Social Informatics

Informatics is better understood by those who also understand people.

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Social Informatics is a new multidisciplinary programme that explores the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the social, institutional and cultural context. It is inspired by the emergence of new problems related to the social aspects of computerization, studies about design, and the impact of information technology use on both individuals and society. Social informatics also deals with the problems arising from the mass deployment of information technologies and their impact on the structure and social aspects of society.

The aim of the programme is to master the theoretical and practically applicable knowledge and skills in the field of social informatics, computer science and sociology, enabling the graduates to design and administrate computer systems with respect to their users and social context. Graduates also gain specific knowledge useful in creating new and utilisation of existing computer systems in the area of marketing, market research and public opinion research. During their studies, students can select their specialisation by choosing relevant elective and selective courses. For example, students can focus on designing user interfaces, modelling and simulation, mastering personal programming skills in a particular programming language or conducting empirical research and processing statistical data using information technology.

Emphasis is placed on grasping the current trends in social informatics and implementing this knowledge in the design and development of computer systems, the development of critical thinking and the ability to combine knowledge from computer and social sciences. During their studies, students also gain practical experience by working on either personal or team projects. Moreover, project outcomes can be used as practical parts of their theses. Faculty of Informatics provides students with the opportunity to work on interesting projects not only in the research labs, but also in cooperation with industrial partners.

The programme is designed for students who want to gain basic knowledge in computer science and sociology. This specific combination allows them to gain knowledge about the development and use of information technology with regard to their users and the consequences for individuals and society. The goal is to prepare professionals capable of solving theoretical and applied problems of computer science in social context.


After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

  • understand fundamental principles of computer systems, operating systems, database systems, and computer networks;
  • understand basic principles of social informatics;
  • analyze computer systems in accordance with their users and social context;
  • apply social informatics and social science findings (e.g. methodology knowledge) to design computer systems;
  • apply gained methodological competences to carry out empirical surveys and process statistical data.

The graduate will be able to work as a specialist in ICT design (especially in the field of programming), as an administrator of information and database systems and computer networks or as a web page developer, etc. The graduates can use their knowledge and experience for careers in marketing and public survey research supported by the ICT, in public administration and in various educational and research institutes of science - wherever they are able to employ their abilities to analyse the impact of ICT on social phenomena and to understand them.


The standard length of study is 3 years. Courses are mandatory, selective and elective. Mandatory courses form the core of the programme and introduce the use of communication technologies in social, institutional and cultural context. These courses enable the students to gain knowledge in all key areas of social informatics. The personal choice of mandatory, selective and elective courses allows the students to specialise according to their interests or future studies.


- Collect at least 180 credits.

- Pass the State Exam.

- Pass at least 25 exams.

- Pass all mandatory courses with the highest type of completion.

- Pass at least 4 selective courses with the highest type of completion.

- Acquire 10 credits for an SDIPR course and defend a bachelor thesis, see instructions at


The final exam consists of a thesis defence and an oral exam. The oral exam is graded by a single grade, defence is graded with a separate grade. If the student succeeds in only one of these two parts, he or she will repeat only the part graded as "unsatisfactory".

In the case of more negative opponents’ evaluations on the thesis, the student may waive the defence, accept the grade "F" (failed) for the defence and go straight to the oral exam. In case of an unsuccessful defence, it is not possible to withdraw from the immediate follow-up oral examination.

Two questions (one on applied informatics and one on sociology) are randomly drawn and assigned to the student who should answer them in writing. This written preparation is given to the committee and it constitutes a part of the official protocol about the final exam. Committee members are allowed to ask additional questions to the written preparation, and on other topics related to the drawn questions.

The final exam is conducted in Czech or Slovak. A thesis written in English may be defended in English.

Complete list of questions is available at (in Czech)

Formal requirements for the thesis are available at (in Czech)


After the completion of the Bachelor’s studies, students may choose to continue their studies in any Master’s degree programme (after having met the admission requirements).

At the Faculty of Social Studies, students can apply for admission to a follow-up Master's degree in Sociology. At the Faculty of Informatics students can apply (among others) for admission to a follow-up Master's degree in Applied informatics or Service Science, Management, and Engineering.


Field of study specifications

Field of Study: Social Informatics
Abbreviation: SOCI
Code: 1802R033
Type: Bachelor's degree programme
Degree: Bc.
Accreditation: to 31/12/2024
Programme: B1802 B-AP Applied Informatics
Faculty of Informatics
Field of study guaranteed by:
Faculty of Informatics
Field guarantor:
doc. RNDr. Aleš Horák, Ph.D.