castle of writing2 S4001 International Performance Course Autumn Term 2022 - - - - - - § Academic Writing Introduction § § What § Who § Why Academic Writing Introduction § § § What is the writing about? Academic Writing Introduction § § §Who is writing? Who is the audience? Academic Writing Introduction § § Why is the writing done? § § § § § expert scientific student general § § § § § expert scientific student general - - - - - - § D:\Users\18364\Desktop\wordle.4.png §neatly presented cohesive with full forms of words §objective correct without redundancies §explicit factual with flowing structure §hedged unambiguous without clichés §frequent third person pronouns accurate responsible §well structured neutral backed up by evidence §professionally acceptable revised understandable §linear structure timeless specific §without colloquialisms re-drafted referenced §precise clear nominalised §claiming authority formal tentative §more frequent passive voice impersonal no negative forms §with explicit links between presented ideas coherent §with clear understanding of the subject matter concise §relevant within the discourse of your discipline style § § - - - - - § (Adapted from: style § §a) It rained cats and dogs yesterday, didn´t it? a) §b) What a downpour last night! § §c) The UK Meteorology Office monitored a heavy rainfall with the rate of precipitation reading 46 millimetres per hour on 24th March 2011 in North Cumbria. § §d) She was standing there in the storm waiting for deafening thunder to come, feeling the water cooling the air and thinking of how heavy the drops of water must be so that they could fall down from the dark clouds and make her feel refreshed and so light that she could fly, and make her full of energy, make her appreciate the eternal life it delivers, when finally she realised this precipitation was indeed a friend, her only true friend. § - - - - - § style § § § § § § § It rained cats and dogs yesterday, didn´t it? a) § - - - - - § style § § § § § § What a downpour last night! § - - - - § style § § § §The UK Meteorology Office monitored a heavy rainfall with the rate of precipitation reading 46 millimetres per hour on 24th March 2011 in North Cumbria. - - - - - § style § §She was standing there in the storm waiting for deafening thunder to come, feeling the water cooling the air and thinking of how heavy the drops of water must be so that they could fall down from the dark clouds and make her feel refreshed and so light that she could fly, and make her full of energy, make her appreciate the eternal life it delivers, when finally she realised this precipitation was indeed a friend, her only true friend. § - - - - - § concise writing concise writing §Concise writing presents information that is important to the reader. There are no unnecessary words, sentences or paragraphs. Redundant expressions and structures are eliminated or replaced wordy with more concise words or phrases that have the same meaning. Adapted from: Cooper, P. (2011): Academic Writing and Czech Universities § Chromatography is an experimental technique used by chemists as a means to help them separate different compounds in experimental samples using the affinity of the compound for the mobile phase as well as the affinity of the compound for the stationary phase. [42 words] Chromatography is an experimental technique used by chemists as a means to help them separate different compounds in experimental samples using the affinity of the compound for the mobile phase as well as the affinity of the compound for the stationary phase. [42 words] Chromatography is an experimental technique used by chemists to separate compounds in experimental samples using the affinity of the compound for the mobile phase as well as the affinity of the compound for the stationary phase. [36 words] Chromatography is an experimental technique used by chemists as a means to help them separate different compounds in experimental samples using the affinity of the compound for the mobile phase as well as the affinity of the compound for the stationary phase. [42 words] Chromatography is an experimental technique used by chemists to separate compounds in experimental samples using the affinity of the compound for the mobile phase as well as the affinity of the compound for the stationary phase. [36 words] Chromatography is used to separate compounds using the affinity of the compound for the mobile phase as well as the affinity of the compound for the stationary phase. [28 words] Chromatography is an experimental technique used by chemists as a means to help them separate different compounds in experimental samples