Special Education of Security Sections – Field of study catalogue MU
Special Education of Security Sections“The ninja were not practitioners of magic. Their secret was the most intense physical and mental training known to man. (Dan Millman)” |
Graduates will be prepared in theoretical subjects of jurisprudence, social, bio-medical, and kinesiology sciences.
Graduates are prepared in combat sports, self-defence, martial arts, and climbing, swimming, gymnastics and track and field.
They gain also communication skills to cope with conflict and extreme situations.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- perform practical skills of particular sports as well as learn and copy new sports skills
- apply their practical skills in test self-defence situations . They can also put together particular moves and change the move structure to solve a given motion problem spontaneously
- master the basic knowledge of theoretical PE and sports disciplines and the basis of security and law. They can also explain particular items and the relations between them
- accept the moral outcomes of self-defence. They respect the valid legal norms and can distinguish between social and personal needs
- master the knowledge of methodology in kinanthropology and can apply them in research projects. They can also analyse the acquired data, summarize it and draw general conclusions
For all students there is an obligation to pass an examination in English.
During the course of their studies students should follow the template assigned at the beginning of their studies in the Information system.
Students have to defend a Bachelor's thesis and pass an oral examination in the following subjects:
Social aspects of physical education and sport
Physiology and performance medicine
Sports personality, self-defence and theory of combatives
Basics of jurisprudence and security
Defended theses