FB820 Lecture 4 Sample Preparation Jiri Novacek Content CEITEC at Masaryk University 2 ● sample preparation for SEM (2D imaging) ● structural TEM sample preparation ● volume EM sample prep. Scales attainable with electron microscopy CEITEC at Masaryk University 3 1 mm 1 um 1 nm 1A Tick (ESEM) Plant cell (TEM) Plant (SEM) Bacteria (SEM) Virus (TEM)Bacteriophage (TEM) RNA polymerase (TEM) apoferritin @1.2A (TEM) Interaction of an electron with a matter CEITEC at Masaryk University 4 Interaction of an electron with a matter CEITEC at Masaryk University 5 SEM TEM Scanning electron microscopy CEITEC at Masaryk University 6 SEM imaging CEITEC at Masaryk University 7 Pros: - imaging of sample morphology at significant scale difference(1mm - 10nm) - fast sample preparation Cons: - non-native (sample dehydrated) Sample preparation: - air drying - metal sputtering (Pt, Au, Ir) SEM imaging CEITEC at Masaryk University 8 Pros: - imaging of sample morphology at significant scale difference(1mm - 10nm) - fast sample preparation Cons: - non-native (sample dehydrated) Sample preparation: - freezing into LN2 - sublimation - metal sputtering (Pt, Au, Ir) SEM imaging CEITEC at Masaryk University 9 Pros: - imaging of sample morphology at significant scale difference(1mm - 10nm) - fast sample preparation Cons: - non-native (sample dehydrated) Sample preparation: - chemical fixation - contrasting (Pt,U) - dehydration (EtOH,aceton,HMDS) - critical point drying - metal sputtering (Pt, Au, Ir) Structural TEM sample preparation CEITEC at Masaryk University 10 BF image Objective aperture Amplitude contrast Phase contrast ● intensity difference in two adjacent area ● minor contribution in life-science TEM ● phase shift between transmitted and diffracted wave ● primary source of contrast in life-science TEM Transmission electron microscopy Rotary shadowing CEITEC at Masaryk University 11 Pros: - high signal to noise - fast sample preparation - potentially high-resolution - single vs. double stranded nucleic acid Cons: - non-native (sample dehydrated on surface) - limited applicability (primarily filamentous structure) - limited information content (imaging thickness of metal layer not the studied molecule) Negative staining CEITEC at Masaryk University 12 contrasting with heavy metal stains (typically 0.5-2.0% water solution) ● uranyl acetate (pH~4) ○ Pros: ■ high contrast ■ fixative effect ○ Cons: ■ disintegration of sensitive samples (e.g. enveloped viruses) ● uranyl formate (pH~4.5) ○ Pros: ■ high contrast ■ fixative effect ■ smaller grain (suitable for smaller proteins) ○ Cons: ■ low stability ■ soluble in very narrow pH range ■ disintegration of some sample ● ammonium molybdenate, phosphorus thungstanate ○ Pros: ■ pH~7 ■ more suitable for fragile complexes (e.g. enveloped viruses) ○ Cons: ■ slightly lower contrast than UAc ■ low fixative effect (fragile complexes may be disassembled) Negative staining CEITEC at Masaryk University 13 Pros: - sample preparation quick and robust - high contrast - efficient method for sample quality control - initial structural data - low sensitivity to radiation damage Cons: - resolution limited (10-20A) - non-native conditions (air drying, high salt) - flattening artifacts - denaturation of proteins and NA Negative staining CEITEC at Masaryk University 14 Pros: + high signal to noise + low dose sensitivity + robust (easy sample handling) Cons: - non-physiological conditions during sample preparation - artefacts (changes in cell structure, depression of proteins) - usually toxic chemicals used during sample prep - obtainable level of detail limited Plunge freezing - electron cryo-microscopy CEITEC at Masaryk University 15 ● Rapid immersion of buffered sample into cryogen ● Cryogens: ■ liquid ethane ■ ethane:propane mixture ● Vitrification has to be fast ~1000 K/s ● Possible only for samples with thickness ~<10um ● => amorphous ice ● => thin layer (50-400nm) ● near-native conditions ■ difficult to reverse the process and defrost the sample back to functional state ■ LDA water - 0.94 g/l; HDA - 1.17 g/l Plunge freezing CEITEC at Masaryk University 16 3-4ul 0.1-1mg/ml for purified protein complexes OD~0.5-20 for bacteria Plunge freezing CEITEC at Masaryk University 17 ● Sample frozen in hydrated state ● Amorphous ice ● Sample has to be kept at temperatures above devitrification point (~-135C) ● Internal structures can be visualized ● High resolution information is retained ● Possible problems: ice thickness ● hexagonal ice, cubic ice Plunge freezing CEITEC at Masaryk University 18 Extrusion of particles from thin ice Denaturation at air water interface Plunge freezing CEITEC at Masaryk University 19 Pros: + near-native state of molecule + attainable resolution not limited by sample prep. + no toxic chemicals in the process + applicable not only to protein but usually also to cellular monolayer Cons: - low signal to noise - sample handling only under LN2 conditions (risk of devitrification and sample surface contamination) - prone to radiation damage (sample is