cycles ilrtl. NG iterate<«r>trallt*fk>n lmtjIfljCIIIUM rtlUIl «irxa 3 You are viewing Mauriceq Schlichtenmayer's screen % I— Project Objectives h pster<> ■ 1 < PRODUCTION STORAGE UTILIZATION By stacntyw from RjpHHMl HflMBBMi Hydfopwi vihkioi USE mobky inetnditflne» ^ Demonstration of the technical feasibility of H2 storage in salt caverns (safety of operations, environmental and geological impact) J Adaptation of the equipment to hydrogen (piping, completion): grade of steel, elastomer, welds, etc. S Hydrogen tightness of the salt cavity S The thermodynamic behavior of hydrogen in the cavity s The interaction of hydrogen in a salt cavity S Feedback on the quality of the H2 leaving the storage facility You are viewing Mauriceq Schlichtenmayer's screen X Adaption of EZ53 Cavern & Process for Tightness Test h pster^ 0 m . Perform a tightness test with N2and H2, successively (for demonstration projects} V=S000m3 (282.000 cf - 67AW hWJ 966 m (3176 ft) Cavern completion for H2 storage by brine compensation method Current EZ53 installations Set the interface at 4 different depths during the tests (for HyPSTER project) Aim: Validate if standard method from natural gas storage is suited for hydrogen You are viewing Mauriceq Schlichtenmayer's screen % HyPSTER - Cyclic Test Operation h pster Fresh water storage 70 m3 Vent (final withdrawal) I Brine disposal (surplus) 1 You are viewing Mauriceq Schiichtenmayer's screen -F HyPSTER - Test Cycle Definition hypstero Modeling of exemplary hydrogen ecosystems ■f" ťllHl I LiriNI'l iNHt o H. for heating ■ *- cS rt,(orrifiir>i!,itiri tit l<_ |)i|}r-lillf Hj í or ni,, i-i -. r v9 ml -*■ ■ It, Lompiriuon II, lubr IiiiImi • MM wan *4 mm «t wmMhwj li. Scenarios investigated for Etrez storage: Electrolysis using wind/solar power or grid supply • Usage for transport or heating • Backup storage inculded 8us and car rsfuallmxproMoi II 0»---- - 1 ! 3 1 •■ Bui r«tu«llinit f " "--1" 10 11 12 13 H lí 16 17 1» 19 id íl 11 li V Hour of incdAy 160 c^lSO 5 =■ 140 111» s ~ no Planned cyclic testing program at EZ53 : S Subject to technical limitations (pressure range) S Relevant operating regime (idealized, but containing realistic features) S Allowing calibration of software models Facilitating the monitoring of cavern tightness Cyclic test program "S 100 li,o g g m 45 60 !e5t duration [days] Integrated test cycle with >100 intraday cycles, standstill periods for calibration and different pressure ramps to test various operation modes. A final hydrogen withdrawal can be added if possible. You are viewing Mauriceq Sthlichtenmayer's screen ? W^WSffiMB HyPSTER - Adaption & Validation of Salt Cavern Models Thermodynamics! & geomechanical models are prerequisite for storage design, approvability, safe operation -> commercial applicabilit ' Comparison of software models LOCAS (Brouard Consulting) & KAVPOOL/FLAC3D (ESK/ltasca): S Comprehensive benchmarking at relevant operating conditions S Agreement for main model characteristics confirmed (e.g. cavern pressure development) •S Minor model differences identified, subject to model calibration 9 U J Calibration of rock mechanical model on historical data S First simulations of EZ53 cyclic tests Modeled volume change during EZ53 cyclic test due to salt creep (computed using two different sets of parameters) Fl Jul P It r.trnplF fit i fcrflfW iVjrfW^M 0*f'f>irTWrl Irt 1 V Time i n ays ■ You are viewing Mauriceq Schlkhtenrnayer's screen % HyPSTER-Industrial Modeling h pster<> V Set of relevant cavern configurations for hydrogen storage in Europe defined S Long-term schedule for industrial scale cavern operation defined Parameter Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7 Depth of last cemented casing shoe [m] 600 900 900 900 1400 1400 1400 