using the affinity of the compound for the mobile phase as well as the affinity of the compound for the stationary phase. [42 words] Chromatography is an experimental technique used by chemists to separate compounds in experimental samples using the affinity of the compound for the mobile phase as well as the affinity of the compound for the stationary phase. [36 words] Chromatography is used to separate compounds using the affinity of the compound for the mobile phase as well as the affinity of the compound for the stationary phase. [28 words] Chromatography separates compounds based on the affinity of the compound for the mobile phase relative to the stationary phase. [19 words] [42 words] formality formality a)Essential measures should be undertaken at the earliest opportunity. b) You should do whatever you have to as soon as you can. c) One should undertake any necessary measures at the earliest opportunity. 25 de-personalisation 26 Discipline Total Citation I Me My We Us Our Other Physics 64,6 8,7 0,0 0,1 0,0 39,3 0,6 14,4 1,4 Marketing 61,3 6,9 1,6 0,0 0,7 31,0 1,1 18,9 0,6 Biology 56,2 22,6 0,0 0,1 0,1 24,0 1,1 7,2 0,7 Philosophy 52,7 3,1 35,6 2,5 7,7 1,4 0,2 0,6 0,0 Electronic eng. 44,4 10,7 0,0 0,0 0,0 23,3 0,4 8,6 0,5 Mechanical eng. 17,8 9,6 0,0 0,0 0,0 5,5 0,0 1,4 0,4 Overall 50,5 8,3 11,2 0,8 2,4 17,8 0,8 8,3 1,1 On self-mention in academic articles: Frequency of self-mention forms per discipline (Ø per 10,000 words). Adapted from: K. Hyland/English for Specific Purposes 20 (2001) 207-226 27 §All manuscripts must…be written in objective third person point of view throughout (Use "the authors" or "the researchers" NOT "I" or "we")… § § (Adapted from: § passive vs active Introduction Method Results Discussion A P A P A P A P Physical sciences 63,0 37,0 26,0 74,0 72,0 28,0 71,0 29,0 Biological sciences 74,0 26,0 38,0 61,05 68,0 32,0 79,0 21,0 Social sciences 84,0 16,0 46,0 54,0 77,0 23,0 85,0 15,0 Percentages of voice per section in the processes of three types of sciences in 21 research articles. A=active, P=passive Source: I.A.Martinez/English for Specific Purposes 20 (2001) 227-247) NOTE: To read more on passive: Lilita Rodman: The passive in technical and scientific writing; Introduction Method Results Discussion A P A P A P A P Physical sciences 63,0 37,0 26,0 74,0 72,0 28,0 71,0 29,0 Biological sciences 74,0 26,0 38,0 61,05 68,0 32,0 79,0 21,0 Social sciences 84,0 16,0 46,0 54,0 77,0 23,0 85,0 15,0 Percentages of voice per section in the processes of three types of sciences in 21 research articles. A=active, P=passive Source: I.A.Martinez/English for Specific Purposes 20 (2001) 227-247) NOTE: To read more on passive: Lilita Rodman: The passive in technical and scientific writing; §We should reject this conclusion for two reasons. §vs § This conclusion should be rejected for two reasons. § §… §It is unclear at this time as to what extent cremophore is responsible for these side effects, but similar hypersensitivity reactions in dogs have been attributed to histamine release by cremophore EL. § § §Experts presented and discussed a total of ten §innovative papers during the two-day workshop sessions. § §vs § §A total of ten innovative papers §were presented and discussed §during the two-day workshop sessions. §To measure the number of gene copies the cellular DNA §is broken into small pieces, the double strands are denatured §(separated into single strands) by boiling, and a small amount of §the radioactively labeled complementary DNA is added §to the mixture under experimental conditions. § nominalisation You can understand something better if it is repeated. You can understand something better if it is repeated. Comprehension is aided by repetition. This can serve as a template, thanks to which proteins can be synthesised. This can serve as a template for the synthesis of proteins. The body temperature rose suddenly, as a consequence, the invading pathogen grew less quickly. The sudden rise in body temperature may also have caused the inhibition of the growth of the invading pathogen. The body temperature rose suddenly, as a consequence, the invading pathogen grew less quickly. The sudden rise in body temperature may also have caused the inhibition of the growth of the invading pathogen. Incomplete implementation of strategized programmatics was designated to maximize acquisition of awareness and utilization of communication skills pursuant to standardized review and assessment of linguistic development. Adapted from: Incomplete implementation of strategized programmatics was designated to maximize acquisition of awareness and utilization of communication skills pursuant to standardized review and assessment of linguistic development. Adapted from: coherence and cohesion §Reformulation (ii) § § § § § § § § § § § § § § 5. § Adapted from: Ellwood, C.