v - Jakse dnes mate? (... a proc?) Nobody has responded yet. Hang tight! Responses are coming in. Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at pollev.com/app M U N I R E C E T O X Úvod do problému chemického znečištění Jakub Hofman Seminář 9.10.2023 U IM I R E C E T O X člověk -> chemické latky chemické látky -> člověk Je všechno kolem nás JEN chemie ? Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at pollev.com/app Všechno kolem nás je chemie... (?) u https://www.whatsinsidesciohnson.com/ us/en/evervthing-is-chemistrv-posters IV*^ Rte AOO o en eu e U Iv"* -V .JO" IPolyphcnoIs I »Typcs of cpnípounds Ek*nx*ni.il compo»tion Chemické látky www.PollEv.coin/lindan443 @ When poll is active, respond at pollev.com/lindan443 Kolik (řádově) chemických látek zná lidstvo? deset tisíc sto tisíc milion deset milionů ... o sto milionu ani jedna odpověďnení správně Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at pollev.com/app UNI RECETOX Chemické látky 50,000,000 40,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 svět kolem nás = chemie (známe > 100 mil. chemických látek) www.cas.org i JÉŽIffU^ UNI RECETOX CAS DATA The largest human-curated collection of scientific data in the world, the CAS Content Collection, underpins all of our solutions and relevant data that can be licensed for machine learning and in-house workflowintecj ration. contact us CAS REGISTRY® The authoritative source for tchemical substance data CAXREGISTRY is the standard sou rebelled upori by scientists, manufacturers, regulators, and data scientists vwldwide For accurate and completeVfomnation on chemical substarVes and sequences. Contairmig chemical names, structures, CA\gegistry riac Mother data for morethan*279 jtiillion registered substances, CAS^ INI 'inn ii ilh Imlinr llni Content Collection. CAS Refe Insights frc of publishc literature The CAS refe aggregates ai knowledge t< journals and ( published glc languages da '830; Chemické látky www.PollEv.coin/lindan443 @ When poll is active, respond at pollev.com/lindan443 Kolik chemických látek (řádově) vyrábíme a používáme? sto tisíc deset tisíc sto tisíc milion ani jedna odpověďnení správně Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at pollev.com/app UNI RECETOX 8 Chemické látky lidstvo v rámci svých aktivit vyrábí a používá > 100 000 látek ECHA > Information on Chemicals > EC Inventory rxECHA HUROPHAN C H E M I CA L 5 AGENCY EC Inventory The EC inventory published below is a copy as received from the JRC in 2003 on the founding of ECHA. It is comprised of the following lists: ■ einecs (European INventory of Existing Commercial chemical Substances) as published in O.J, C 146A, IS.6.1990. EINECS is an inventory of substances that were deemed to be on the European Community market between 1 January 1971 and IS September 1931. EINECS was drawn up by the European Commission in the application of Article 13 of Directive 67/54S/EEC, as amended by Directive 79/S31/EEC, and in accordance with the detailed provisions of Commission Decision 31/437/EEC. Substances listed in EINECS are considered phase-in substances under the REACH Regulation. ■ elincs (European List of Notified Chemical Substances) in support of Directive 92/32/EEC, the 7th amendment to Directive 67/543/EEC. ELINCS lists those substances which were notified under Directive 67/548/EEC, the Dangerous Substances Directive Notification of New Substances (NONS) that became commercially available after 13 September 1981. ■ nlp (No-Longer Polymers). The definition of polymers was changed in April 1992 by Council Directive 92/32/EEC amending Directive 67/543/EEC, with the result that substances previously considered to be polymers were no longer excluded from regulation. Thus the No-longer Polymers (NLP) list was drawn up, consisting of such substances that were commercially available between 13 September 1981 and 31 October 1993. Last updated 11 August 