Geometrical cavern volume 3S0.OOO 200.000 500.000 800.000 200.000 500.000 800.000 Cavern height (roof to sumpj [m] 70 70 140 300 70 140 300 Exemplary representations UK DE DK, FR, DE, NL, PT DE, NL DE FR, DE DE Operating schedule for comparison of industrial scale caverns Sensitivity analysis (including additional geomechanica! parameters) You are viewing Mauriceq Schlichtenmayer's screen -f HyPSTER - Microbiological Assessment h pster<> Prior H2 Storage phase After H2 r i 1. Sampling 2. Sampling Microbial growth and consumption: Investigate possible Hj utilizing bacteria and the risk of H2 loss and ability generating toxic compounds. How to boost or inhibit bacterial growth ? You are viewing Mauriceq Schlichtenmayer's screen ? Em-gam HyPSTER - Microbiologi cai Mibeiimeni h pster<> Brine analysis: Prior H2 Storage phase After H Chemical analysis: total organic carbon (TOC), volatile fatty acids, pH, sulphate DNA analysis: cell numbers of several key groups, community structure Microbial growth and consumption: Investigate possible utilizing bacteria and the risk of H2 loss and ability generating toxic compounds. How to boost or inhibit bacterial growth ? 1. Sampling 2. Sampling 2 samplings planned: 1. before H2 injection (2-4 samples during wireline operation) 2. after H2 storage phase (~10 samples during emptying of cavern) n You are viewing Mauriceq Schlichtenmayer's screen f BB?BffTB!B^3 HyPSTER - Microbiological Assessment h pster<> Brine analysis: Chemical analysis: total organic carbon (TOC)( volatile fatty acids, pH, sulphate DNA analysis: cell numbers of several key groups, community structure Microbial growth and consumption: Investigate possible H, utilizing bacteria and the risk of H2 loss and ability generating toxic compounds. How to boost or inhibit bacterial growth ? Effects of pressure changes: Growth of brine/enrichment under higher pressure (specific for HyPSTER cavern) Simulating cyclic pressure and temperature changes over time -> How will the community react? Changes in consumption rates? ^1 Prior H2 Storage phase After Hz 1. Sampling 2. Sampling 2 samplings planned: 1. before H2 injection (2-4 samples during wireline operation) 2. after H2 storage phase (~10 samples during emptying of cavern) You are viewing Mauriceq Schlichtenmayer's screen % Hydr P ST E m R h pster^ Summary: $5 Project is on track ft within budget ^Approvals have been granted (^Groundwork started @EZ53 suited for demand scenario (^Models successfully cross-checked (§5 Website 6t podcasts available online @ Workshop with stakeholders held Next steps (extract): A Continue on-site work (H2 production & cavern platforms) & Perform tightness test & cyclic test A Confirm applicability of tightness test method & cavern models & Analyze delivered hydrogen purity & microbiological activity A Provide lessons learned on safety & environmental impact i\ Model industrial scale storage application Assess techno-economic replicability & develop roadmap A Engage with other potential storage operators 6 partners A Develop recommendations for national & EU policy makers i\ Publish scientific project results 12 You are viewing Mauriceq Sthlichtenmayers screen ? MfMMhWJ* Hydrogen Pile ST rge Eco Raplic View Options v h pster£> Thank you for your attentionl Storengy elementenergy INC-RIS equinor iM ARMINE5 ■; axeLeRa — esk inovyn GROUARD odnsjljn£ Dr. Maurice Schlichtertmayer ESK GmbH, Holzwickede, Germany Work Package Manager: Tools & Methods for Cyclability Clean Hydrogen Partnership Project information: htt ps:// hy pste r-project.e u This project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (now Clean Hydrogen Partnership) under Grant Agreement (Mo 101006751. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research.