(2011) C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\1.png What did students notice? What they liked about this? §Reformulation (ii) § § § § § § § § § § § § § § 5. § Adapted from: Ellwood, C.(2011) C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\1.png What did students notice? What they liked about this? C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\1.png hedging language of caution tentative language Academic writing might give the impression that it is factual, conveying precise, accurate and objective facts and information. “However, it is now recognised that an important feature of academic writing is the concept of cautious language, often called hedging.“ In other words, it is necessary to make decisions about your stance on a particular subject, or the strength of the claims you are making.” Adapted from: Cooper, P. (2011): Academic Writing and Czech Universities Hedge Class Function Shields Devices that take responsibility for the claim made away from the author. They function as a tool protecting the author from any criticism. The writer aims at not being on record with regard to the propositions expressed in the text. Responsibility shifting e.g. …([1], [2], [3],)…, …it is shown in [3]…, Romanowska found…, …we refer reader to [3, 4]…, …see [10]… Speaking facts The writer shields his/her claims through stating “the commonly accepted” view. e.g. Definition 1…, A map is…, …is defined to be…, …space is said to be… Mitigators The author admits his/her responsibility for the claims made. The writer takes stance while using mitigators, but decides to weaken his/her propositions for various reasons. Approximation e.g. …some…, …more…, Several, …similar… Possibility e.g. …may…, …can…, …possible… Understatement By using these devices, authors lessen the importance and the validity of their claims. e.g. …notions…, …concept… Admitting incompleteness e.g. …briefly…, however,… Introductory verbs e.g. seem, tend, look like, appear to be, think, believe, doubt, be sure, indicate, suggest Modal verbs e.g. would, may, might, could Frequency adverbs e.g. often, sometimes, usually Modal adverbs / adjectives e.g. probably, possibly / probable, possible Modal nouns e.g. assumption, possibility, probability “That” clauses e.g. It could be the case that…. It might be suggested that… “To”-clause + adjective e.g. It may be possible to obtain In addition, to the best of our knowledge, there is no facile and practical method for the synthesis of this compound in the literature. This system prevents attacks on both server and client sides. According to simulation studies, under some circumstances this system may reduce certain types of attacks on both server and client sides. It could be concluded that some evidence seems to suggest that this system might, under some circumstances, have the tendency to reduce at least certain types of attacks on both server and client sides The fluorescence lifetime measurement of the diol/carbonate pair will be complete in two months. The fluorescence lifetime measurement of the diol/carbonate pair is expected to be complete in two months. It is estimated that in the next fifty years the world’s population might again grow 40-50% and if we continuously used the amount of water that we are currently using the water supply may significantly diminish. In the next fifty years the world’s population will again grow 40-50% and if we continuously use the amount of water that we are currently using the water supply will significantly diminish. Adapted from: Robinson, M., Stoller,F. (2008): pp.594-596 accuracy and precision § say-express C:\Users\stepanek\Desktop\obr2.1.png In their …………. study, Lakhina, Crovella and Diot …. important small scale ambitious exploratory significant preliminary limited impressive original rigorous remarkable simple useful complex traditional modest (Adapted from: Morley,J. et al: University Writing Course, Express Publishing, Newburry, 2009,p.101) The noble gases, namely neon and radon, are under standard conditions odourless and colourless. Herbivores that feed mainly or only on plants form an important link in the food chain. The noble gases, for example neon and radon, are under standard conditions odourless and colourless. Herbivores, which feed mainly or only on plants, form an important link in the food chain. It is …. certain almost certain very probable / highly likely probable / likely possible unlikely very / highly unlikely …that we will experience similar reactions when acids are used. Adapted from: Štěpánek, L., deHaaff, J.