2017. Database contains 106211 unique substances/entries. > Filter the list Page L of 2rL25 t 50 Items per Page t Shovjing 1 - 50 #F 10&F21 1 resultJ — First Previous Ne>ct Last—* Name A EC no. CAS no. Molecular Formula Description "mercurous oxide" 239-934-0 15829-53-5 Hg20 ((2-ethyl-l-oxohexyl)oxy)-( 1-phenyl -1,3-decanedionyl)dioctyl stannane RHODORSIL ACCELERATEUR 2025 422-920-5 RHODORSIL ACCELERATEUR 2025 ((4-phenylbutyl)hydroKyphosphoryl)a<=etic 412-170-7 acid SQ_ 26999 Člověk vždy používal ChL, produkoval odpad a čelil následkům skládky odpadu známé již ze starověku olověná potrubí v římském impériu průmyslová revoluce - drastický nárůst produkce ChL a produkce odpadu polovina 18. století-znečištění ovzduší, londýnský smog, nemoci začátek 19. století - zpracování nafty, produkce organických chemikálií, umělá hnojiva, olovo do benzínu, kovy v elektronice polovina 19. století - boom pesticidů - green revolution od 60. let - zlepšení nakládání s odpady, legislativa TECHA od 70. a 80. let environmentálni legislativa, regulace ChL ™»™c±a2^ produkce ChL a odpadu stále roste s růstem populace a GDP \" efsa European Food Eafety Authoriry Produkce chemických látek roste Figure 6.13. Projected chemicals production by region (in sales): Baseline, 2010-2050 současnost 2010 Billions oF 2007 USD World 0ECD 2030 BRIICS ■ 2050 World chemicals sales (€3,534 billion) 1 1 1 ■ 1 .1 Rest of Europe O Japan A. south Korea O Latin America Rest of the world Source: CEFIC ChemData International 2016- OECD (2012) MUNI RECETOX 11 Bhopal https://www.csfd.cz/film/2533 47-bhopal-modlitba-za-dest továrna společnosti Union Carbide, výroba pesticidů pro Indii 2-3.12.1984 havárie zásobníku methylisokyanátu mrak vysoce toxického plynu těžšího než vzduch - MIC, CO, NOx, HCN, MMA, C02, COCI2 ... (~ 42 tun) > 8000 úmrtí během týdne 100-200 tisíc osob s trvalými zdravotními následky ~- íľtWtRMiBHlN N O UNI RECET aiHTioNBňW6r«rjr//^ (2005) 12 Seveso ■ 10.7.1976 únik chemikálií z továrny na výrobu pesticidů ■ cca 6 tun chemikálií s cca 1 kg 2,3,7,8-TCDD (LD50 0,6 ug/kg !!) ■ zamoření oblasti cca 18 km2 ■ 37.000 lidí s následky otravy Ck ^ . Další chemické katastrofy Minamata 1950's Love Canal 1950's Agent Orange 1961-71 Chernobyl 1986 Exxon Valdez 1989 Gulf war 1991 Deepwater Horizon 2010 Fukushima 2011 ■ desítky dalších ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List of industrial disasters UNI RECETOX CHERNOBYL 14 nejen katastrofy ... kontaminovaná místa ■ v EU až 3,5 mil kontaminovaných míst, 0,5 mil vážně ■ v ČR kolem 10 tisíc kontaminovaných míst http://www.sekm.cz/ ■ USA - superfund sites nejen katastrofy ... kontaminovaná místa Blacksmith Institute (2006) MUNI RECETOX httDs://www.thouahtco.com/worst-Dolluted-Dlaces-on-earth-1204101 https://www.livescience.com/30353-most-polluted-Dlaces-earth.html https://www.scientificamerican.com/slideshow/10-most-Dolluted-places-in-the-world/ ... žel management při chemických katastrofách někdy připomíná tuto parodii... 17 nejen katastrofy... Tributylcín ■ biocid, široké využití, ná ■ uvolnění do mořských e ■ bioakumulace, metaboli ■ vliv na hormonální syste UNI REC EE Early 1970s Rapid increase in the use of TBT antifouling paints on vessels of all sizes and first reports of imposex in marine snails (Blaber, 1970; Smith, 1971) 1976-81 Repeated failure of larval settlement leads to near collapse of oyster fishery, Arcachon Bay, France 1982 France introduces legislation prohibiting the use of TBT paints on small vessels 1985 First controls introduced in United Kingdom limiting concentrations of TBT in paints 1986 Bryan eta/. (1986) report widespread imposex in dogwhelkson southern coast of United Kingdom, linked to TBT January 1987 United Kingdom announces further restrictions on TBT content of applied antifouling paint May 1987 United Kingdom introduces ban on retail sale of TBT paint for use on vessels < 25 m and on fish cages