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Studium pedagogiky se zaměřením na technologie ve vzdělávání - pro absolventy KISK

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70% sleva z ceny kurzu je pouze pro magisterské absolventy Kabinetu knihovnictví a informačních studií na FF MU.

Absolvent kurzu získá osvědčení ve smyslu § 22 odst. 1. písmene a) zákona č. 563/2004 Sb. a § 3 vyhlášky č. 317/2005 Sb. (dle Standardu pro udělování akreditací DVPP, č. j. 26 451/2005-25 a 30 908/2005-25, 1 a), číslo akreditace MŠMT 16760/2015-1-457.

Osvědčení opravňuje k výkonu pedagogického povolání absolventy jiných než pedagogických oborů a vedle společného pedagogicko-psychologického základu jsou jeho součástí také technologické kompetence absolventa, který je schopen nejen vykonávat pedagogickou činnost, ale také spoluvytvářet prostředí školy pro 21. století a být tím, kdo aktivně tvoří digitální učební materiály, spravuje e-learning a v každodenní školní praxi komplexně rozvíjí vzdělávací technologie.

  • Datum konání: 1. 2. 2016 – 31. 1. 2017
  • Datum prodeje: od aktuálního data do 21. 2. 2016
  • Zajišťuje pracoviště: Kabinet knihovnictví a informačních studií
    • Educational Process Design

      The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the theoretical bases design educational process , trends in the world of education and work using critical   s professional literature , practical exercises and project teaching to help them acquire the skills to design educational process in   accordance with the educational needs of the target groups and Conditions Information society of the 21st century. Students should after successful completion of the course: 1) know the main pedagogical theories and approaches 2) understand the didactic methods and procedures and understand their usefulness in the field of educational informatics, 3) know the key trends in education and explain their impact on the area of ​​educational science, 4) be able to reflect on educational methods and procedures for designing educational process with regard to the risks and needs of the target groups and educators, 5) orient in available resources, tools and networks with applying a critical approach and proper interpretation, 6) work in the study group and individually to a particular subject in the context of designing educational process, 7) propose a model of the educational process in particular educational environment of the current information society.
      • Regular price: 2100 CZK
      • Department of Czech Literature – Faculty of Arts

      1. Terminology educational content, learning the literacy of the 21st century - strategic documents (Strategy 2020 Strategy digital education   CR Strategy digital literacy in   CR)
      2. Educational aspects of designing the educational process and the field of ISK - terminology, a pivotal pedagogical theories and approaches   Specialist Education (constructivism) ISK, teaching methods, forms of education in face-to-face and e-learning, target groups and their characteristics (eg. Adult Education inclusive of the target groups, both formal and informal education of children, etc.), evaluation, trends in education (mentoring, coaching etc.), an innovative educational programs (cooperative and experiential learning, experiential learning, critical thinking, learning   an online environment, etc.).
      3. Methodological aspects in the field   ISK - terminology, educational objectives and content, teaching methods, present industry trends related to the didactic use of ICT  
      4. Psychological aspects in the learning process in the context of the field   ISK - interaction of learners-educated, external and internal conditions of education, learning and memory, self-management, motivation etc.
      5 to 6. Key competencies for the 21st century - the origin, function, interconnection with   goals of education, the survey, analysis and interpretation, specification of the target group of education, including adult education.
      7 to 8. Mentoring skills , technological and educational expertise teacher - planning, implementation and evaluation of teaching units , assessment of teaching effectiveness , selected teaching methods and aids , factors affecting learning (   linked with courses focusing on technology in education ) .
      9 to 10. Presentation and communication skills trainer - verbal and nonverbal communication , stage fright , working with   body with a   voice communication with the learner   target group specifics of communication in teaching face-to- face and e -learning   .
      11 to 13. Design lesson - face to face form , blended and e -learning , practical application of knowledge gained from   previous modules , the student demonstrates competency card methodical create educational activities , including the preparation of educational content tailored to the target group and model situations, education is practiced learning process.
      Course Enrolment Limitations
      The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).
    • Komisionální zkouška z pedagogické způsobilosti se zaměřením na technologie ve vzdělávání

      The goal is the final exam and defense works that are prerequisites to gain a certificate of teaching competence.
      • Regular price: 2100 CZK
      • Faculty of Arts

    • Pedagogická psychologie

      In this course the student: gives a basic outline of educational psychology in the context of the study of pedagogy. The first area is the learning goals of personality psychology and developmental psychology, further gains awareness about the psychology of learning. The second area the objectives of the course is educational psychology, thus learning style, motivation, communication with student teachers etc. Special areas are also topics related to psychology and psychological pathologies in cyberspace.
      • Regular price: 2100 CZK
      • Faculty of Arts

      1. General psychology, methods, researches topics 2. Psychology of personality - motivation, heredity, structure and components of personality dynamics of personality, self 3rd Developmental psychology and cognitive factors - the development of intelligence, language development, creativity, learning ability 4. The selected themes of educational psychology 5. Social interaction at school, classroom climate, social perception and management classes 6. Personality educator, teacher self-evaluation 7th Professional skills teacher, teaching profession stress, burnout 8. Interaction teacher - pupil, teacher - parent, parent - student 9. Solution of conflicts in the classroom, preventing pathogenic events 10. Psychologie in kyberprostředí, psychology, social networks 11. Computer games and computer addiction 12. The basic pedagogical diagnostic methods, pedagogical and psychological research, educational psychologists, pedagogical-psychological counseling 13. The most common pedagogical-psychological problems and solving methods
      Course Enrolment Limitations
      The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).
    • Internship

      The aim of the internship in high school is to get a real life experience of school and teaching practice and the ability to translate theoretical knowledge into the school environment.
      • Regular price: 2100 CZK
      • Department of Czech Literature – Faculty of Arts

      Recommended structure works: 10 hours of observations; 10 hours classroom instruction, 10 hours of communications facilities and operation of school, 10 hours of making digital learning objects or other technical support for schools. The structure can be flexibly moved after agreement with the teacher of the course.
      Course Enrolment Limitations
      The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).
    • Learning Society

      • Regular price: 2100 CZK
      • Division of Information and Library Studies – Department of Czech Literature – Faculty of Arts

      Course Enrolment Limitations
      The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).
    • Educational Technologies

      The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical framework of sufficient quality to them later to understand and analyze modern technology used in the classroom. It will be accompanied by practical exercises that will apply these concepts to different educational activities and objects.
      • Regular price: 2100 CZK
      • Department of Czech Literature – Faculty of Arts

      Principles of computer organization, von Neumanův model, operating system
      Automata and grammars, Turing machines, regular languages
      Division of programming languages​​, object-oriented systems design, graphical programming languages
      Network architecture, OSI model, IP transport protocols (TCP, UDP, etc.), basic services computer networks, quality of service
      Storing data in the computer and data structures
      Virtualization and distributed computing, cloud
      information Systems
      database concepts
      Computer image processing, augmented reality concepts
      Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing
      Interactive devices, motion capture, interactive whiteboard and screen, Kinect
      Markup languages ​​and preparing documents for printing
      Dialogue Systems
      Course Enrolment Limitations
      The capacity limit for the course is 20 student(s).

    Total: 3 780 CZK incl. VAT