(2011): Academic English, Grada, Praha, p.29 just Just the word Phrasebank UEFAP Academic Word List - AWL Wikipedia Google Thesaurus / Synonyms Online dictionaries Google translator words titles A B C D sentences C:\Users\stepanek\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\LA054R0A\image1.PNG Since it was, as mentioned, a test, we did not try to achieve the best results, we just wanted to verify the idea of time characteristics. The(Our) intention was to verify (its) time characteristics (of…) by means of a (…) test. paragraphs Adapted from: parallel structures… This report was researched by Steve, written by Joan, and the editing was done by Justin. This report was researched by Steve, written by Joan, and edited by Justin. Writing essays is not easy because it takes time and care and careful thinking. Writing essays is not easy because it takes time, care and thought. Many gases are invisible, odourless, and they have no taste. Many gases are invisible, odourless, and tasteless. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. Charles Dickens: A Tale of Two Cities, 1859 Výsledek obrázku pro charles dickens the tale of two cities Výsledek obrázku pro charles dickens A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved. I do not expect the house to fall. But I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other. Abraham Lincoln, 1858 Výsledek obrázku pro abraham lincoln The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in smoked fish in Sokoto, Nigeria. A total of 115 different species of smoked fish from the various retail outlets and market places within the metropolis were analysed for the presence of L. monocytogenes using ISO culture method. Out of the 115 samples analysed, 29 (25%) were positive for L. monocytogenes. Other Listeria species isolated in this study were L. grayi 13 (11%), L. innocua 10 (9%) and L. ivanovi 15 (13%). The remaining 48 (42%) of the sample were negative for Listeria species. The study shows that L. monocytogenes and other Listeria species are common contaminant of smoked fish, and this may pose serious public health implications. (Salihu et al., 2008) Adapted from: Štěpánek, L., deHaaff, J.(2011): p.172 abstracts …..was conducted to determine ….. …. were analysed …... …% were positive for …. were ...% …% were negative for … The study shows that ….are … …. this may pose .... - audience - complexity of the language - drafting processes - details …keep writing… castle of writing2 Reading: Brooks and Grundy, 1990:92 in Morgan, J. (2007): Academic Writing Course materials, MU Caplan, N. A. (2012): Grammar Choices for Graduate and Professional Writers (Michigan Series in English for Academic & Professional Purposes) 1st Edition. The University of Michigan press. Cooper, P. (2011): Academic Writing and Czech Universities, a lecture Craswell, G., Poore, M. (2012): Writing for Academic Success , Second Edition Glasman-Deal, H. (2010): Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English, Palgrave Macmillan, Glasman-Deal,H.,(2010): Science Research Writing for Non-native Speakers of English, Imperial College Press, London Graff, G., Birkenstein, C. (2010): They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. W.W. Norton and comp. Hradilová,A., Štěpánek,L. (2007): Academic Writing Course materials, MU Hyland, K. (2001): English for Specific Purposes, Morley, J. et al. (2009): University Writing Course, Express Publishing, Newburry, Ochsner, A. (2013): Introduction to Scientific Publishing: Backgrounds, Concepts, Strategies. Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London. Robinson, M., Stoller,F. (2008): Write like a Chemist, OUP, Oxford Robinson, M.S.,(2008) Using the ACS Journals Search To Validate Assumptions about Writing in Chemistry and Improve Chemistry Writing Instruction, Journal of Chemical Education, Vol. 85, No. 5, Schimel, J. (2012). Writing Science Oxford University Press. Swales, John M. and Feak, Christine B. (2001): Academic Writing for Graduate Students: Essential Tasks and Skills. The University of Michigan press. Sword, H (2012). Stylish Academic Writing. Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England. Štěpánek, L., deHaaff, J.(2011): Academic English, Grada, Praha Taylor, R. B.(2011) Medical Writing A Guide for Clinicians, Educators, and Researchers. Springer. Wager, E. (2015): Getting Research Published: An A-Z of Publication Strategy, Third Edition, CRC Press Zeiger, M. (2000): Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers. Second Edition 2nd