Ok, I did it now on Windows 10 successfully!   They need to install a Fortran compiler if they don’t have it. You can send them this: https://fortran-lang.org/learn/os_setup/install_gfortran [fortran-lang.org] http://www.equation.com/servlet/equation.cmd?fa=fortran [www.equation.com] Then restart the computer.   Download ZDPlasKin for Windows: http://www.zdplaskin.laplace.univ-tlse.fr/zdplaskin-solver/index.html [www.zdplaskin.laplace.univ-tlse.fr]   Then I tried with the example given there: http://www.zdplaskin.laplace.univ-tlse.fr/index.html@p=292.html [www.zdplaskin.laplace.univ-tlse.fr]   dvode and bolsig are not in the example folder, so I copied from the download folder. I had to use the bolsig_x86_64_g.lib/dll library. It was failing with the other bolsig libs. So, I compiled just: .\preprocessor.exe kinet.inp zdplaskin_m.F90 gfortran dvode_f90_m.F90 zdplaskin_m.F90 test_2reac.F90 bolsig_x86_64_g.lib .\a.exe And it worked.