June 1987 PARCOM Recommendation 87/1 calls for similar ban over entire convention area (Northeast Atlantic) 1988 United States introduces restrictions. Waldock et a/. (1988) highlight significance of inputs from shipyards 1989 Restrictions introduced in Canada, Australia and New Zealand 1991 Harmonised ban on retail sale of TBT paint introduced at European Union level 1994 Early reports of imposex in whelks from offshore areas of North Sea linked to shipping activity 1995 Ministerial declaration of fourth North Sea conference (Esbjerg) commits to working for global phase-out of TBT paint within IMO 1997 Concept of global phase out of organotin containing paints agreed at MEPC's 40th session 1998 Draft mandatory regulations aimed at such a phase-out adopted. OSPAR (Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Northeast Atlantic) prioritises organotins for action to cease all releases. Cessation of all releases of organotins to marine environment, under OSPAR's hazardous substances strategy in 2020 November 1999 Deadlines for phase-out adopted under IMO Assembly Resolution A.895(21) 2001 Text of International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems to be finalised. In 2003 worldwide prohibition on new application of organotin antifoulants to all vessels and in 2008 the existing organotin antifouling coatings will be replaced on all vessels worldwide nejen katastrofy... DDT 1874 Cl- Cl XI Cl Cl 1939 Paul Hermann Muller 1900 ýskyt malári Příběhy - "Late Lessons from Early Warnings" olovo v benzínu, MTBE v benzínu rtuť a minamata azbest ve stavebnictví tributylcín PCBs v průmyslu freony a ozonová vrstva antibiotika a mikrobiálni resistence hormony a „jako"-hormony (BPA) kauza dietylstilbestrol kouření a rakovina pesticidy (DDT, neonikotinoidy,) 2002 MU N I R E C E T 0 X https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/late-lessons-2 https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/environmental issue report 2001 22 20 Zpoždění legislativy za problémy ŽP I Discovery of problem uctlon Ongoing use Ongoing presence I use In some countries In the environment PFAS 2001 Giesy & Kannan 2009 PFOS in Stockholm Convention 2017 PFOA in Stockholm Convention * PFAS restriction in EU Plastics 1972 Carpenter and Smith ■ 19b8 MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships UN is considering global action CFCs 1974 Molina & Rowland 01987 Montreal Protocol 2010 End of use in developing countries Scheringer et al. (2022): Stories of Global Chemical Pollution: Will We Ever Understand Environmental Persistence? Environmental Science & Technology 56, 17498-17501. PCBs DDT 1950 1969 Jensen et al f 1362 Silent Spring 1 1960 1970 National bans National bans 1960 1990 End of production J. 2004 Stockholm Convention 2004 Stockholm Convention 2000 2010 2020 I 2029 Environmentally sound management under Stockholm Convention 2030 Figure 1. Time lines of selected global chemical pollution cases. Abbreviations: PFAS, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances; CFCs, chlorofluorocarbons; PCBs, polychlorinated biphenyls. In some cases, the production and use started at lower levels before 1950, but production 11II l\l D t I and use of all substances increased strongly from 1950 on. All chemicals remain in the environment for long periods of time after national or international bans. References not cited in the text: Carson, R. Silent Spring; 1962. Carpenter, E. J.; Smith, K. L. Science 1972, 175, 1240—1241, Ne všechny příběhy končí špatně ... -i—> o > CD LJ o u !- fC o Í3 -!