Safety of Journalists
Signe Ivask, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Safety of Journalists
Spring 2023
The course is meant for people who are interested in journalists' job or - why not - media workers' job. We will discuss the difficulties but we do not get stuck there, we will also discuss what can be done. The aim is to be open and honest of all the trying times you might face, BUT we will always find strategies of how to solve the situation. By the end of this course, you will be able to recognise when you might need to change your habits or find solutions. This course is part theoretical, we look at empirical studies, on the other hand practical, we will discuss the topics and lead ourselves to penning down solutions.

At the meeting we will introduce the course and have agreements with each other. The intro part is followed by a lecture where we look into why safety of journalists is an important topic. We will look into different types of cases from all over the world. We will talk about a concept called self-censorship. It has many different names. After the lecture, we will have a seminar where we will discuss on the matter of journalists being influenced or attacked - why it matters. What can be done as an audience member? As a journalist? Let's map solutions for ourselves.

Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 13/2/2023 to 26/2/2023.

At the meeting we will talk about conflicts in journalists job. The focus on negativity. Why are journalists so negative all the time? We will look into concepts called constructive and solution journalism, positive psychology. What is the role of audience in all of this negativity? Who has the Schadenfreude syndrome? At the seminar we will discuss and try to use tools of positive psychology. We will agree on one good habit for a month. Can you be a good journalist when being an optimist?

Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 27/2/2023 to 12/3/2023.

During this meeting, we get the chance to meet with people who either study war journalism from different angles or who work in the middle of a war. You all have chances to be very active and ask questions from our participants. Why is it hard to be a journalist? Well, one answer is that you have to make decisions that are not easy, sometimes they even hurt you. It is called moral injury. Also, what is the results of journalists seeing death, blood, war, people crying, or on the other hand, partying people, drunk people, etc. Please bring some of these very difficult decisions you have to have made to the seminar. Let's discuss what makes it difficult for us to make up our minds. What are our moral boundaries and how to keep them safe? Meeting takes place HERE: Signe Ivask is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Signe Ivask's Personal Meeting Room Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 296 090 7798 Passcode: 872793

Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 13/3/2023 to 26/3/2023.

we will discuss stress, burnout and working conditions. We will look into stress and burnout. First we will get acquainted with them conceptually, then we look at how they might happen, what are the consequences. The aim is to have an understanding of what these concepts are, so you will able to recognise them yourself. We will talk about working conditions and JDR model. At the seminar, we will look into what can we do ourselves. What are the solutions. We will try out a couple of tests to see what kind of results we get from them. So, what do you plan to do?

Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 27/3/2023 to 9/4/2023.

We will look at why a lot of attacks occur online, what type are they. Do you know what is "Flaming"? How can influencers totally mess up the whole institution of journalism? At the seminar we look at comment sections, for that, I ask of you to gather worse case comments throughout the week before the meeting. Screenshot them and upload them. Let's look what and how and whom is aimed. What can be done? We will discuss the concept of micro-inventions. Are you cybersafe? How become safe online?

Chapter contains:
Study Materials
Study text
Teacher recommends to study from 10/4/2023 to 23/4/2023.

How do you build your career? What do you want to do? Do you know? What is quiet quitting? We will look into this terminology with the help of boundary theory. Work-life balance. We will discuss working conditions, negotiations, the basic mistakes that journalists do in drawing the lines.

Chapter contains:
Teacher recommends to study from 24/4/2023 to 7/5/2023.