insulator) - obtainable level of detail limited Volume EM - block face imaging CEITEC at Masaryk University 20 Workflow ● Chemical fixation (formaldehyd, glutaraldehyde, osmium tetraoxide) ● Dehydration (EtOH, aceton) ● Resin embedding ● Sectioning Block face imaging CEITEC at Masaryk University 21 Pros: - 3D volume reconstruction at ultrastructural level of detail - high signal to noise - low dose sensitivity - robust (easy sample handling) Cons: - non-physiological conditions during sample prep - artefacts (changes in cell structure, depression of proteins) - extremely toxic chemicals (OsO4) - attainable level of detail limited Block face imaging CEITEC at Masaryk University 22 Pros: - 3D volume reconstruction at ultrastructural level of detail - high signal to noise - low dose sensitivity - robust sample preparation Cons: - non-physiological conditions during sample prep - artefacts (changes in cell structure, depression of proteins) - extremely toxic chemicals (OsO4) - attainable level of detail limited Sample preparation 1: - formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde - chemical fixation - ~2% solution in water or buffer - variable duration – 2-24 hours (sample thickness) - contrasting (OsO4, UAc, Pb) ● lysine ● arginine Block face imaging CEITEC at Masaryk University 23 Pros: - 3D volume reconstruction at ultrastructural level of detail - high signal to noise - low dose sensitivity - robust sample preparation Cons: - non-physiological conditions during sample prep - artefacts (changes in cell structure, depression of proteins) - extremely toxic chemicals (OsO4) - attainable level of detail limited Sample preparation 2: Dehydration – EtOH or aceton series (30% for 15mins, 50% for 15min, 70% for 15mins, 90% for 15mins, 100% - 3x) - shrinking of protein and lipids - sample shrinking up to 40% - formation of various artefacts Resin embedding – resin infiltration ( 2:1 propylen oxide: resin for 1h, 1:1 for 1h, 1:2 for 1h, 100% resin overnight - polymerazation 24-72h at 60-70C Block face imaging CEITEC at Masaryk University 24 Mechanical sectioning for TEM Block face imaging CEITEC at Masaryk University 25 - 50 – 70 nm thick sections - high-resolution imaging in TEM (tomography) - 3D volume reconstruction - resolution limited by sample preparation - staining with EM contrasting agents (nanoparticles) or fluorescent markers (CLEM) for targetting NIH el. mic. facility Mechanical sectioning for TEM Block face imaging CEITEC at Masaryk University 26 - detection of back scattered electrons - mechanical sectioning either inside or outside SEM - FIB sectioning (10nm) - FIB-SEM tomography – correlative studies limited - FIB sectioning - destructive vs. mechanical sectioning - non-destructive - FIB sectioning - easier image registration vs. mechanical sectioning - image registration may become cumbersome Mechanical sectioning of FIB sectioning for SEM Block face imaging CEITEC at Masaryk University 27 - detection of back scattered electrons - mechanical sectioning either inside or outside SEM - FIB sectioning (10nm) - FIB-SEM tomography – correlative studies limited - FIB sectioning - destructive vs. mechanical sectioning - non-destructive - FIB sectioning - easier image registration vs. mechanical sectioning - image registration may become cumbersome Mechanical sectioning of FIB sectioning for SEM Volume EM - cryo-EM techniques CEITEC at Masaryk University 28 www.leica-microsystems.com High pressure freezing Plunge freezing: - rapid immersion of buffered sample into cryogen (liquid ethane, ethane:propane mix) - vitrification has to be fast 10e4-10e5 K/s - available only for samples ~<10um thick High pressure freezing - sample thickness <200um - freezing with liquid nitrogen - 2000 bars, 20 ms Volume EM - cryo-EM techniques CEITEC at Masaryk University 29 Freeze substitution - reduction of ultrastructure changes compared to dehydration at ambient temperature - dehydration at temperatures <-70C (aceton typically -90C) - fixatives are evenly distributed before cross-linking at ambient temperature - resin embedding for ultramicrotomy at room temp. www.leica-microsystems.com Yamada et al. JMM 2010 High pressure freezing & freeze substitution Volume EM - cryo-EM techniques CEITEC at Masaryk University 30 - sectioning for TEM (tomography) - section thickness ~70nm - no chemical fixation, dehydration or contrasting - low contrast - preservation of the sample in near-native conditions - mechanical sectioning by ultramicrotome at LN2 conditions - sectioning artefacts Al-Amoudi et al. EMBO J 2004 Al-Amoudi et al. JSB 2005 CEMOVIS - cryo-EM of vitreous sections Volume EM - cryo-EM techniques CEITEC at Masaryk University 31 Focused ion beam micromachining of cellular lamellae - only single section per cell - section thickness ~100-300nm - ablation with Ga+, Xe+, O+, Ar+ - minimal artefacts - complex (FIB/SEM microscope as sample preparation device Volume EM - cryo-EM techniques CEITEC at Masaryk University 32 Focused ion beam micromachining of cellular lamellae CEITEC at Masaryk University 33