= C SCD CD u to o 2100 I I CFC's production & consumption I Ozone depleting substances in stratospheie | | Increased UV-radiatmn st the earth's surface | Background skin cancer rate | Estimated additional skin cancer from ozone layer depletion This graph illustrates the approximate time lags between CFC production, the resulting depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer and subsequent extra penetration of UViradiation and the impact this will eventually nave on increasing the background rate of skin cancer, given the 30-40year average latent period for such cancers. Reality is far more complex than this schematic illustration. For example, there are other ozone-depleting chemicals (HCFCs, HFCs and methyl bromide); the ozone hole varies with latitude, time of the year and meteorological conditions; the increased UV radiation varies between different wavelengths and with latitude and cloud cover; and the skin cancer excess comes on top of a rising background rate of skin cancer, with differential effects on the different types of skin cancer, such as malignant melanoma and non-malignant skin cancers. Human behaviour is also a determining effect in skin cancer. Health effects also include cataracts and immune response suppression. However, the figure illustrates the main relationships and time lags between CFC production and skin cancer, and the 'success' in stopping CFC production and averting much more skin cancer from ozone depletion than what is now expected. {Slaper, et aJ„ 1996). QOQQ Zákaz problematické chemikálie, hura ... ... anebo ? ... (strategie chemického průmyslu) ■ náhrady problematických chemikálií Bt Br Br Br Br/ >ßr Br XBr PBDEs: included in the Stockholm Convention in 2009 ^now: many other BFRs Br Br I RECETOX Martin Scheringer lecture at RECETOX seminar 19/9/2023 Zákaz problematické chemikálie, hura ... ... anebo ? ... (strategie chemického průmyslu) náhrady problematických chemikálií Fluoropolymer manufacture CFo CFp CF2 CFp 3° CF2 CF2 CF2 CH2 CH2OH F3C CF2 CF2 CF2 COOH / \ / \/ \2/ CF2 CF2 CF2 C8 PFAS: phase-out ongoing ADONA (CAS No. 958445-44-8) 2 r2 GanX {CAS No. 62037-80-3) coo Asahi's product (CAS No. 908020-52-0) _ COO" Solvay's product (CAS No. 329238-24-6) CF3 CF3 coo Metal plating N(Et)4-PFBS (CAS No. 25628-08-4) F2 F3C- C Fa ,CjHa CSH6 6:2 FTSA (CAS No. 27619-97-2) Fí Fs F, Hi /•C\ /C\ /C\ F3C ^ >r c >(wí H. F-53 (CAS No. 754925-54-7) Fj ty ,CL F^C F-53B (CAS No. 73606-19-6) F, Fí F ? -C- C now: many other PFASs ,so; F; ,so3- c U r JI R E C E T 0 X Martin Scheringer lecture at RECETOX seminar 19/9/2023 26 Zákaz problematické chemikálie, hura ... ... anebo ? ... (strategie chemického průmyslu) ■ náhrady problematických chemikálií stabilizátory plastů tBu H —N WO ° \ N_H y-(CH,)S-^ W TINUVIN 770 Mol. wt. 481 Tetrakis[methylene(3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxy-hydrocinnamate)] methane IRGANOX 1010 N —ŕ— N _/yj v a ^ V_/ s N N N U —J—N UNI R E C E T 0 X i II '-fll N-(CHj);—N- Tris(2,4-di-tert-butylphenyl) phosphite IRGAFOS 168 TINUVIN NOR 356 Mol.wt. 1700 CHIMASSORB 944 Mol. wt. > 2500 H,C HO. .CH 3 Cl >-o CH, ^CH3 N /M CH, CHIMASSORB 119 Mol. wt. 2286 OH TINUVIN 327 Mol.wt. 358 Abs. Max. 310, 351 nm OC„H, CYASORB UV1164 Mol.wt. 509 Abs. Max 290, 342 nm 27 Životní cyklus výrobku Pomalé uvolňování chemikálií do ŽP estradiol Jfi ftaláty UNI RECETOX paraben triclosan ibuprofen glyfosát o 0 II H II ^F?'"i.í-\i_i HO - / \ OH F F F N N H H novaluron 29 Směsi - koktejly polutantů Výsledky průzkumu půd 2015 81% půd s alespoň jedním pesticidem nad 0.01 mg/kg 36% půd s > 3 pesticidy nad 0.01 mg/kg https://www.stream.cz/adost /10028599-zamorena-puda-alarmujici-vysledkv-testu-pudv-v-cesku 30 Směsi - koktejly polutantů Výsledky monitoringu vod ČR 2014-2016 ■ 43% objektů nad limit 0.1 |jg/L pro jednotlivý pesticid ■ 31% objektů nad limit pro sumu pesticidů UNII RECETOX | desetyldesisopropylatrazin i DEDiA ^ 2,£-€150 billion costs/year. These results emphasize the advances of controlling EDC exposure. