Syntax A
Syntax A
Study now0. Introduction
Study now1. Revision - clause elements & phrases, clause types, verb classes, word classes
Study now2. Syntactic and semantic characterization of clause elements. Intrinsic X extrinsic modality. Ability, permission and possibility
Study now3. S - V concord, emphasizing negation, nonassertive words
Study now4. Expectation, assumption and conclusion
Study now5. Obligation and absence of obligation
Study now6. Duty and arrangement, with non-fulfilment
Study now7. Use of should for suggestions, opinions, feelings
Study now8. "The semantics and grammar of adverbials" - Grammatical Functions
Study now9. Verbs and phrases followed by the plain infinitive
Study now10.Pro-forms (Substitution)
•Translation V.
Study now11. Ellipsis
Study now12. Final Quiz
Study nowProjekt OPVK
10.Pro-forms (Substitution)
Greenbaum and Quirk: study pp. 247 - 255 (chapter 12), then go through handout "Lesson 10 / handout 10a" and fill in missing letters.
Chalker: do exercises 112 - 118.
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Teacher recommends to study from 18/12/2015.
Syntax A
Study now0. Introduction
Study now1. Revision - clause elements & phrases, clause types, verb classes, word classes
Study now2. Syntactic and semantic characterization of clause elements. Intrinsic X extrinsic modality. Ability, permission and possibility
Study now3. S - V concord, emphasizing negation, nonassertive words
Study now4. Expectation, assumption and conclusion
Study now5. Obligation and absence of obligation
Study now6. Duty and arrangement, with non-fulfilment
Study now7. Use of should for suggestions, opinions, feelings
Study now8. "The semantics and grammar of adverbials" - Grammatical Functions
Study now9. Verbs and phrases followed by the plain infinitive
Study now10.Pro-forms (Substitution)
•Translation V.
Study now11. Ellipsis
Study now12. Final Quiz
Study nowProjekt OPVK