Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Mathematics – Field of study catalogue MU
Lower Secondary School Teacher Training in Mathematics“Ad scienciam vero aquirendam duo principaliter sunt necessaria, scilicet karitas seu dileccio et sedulitas sive continuacio” (Cristiannus de Prachaticz, Algorismus prosaycus) |
The objective of the study is the preparation of graduates for the profession of primary and lower secondary school mathematics teacher, and to further the development of essential values and positions of graduates so that they become active, responsible, and independent members of their professional mathematical group and society.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- work as a mathematics teacher at primary and lower secondary schools
- notice the application of mathematics in other fields, including the school environment, and point out the connections between mathematics and other school subjects
- develop professional knowledge and competence and extend their knowledge of mathematics and related sciences
- work in various civic institutions devoted to pedagogical activities or mentoring
The Master's degree courses in mathematics focus on the synthesis of the mathematical knowledge and competences through courses such as set theory, the history of mathematics, and especially didactics of mathematics.
Essential teacher training is provided through courses in pedagogy and psychology, didactics of mathematics, and reflected teaching practice. Didactics of mathematics focuses on the development of didactic knowledge of the content, which enables the teacher to mediate the subject in such a way that it is correct from the point of view of mathematics and at the same time accessible to the pupils. The courses develop the knowledge and competences of the students and allow the students to put their mathematical knowledge not only into a wider school context, but also into the context of after-school and leisure time activities. The students have well-structured knowledge about the mathematics taught and can use their knowledge and competences in the preparation of leisure time and after-school activities.
the other subject including didactics; Master's thesis defense; and elements of psychology and pedagogy for Master's students.
The themes and questions for the state examination in mathematics and its didactics belong to the principal mathematical disciplines and the didactics of mathematics. This part of the exam is only oral. Each student will draw a question from each of the following areas: mathematical analysis, algebra, set theory, and didactics of mathematics. Emphasis is laid on the connections between the individual themes.