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 100: 1256-1266, 2015) Diamond et al. (2017) UNI RECETOX Beilanger et al. (2015) 48 Co ve mně vyvolávají zprávy/data o špatném stavu ŽP a jaký k tomu zaujímám postoj? Neovlivňují moji náladu a chci je znát | 0% Neovlivňují moji náladu, ale i tak si je nechci moc pouštět do hlavy | 0% Přináší mi smutek či špatnou náladu či depresi, ale i tak je chci znát | 0% Přináší mi smutek či špatnou náladu či depresi a proto si je nechci moc pouštět do hlavy | 0% Ani jedno z výše uvedeného na mě nesedí | 0% Start the presentation to see live content. For screen share software, share the entire screen. Get help at pollev.com/app Chemicals at UNEP mm environment Chemicals at UNEP Modern society is living in the most chemical-intensive era in human history, the pace of production of new chemicals largely surpasses the capacity to fully assess their potential adverse impacts on human health and ecosystems (...) and now chemical pollution is considered a global threat, (p. 76 and 88) https://www.unep.org/resources/ qlobal-environment-outlook-6 MUNI RECETOX 51 Globální chemické znečištění - dopady přelomová studie z roku 1972 modely dynamiky naší přítomnosti na planetě pokračování modelu růstu "business as usual" (BAU) pravděpodobně povede ke kolapsu ZP a ekonomiky , protože čerpání zdrojů a produkce odpadu a znečištění překročí únosnou kapacitu planety exponenciální růst v uzavřeném systému nemůže donekonečna růst kontroverze mezi vědci, odborníky i širokou veřejností, ale v následujících desetiletích byly tyto objevy podpořeny modely růstu, stavu ŽP a využívání zdrojů i dnes, 50 let po svém vydání, zůstává kniha důležitým zdrojem informací pro každého, kdo doufá, že lépe porozumí složitému systému, kterým je naše planeta UNII RECETOX li $ THE LIMITS TO Donella H. Meadows Dennis L. Meadows J0rqen Panders William W. Behrens III A Report for THE CLUB OF ROME'S Project on tne Predicament ot Mankind m A POTOMAC ASSOCIATES BOOK S Z, 75 -J The "standard" world modal run assumes no major change in the physical, economic, or social relationships that have historically governed the development of the world system. All variables plotted here follow historical values from 1900 to 1970. Food, industrial output, and population grow exponentially until the rapidly diminishing resource base forces a slowdown in industrial growth. Because of natural delays in the system, both population and pollution continue to increase for some time after the peak ot industrialization. Population growth is finally halted by a rise in the death rate due to decreased food and medical services. Globální chemické znečištění - dopady Turner, G. (2014): Is Global Collapse Imminent? MSSI Research Paper No. 4, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute,The University of Melbourne. ISBN: 978 0 7340 4940 7 MUNI I RE 0.7 to > -n 0 0 Economy ~1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-r 1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 2100 Year Services THE LIMITS TO 1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 2100 Year 1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 2100 Year Figure I. LTG BAU (Standard Run) scenario (dotted lines) compared with historical data from 1970 to 2010 (solid lines)—for demographic variables: population, crude birth rate, crude death rate; for economic output variables: industrial output per capita, food per capita, services per capita (upper curve: electricity p.c; lower curves: literacy rates for adults, and youths [lowest data curve]); for environmental variables: global persistent pollution, fraction of non-renewable resources remaining (upper curve uses an upper limit of 150,000 EJ for ultimate energy resources; lower curve uses a lower limit of 60,000 EJ [Turner 2008]). IS GLOBAL COLLAPSE IMMINENT? ■SSL MC130URN mS™ riW« SOCIETY IN SOURCE SUSTAINAIUJ IFTY INSTFTUTf 53 Na závěr myšlenky prof Scheringera z přednášky na RECETOX semináři 19/9/2023: Společnost je v chemickém přebytku: Příliš mnoho různých látek v příliš mnoha různých aplikacích Chemické výrobky jsou potřebné, ale společnost musí být mnohem více „chemicky