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Zdravotník zotavovacích akcí 2023

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Zdravotník zotavovacích akcí 2023 Akreditace MŠMT v rámci DVPP č. j. MSMT-13272/2021-2-512

02. – 04. 06. 2023 a 23. – 25. 06. 2023
25. 06. 2023 – závěrečná zkouška
FSpS MU, Univerzitní kampus Bohunice, Kamenice 5, 625 00 Brno

Cíl kurzu:
Cílem tohoto kurzu je připravit účastníka na to, aby dokázal dle vyhlášky č. 422/2013Sb. zajistit základní péči o zdraví všech účastníků na akcích jako zdravotník zotavovacích akcí (ZZA). Důraz bude kladen na nácvik praktické první pomoci mj. za využití simulovaných situací.
Kurz je zakončený zkouškou z teoretických i praktických znalostí a dovedností.
Cílová skupina:
Kurz je určen pro učitele ZŠ a SŠ, trenéry sportovních škol, učitele – vedoucí zájmových kroužků a klubů, pedagogy volného času, vychovatele školních zařízení, asistenty pedagoga.
Absolvent kurzu bude vybaven teoretickými znalostmi i praktickými dovednostmi z oblasti první pomoci. Rovněž bude znát právní normy spojené s povinnou zdravotnickou dokumentací vedenou v souvislosti s pořádáním zotavovacích akcí pro děti. Bude schopen plně vykonávat činnosti spadající do kompetencí zdravotníka zotavovacích akcí.
Obsah kurzu:
Zásady stavby a funkce lidského těla (3 hodiny)
První pomoc teoretická část (10 hodin)
První pomoc praktická část (16 hodin)
Péče o nemocné (4 hodiny)
Základy zdravotnické dokumentace (1 hodina)
Práva a povinnosti ZZA (3 hodiny)
Hygiena a epidemiologie (3 hodiny)
Mgr. Eva Valkounová, Ph.D. – odborný garant kurzu
MUDr. Bc. Michal Matula, DiS.
Lukáš Pelinka
Doklad o absolvování:
Osvědčení s neomezenou platností.
3 300 Kč

Pro účely vystavení Osvědčení uveďte, prosím, do poznámky u přihlášky Vaše datum narození.

  • Hygiene and epidemiology

    The aim of the subject, which is part of the health course of the Recovery Healthcare Practitioner, is to familiarize the participants with the principles of hygiene and prevention of contagion.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    - basics of hygiene and epidemiology
    - personal hygiene and daily program
    - environmental hygiene
    - nutrition hygiene
    - removal of waste materials
    - preventing the spread of the contagion
    Course Enrolment Limitations
    The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).
  • Care for the sick

    The aim of the subject, which is a part of the medical course of the Recovery Healthcare Practitioner, is to introduce participants to the basic principles of patient care.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    - medical ethics,
    - care for a patient on a bed,
    - medicine delivery,
    - diet of the patient,
    - environmental impact on the patient.
    Course Enrolment Limitations
    The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).
  • Rights and responsibilities of a health professional

    The aim of the subject, which is part of the medical course of the Recovery Healthcare Practitioner, is to introduce the participants to the rights and duties of the health care professional.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    - safeguarding public health;
    - hygiene rules and principles;
    - body load and program compliance;
    - provision of pre-departure, stay, after-departure actions;
    - medical document management.
    Course Enrolment Limitations
    The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).

    The aim of the subject, which is part of the medical course of the Recovery Healthcare Practitioner, is to teach first aid participants both in practical and theoretical levels.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    The theoretical part:
    - Prevention of injuries and types of medical care, sorting
    - First aid: emergency numbers, life-saving actions and other serious injuries, etc.

    Practical part:
    - CPR training
    - Positioning and transport
    - Work with dressing material, etc.
    Course Enrolment Limitations
    The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).
  • Principles of structure and function of the human body

    The aim of the subject, which is part of the health course of the Recovery Healthcare Practitioner, is to familiarize the participants with the basic structure and function of the human body.
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    • Building and functions of the human body - cell, tissue, organ, living organism;
    • Movement system - skeleton, skeleton of limbs + muscles - muscles of the head, muscles of the fuselage, muscles of the upper and lower limbs.
    • Blood circulation - consists of heart, artery, vein, capillary, blood.
    • Digestive system - oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, rectum + liver and pancreas.
    • Respiratory system - respiratory, lung, respiratory phase.
    • Excretory organs - kidneys, ureas, bladder and urinary tract.
    • Skin system - skin, joint.
    • The male and female sexual system:
    - the head system of the male - testicles, superficial, vaginal ducts, predominant gland,scrotum;
    - the genital system of women - ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, large and small labia, glands of the vaginal passage, topical tissue;
    • Sensory organs - olfactory, taste, tactile, visual, auditory.
    • CNS and peripheral nerves.
    • Substantive proceedings - glands with internal secretion, their function.
    Course Enrolment Limitations
    The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).
  • Final exam

    The Recovery Health Practitioners (ZZA) is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports with a 40-hour grant. The aim of the course is to prepare the course participant to prove it according to the Decree No. 422 / 2013Sb. to provide basic health care for all participants in events as Recovery Health Practitioners (ZZA).
    • Faculty of Sports Studies

    - a written test
    - oral part
    - practical part
    Course Enrolment Limitations
    The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).

Total: 3 300 CZK incl. VAT