
All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts... William Shakespeare: As You Like It.

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Students of Sociology learn to understand various forms of social action, social institutions, processes, and relationships. The programme cultivates analytical skills, which are sought after not only in research and teaching, but also in many other fields of activity, such as consulting, international trade, journalism, diplomacy, management, non-governmental organizations, state administration, marketing, public relations, ecology, law, medicine, politics, etc. The programme also helps students understand the social context of various types and levels of social and individual problems. Students are introduced to the current critical social theory and to the historical development of social thought. Auxiliary disciplines, such as demography, broaden the practical application of the theoretical concepts and the programme includes a number of courses focused on such specialized areas of study, such as migration, social stratification, population studies, sociology of politics, sociology of the family, sociology of the city, sociology of industry, sociology of culture, etc.). Systematic training in research methods and data analysis using modern statistical procedures prepares students for independent research and analytical work.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • Reflect, both theoretically and critically, on current sociological knowledge.
  • Understand the nature, formation, reproduction, and functioning of social relationships, systems, and behaviour in all areas of social life.
  • Design the methods and implementation of all stages of sociological research: operationalize the examined phenomena, select a relevant population sample, develop required research instruments, and collect, analyse, and explain quantitative data.
  • Communicate his/her research findings to the public, whether in writing or by giving a talk.

Our Bachelor’s degree programme is designed to prepare students for their careers, primarily in marketing research, public opinion and market research, and marketing, but also in state and local administration and non-governmental organizations. Our graduates can also enter careers in the private sector, especially in human resources and public relations, and positions in tripartite and collective bargaining organizations. Government and non-governmental employers value our graduates’ thorough knowledge of the wider context, which is required within employment and social policy. Graduates of the programme will have learned how to collect and assess empirical data, analyse specific problems, and suggest practicable solutions.


The standard duration of the full-time study programme is six semesters. Students can study sociology in combination with another study programme offered at the Faculty of Social Studies as well as selected programmes offered by other faculties (double-subject study) or focus entirely on sociology (single-subject study). ECTS credits earned at other departments can only be recognized as selective Sociology credits if the respective courses are included in the course catalogue for Sociology and are earned in the semester in which they are offered as Sociology courses. Students can also earn a maximum of 10 credits (single-subject study) or 5 credits (double-subject study) from the required total in elective courses.

Students of single-subject Sociology programme have to earn a total of 180 credits (including 72 credits in required courses) before they can take the Bachelor’s final state examination.

Students of double-subject Sociology programme have to earn a total of 90 credits in Sociology courses. Students who write their Bachelor’s thesis in sociology earn 72 credits in required courses (including credits earned for Thesis Project and Thesis Seminar). Students who write their Bachelor’s thesis in their other study programme earn 54 credits in required courses and the remaining credits in selective courses.

Students also need to meet the university-wide requirements and earn at least 6 credits in sports courses and language courses to ensure minimum required language competence. The 6 credits earned in these courses count toward the required total of 180 ECTS credits (for students of double-subject Sociology programme, three credits are counted towards the total required in each of their study programmes). All students also need to complete at least one course taught in English from the courses offered by the department for the given programme. This requirement can also be met by completing a sociology course taught in English abroad (the course has to be listed in the student’s Learning Agreement and be pre-approved and subsequently recognized by the person authorized to recognize credits earned abroad). Students who write their Bachelor’s thesis in sociology also have to defend their thesis as a part of the final state examination. The thesis requirements are specified in a special regulation.

Students are required to follow the course catalogue for their matriculation year during the course of their studies. Course catalogues for the individual matriculation years are available at the faculty website.


Dates for taking the final state examination are available every semester. The examination consists of the defence of students’ Bachelor's theses and a written exam. Dates for thesis defence and final exams as well as exam topics and further details can be found at the department website or through the university information system (in the Documents folder). The defences and final exams are overseen by a board appointed by the dean of the Faculty of Social Studies.

The Bachelor’s thesis should be between 72,000 and 90,000 characters long and does not require independent empirical research (any exceptions have to be approved by the supervisor in advance). Students must use already published research and data available for secondary analysis. They are expected to show that they are able to critically assess scholarly texts, process the concepts and theories included in these texts, and find relevant answer to their questions.

The final exam is written and consists of three separate parts, with each part graded individually and focused on a different subject area: 1) classical sociological theories; 2) contemporary sociological theories; and 3) research methodology. The exam topics and literature for the individual subject areas are announced by the department by the start of the semester in which the exam takes place. The specific exam questions correspond to the announced topics and recommended literature.


After graduating and fulfilling any admission requirements, graduates can enrol in any Master’s degree programme. Graduates usually choose to continue their studies in sociology, or in their other discipline, if they graduated from a double-subject programme (such as political science, journalism, international relations, etc.). The can also choose to continue their studies at another MU faculty or another Czech or international university, and the competences acquired at the Faculty of Social Studies will help them succeed.

Defended theses

Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Sociology
Abbreviation: SO1KC
Code: 6703R004
Type: lifelong learning
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B6703 B-SO Sociology
Faculty of Social Studies
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Social Studies
Field guarantor:
prof. PhDr. Ladislav Rabušic, CSc.