efektivní ■ Je také nutná podstatná změna týkající se chemických látek Problémem není jen uhlíková stopa chemický průmyslu, ale i jeho „toxická stopa" Fenner, K., Scheringer, M., 2021. The Need for Chemical Smplification As a Logical Consequence of Ever-Increasing Chemical Pollution. Environmental Sciences Technology 55, 14470-14472.. ht t ps: / / doi. org/10.1021 / acs. est. 1C04903 UNI RECETOX Chemical Simplification fDVIflOHL LbciencesTecnnology pubs.ac5.org/eit Viewpoint The Need for Chemical Simplification As a Logical Consequence of Ever-Increasing Chemical Pollution Kathrin Fermer* and Martin Scheringer* Devising chemically less intense, but functional materials and products requires intense development efforts and new design principles. Importantly, this also offers promising market opportunities because materials and products that are chemically simpler and, thereby, easier to recycle and inherently safe are in high demand by many large brands of consumer products and by the consumers themselves. Literatura OECD (2012): OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050, OECD Publishing. http://dx.doi.Org/10.1787/9789264122246-en Eckerman I. (2005): The Bhopal Saga: Causes and Consequences of the World's Largest Industrial Disaster. Universities Press, https://eckerman.nu/the-bhopal-saqa Eskenazi B. et al. (2018): The Seveso accident: A look at 40 years of health research and beyond. Environment International 121,71 -84. Schoyen M. et al. (2019): Levels and trends of tributyltin (TBT) and imposex in dogwhelk (Nucella lapillus) along the Norwegian coastline from 1991 to 2017. Marine Environmental Research 144, 1-8. Scheringer, M., Johansson, J.H., Salter, M.E., Sha, B., Cousins, IT., 2022. Stories of Global Chemical Pollution: Will We Ever Understand Environmental Persistence?. Environmental Science & Technology 56, 17498-17501.. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c06611 EEA (2001): Late lessons from early warnings: the precautionary principle 1896-2000. Luxembourg. 210 pp. ISBN 92-9167-323-4. EEA (2013): Late lessons from early warnings: science, precaution, innovation. 760 pp. ISBN 978-92-9213-356-6 UNEP (2012): Global Environmental Outlook 5: Environment for the Future We Want. Roberts, D.R., Laughlin, L.L., Hsheih, P., Legters, L.J., 1997. DDT, global strategies, and a malaria control crisis in South America. Emerging infectious diseases 3, 295-302 Blacksmith Institute (2006): The world's worst polluted places. The Top Ten. The Blacksmith Institute. UNEP (2013): UNEP Year Book 2013: Emerging issues in our global environment. ISBN: 978-92-807-3284-9. UNEP (2014): UNEP Year Book 2014: Emerging issues in our global environment. ISBN: 978-92-807-3284-9. UNEP (2013): GCO Global Chemicals Outlook: Towards Sound Management of Chemicals. Ed. United Nations Environment UNEP (2019): Global Chemicals Outlook II. From Legacies to Innovative Solutions: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. MUNI | RECETOX Literatura Rockstróm et al. (2009): A safe operating space for humanity. Nature 461, 472. Turner, G. (2014) 'Is Global Collapse Imminent?', MSSI Research Paper No. 4, Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, The University of Melbourne. ISBN: 978 0 7340 4940 7 Bellanger, M., et al., 2015. Neurobehavioral deficits, diseases, and associated costs of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the European Union. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 100, 1256-66 Landrigan et al. 2018. The Lancet Commission on pollution and health. The Lancet 391, 462-512.. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(17)32345-0 WHO (2021): The public health impact of chemicals: knowns and unknowns - 2021 data addendum. https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-HEP-ECH-EHD-21.01 Holoubek I. (2018): Chemie životního prostředí I - IV. Přednášky pro MU. MUNI RECETOX 56