doc. Mgr. Filip Černoch, Ph.D.

Course description

The course focuses on the European energy policy, i.e. how the EU organises the production, transport and use of energy. For the following reasons, it is one of the most important common policies. Firstly, energy is closely intertwined with the issue of climate change. Fossil fuels are the primary cause of the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and the EU's efforts to address this issue are directly linked to the dramatic reconfiguration of the European energy mix. Secondly, energy availability and prices are crucial for the competitiveness of European industry and the well-being of the population. Thirdly, the need to import most energy from third countries leads to a close link between energy and external relations, diplomacy, and security policy. This is seen in the impact of Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine. 

The course looks at all three of these areas and their diplomatic, environmental, security, economic, technical, and social implications.  

Organizational information:

The course is taught by Filip Černoch with the assistance of Anežka Konvalinová and Dominik David. Filip is also the contact person for the course, please contact him either by email or physically at the end of each lecture. 

Course requirements:

1) Study of the required literature for each lecture. The literature may be slightly modified or supplemented during the course, in which case students will be informed. 

2) Attendance at lectures is not mandatory, but is strongly recommended. 

3) Preparation for the simulation game (see below), and participation in this game (maximum 6 points). 

4) Written test from the mandatory literature (maximum 8 points). 

5) Oral exam (2 questions based on required readings and lectures, maximum 16 points).  


A                                                         28 – 30 points

B                                                         25 – 27 points

C                                                         22 – 24 points

D                                                        19 – 21 points

E                                                         17 – 18 points

F                                                         16 and less points.  


As a part of the "simulation game", students engage in multilateral negotiations within and between the EU institutions. Through role-playing, they will examine interactions between the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the Council of the European Union during drafting EU legislation under the ordinary legislative procedure. Students gain formal knowledge of negotiation and decision-making processes and techniques in the EU. Actual legislation will be negotiated as part of the game, which is being dealt with in Brussels.  Students will be divided into several smaller groups, which will have to work out their position in negotiation according to the given instructions. 

Group selection and specific instructions will be sent by email on 26.9.2022. 
The deadline for submission of documents will be 4.12.2022 
The simulation game will take place in the credit week - 19.12.2022. 

Fraudulent behaviour:

Cheating in the course will result in dismissal from the course. The FSS MU Disciplinary Committee will also be notified. We therefore recommend that you familiarise yourself with the relevant rules of the MU Student Regulations.