Expresión oral
Mgr. Marina Del Bosque Sepúlveda
Expresión oral
Spring 2023

Correo electrónico del profesor: 


Horario de tutoría:
Lunes y miércoles de 12 a 13:30 (avisar previamente por correo electrónico).

-Reforzar y p
racticar la expresión oral.

- Asistencia al 80% de las clases (máximo tres ausencias sin justificar).

-Participación y asistencia (50%).

- Realización y preparación de tareas orales (50%):

      a) Textos orales informales

     b) Textos orales formales:  1. Argumentación - Debate   2. Monólogo 3. Discurso  4. Entrevista

Teacher recommends to study from 13/2/2023 to 19/2/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 20/2/2023 to 26/2/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 27/2/2023 to 5/3/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 6/3/2023 to 12/3/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 13/3/2023 to 19/3/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 20/3/2023 to 26/3/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 27/3/2023 to 2/4/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 3/4/2023 to 9/4/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 10/4/2023 to 16/4/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 17/4/2023 to 23/4/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 24/4/2023 to 30/4/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 1/5/2023 to 7/5/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 8/5/2023 to 14/5/2023.
Teacher recommends to study from 15/5/2023 to 21/5/2023.