H2020 project SPRINT Sustainable Plant Protection Transition: A Global Health Approach call: SFS-04-2019-2020 - Integrated health approaches and alternatives to pesticide use A [2019] Integration of plant protection in a global health approach (RIA) https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/sfs-04-2019-2020 Societal Challenges Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy 2 H2020 project PAPILLONS Plastic in Agricultural Production: Impacts, Lifecycles and LONg-term Sustainability (project 101000210) Call: SFS-21-2020: Emerging challenges for soil management B. [2020]: Emerging challenges for soil management: use of plastic in agriculture (RIA) Societal Challenges Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy https://www.papillons-h2020.eu Jakub Hofman Klára Šmídová et al. Agricultural plastics To fill knowledge gaps on the sources, behaviour and long-term ecological and socioeconomic impacts of MNPs from AP in European soils and provide the scientific background to enable policy, agricultural and industrial innovation towards sustainable farm production systems 5 BENCHMARKS: Building a European network to advance soil research, monitor soil health and advocate for sustainable land use Jakub Hofman Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) Call: Research and Innovation and other actions to support the implementation of a mission in the area of Soil health and Food (HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02) Topic: HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02-02 - Validating and further developing indicators for soil health and functions Type of Action: HORIZON-RIA Coordinator: prof. Creamer, WU; Grant Number: 101091010; Timeline: 1/1/2023 – 31/12/2027 https://soilhealthbenchmarks.eu/ EU Missions: Soil Deal for Europe 7 • 60-70% of EU soils are unhealthy • soil is fragile resource that needs protection for future generations • the Mission leads the transition towards healthy soils by: • R&I programme • 100 living labs and lighthouses • harmonised soil monitoring • people’s awareness • the 8 Mission objectives ➔ ➔ ➔ “75% of European soils as healthy or significantly improved by 2030” BENCHMARKS 8 ▪ develop Integrated Soil Health Monitoring Framework with stakeholders from 24 Living Labs across Europe ▪ deliver harmonised and cost-effective indicator measurements for soil health assessment, in which the link between indicators, soil functions and ecosystem services is clearly demonstrated ▪ test and validate the SH&F mission indicators as well as the BENCHMARKS additional indicators for the different land-uses (agriculture, forestry, urban) and different scales (local, landscape, region, Europe), and establish context specific thresholds for these indicators ▪ develop a European broad sampling framework, methodology and protocols, which can support relevant EU policy, regulation and monitoring needs