Biophysics - Laboratory Practice
PharmDr. Jan Elbl, Ph.D.
Biophysics - Laboratory Practice
1st exercise task assignment

Since there were no demands about work-group preferences, your co-working students for the rest of the subject and the first exercise will be as follows: 

Ezedimbu, Ogechukwu Monica                            1._Polarimetry__Refractometry

Ghamkhar, Maliheh                                                    1._Polarimetry__Refractometry


Koulouri, Vasiliki                                                          2._Potenciometry__buffer_capacity

Malek, Mohammed Naeem                                    2._Potenciometry__buffer_capacity

Mazharovska-Simak, Kristina                               2._Potenciometry__buffer_capacity


Dr. Pavloková
In person (DPT, ground floor, office 124) or online after prior email appointment.

Dr. Elbl

In person (DPT, 1st floor, office 206) or online after prior email appointment.

Teaching will be in-person.

Teachers: Dr. Elbl (exercises No. 1, 2, 3), Dr. Pavloková (exercises No. 4, 5, 6)

There are 6 tasks in this subject, each task consists of several parts, mostly two. Probably, you will work in the group of 2 students (according to final number of students in labs). Each group will do different task. I will assign the task numbers to your groups in advance and we will follow the syllabus chronologically.


Task No. 1.

A) Determination of glucose concentration by polarimetry

B) Refractometry

Task No. 2. 

A) Potentiometric determination of dissociation constants

B) Buffer capacity

Task No. 3.         

A) Determination of the viscosity

Task No. 4.        

A) Determination of the critical micelle concentration

B) Water quality determination by conductivity measurement

Task No. 5.         

A) Determination of the isoelectric point of casein

B) Measurement of body temperature

C) Determination of the dissolution rate

Task No. 6.         

Adsorption on activated charcoal

You will already know the task number for your group (according to the table below), so you will be supposed to read relevant manual at home to be ready for exercise (or you can even do calculations for the preparation of solutions and so on to speed up work in the lab).

Preparation for the lab exercise

According to syllabus, you are supposed to read relevant manual at home to be prepared for exercise and you should do calculations for the preparation of solutions and so on to speed up work in the lab.

Lab reports

You will submit the lab reports (one per group) to the Homework Vault (to the appropriate folder according to the date of the exercise – you can also find the link in the interactive syllabus below). Please, always submit the first version of the lab report within 2 weeks from the exercise date.

Use the word format for the document.

I will then check it out and upload the commented lab report back to the homework vault and you will then find a note in notebook (the lab report is accepted or it needs to be corrected). If the lab report correction is required, always send the corrected version within one week after receiving the commented protocol.

Additional requirements for the lab report processing are listed in the file below.

Credit requirements

  • Attendance at all exercises.
  • Processed and accepted lab reports.
  • You are allowed to miss a maximum of two exercises in our subject. But in that case, an excuse in the information system and an exercise compensation is necessary (the form of exercise compensation arranged with the teacher).

Herein you´ll find the manuals for each of the exercise

Chapter contains:
