Star formation quenching clusters of galaxies ?in and/or around? Boris Deshev 2.Oct.2023 Masaryk University Brno ` The red ones and the blue ones Color – Magnitude diagram of Abell 520 members Deshev et al. 2017 Stellar population age – stellar mass diagram B. Deshev, Ph.D thesis ACReS survey Color – stellar mass Diagram of galaxies at z<0.12 Taylor et al. 2014 Galaxy And Mass Assembly survey (GAMA) The red ones and the blue ones Color – Magnitude diagram of Abell 520 Deshev et al. 2017 Stellar population age – stellar mass diagram B. Deshev, Ph.D thesis ACReS survey Color – stellar mass Diagram of galaxies at z<0.12 Taylor et al. 2014 Galaxy And Mass Assembly survey (GAMA) Dressler, 1980 Bamford et al. 2009 Zwicky, 1938 Environmental effects Pr =ρe v2 Hwang et al. 2019 Kenny, van Gorkom and Vollmer, 2004 Jáchym et al. 2019 Ram Pressure stripping Gunn & Gott, 1972 Environmental effects Springel et al. 2005 Treu et al. 2003 Based on ~3x105 galaxies at z < 0.1 from SDSS, dr12 Tempel et al. 2017 catalog of groups and cluster in SDSS DR12 40% of galaxies at z < 0.1 show little or no ongoing star formation Deshev et al. in prep. Ram Pressure stripping Evolution of environment Lacey & Cole, 1993 accretion merger major merger Springeletal.2005 Peng et al. 2015 Strangulation or Ram pressure stripping Strangulation or Starvation Larson et al. 1980 Environmental effects Work by Filip Janák, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, SK Using ML to predict HI mass of galaxies based on their optical properties The Butcher-Oemler effect Haines et al. 2009 Increasing with redshift fraction of star forming galaxies in clusters Butcher & Oemler 1984 Blue fraction (BO84) A520 – 7% A963 – 19% SF fraction (Deshev, Ph.D. thesis) A520 – 9% A963 – 27% Abell 520 Evolutionary lines of different colour from Haines et al. 2015 Comparison sample of 10 non-merging clusters at 0.1510.0, no AGNs Deshev et al. 2020 Abell 963 Voronoi tessellations and binning with Vorbin Cappellari & Copin 2003 Fraction of star forming galaxies in Voronoi bins Number of galaxies per Voronoi bin Deshev et al. 2020 Abell 963 Models for radial distribution of star forming fraction from Haines et al. 2015 Deviations from the cluster-centric model for galaxy quenching Deshev et al. 2020 Map of the local fraction of star forming galaxies Uncertainty map Deshev et al. 2020 Backsplash fraction Haines et al. 2015 0% 30% Deshev et al. 2020 Map of specific star formation rate Uncertainty map Deshev et al. 2020 Map of HI deficiency Potential examples of ram pressure Stripping. First at z = 0.2 Conclusions: ● Accretion onto clusters is not isotropic ● Galaxies are likely pre-processed when infalling along LSS filaments ● Ram pressure stripping is important for a fraction of the newly accreted cluster galaxies ● Major cluster mergers do quench star formation ● The data have so much more to give 02.October.2023, Brno Cosmological galaxy evolutionStar formation rate density evolution Madau & Dickinson, 2014 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 z 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 log(ρHI/MΟ•Mpc−3 ) 21 cm DLA best−fitting model no redshift evolution 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 z 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 log(ρH2 /MΟ•Mpc−3 ) CO Dust Continumm Gao et al. 2023