Teacher Education - Vocational Training – Field of study catalogue MU
Teacher Education - Vocational Training“Learning to teach.” |
The focus of the programme lies in business and operational expertise subjects for practical training in technical disciplines (engineering, construction, electrical) and the fields of trade and services.
After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:
- have the basic theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields of teaching of practical disciplines such as technical, business and service disciplines, pedagogy, psychology and learning theory
- possess competences of skilled instructors at schools
The standard length of studies is 3 years.
The Bachelor's state examination consists of the following subjects:
1. Pedagogy and Psychology (oral or written exam).
2. Defense of the thesis (oral).
3. Methodology and Practice (oral or written exam).
The subjects in the state examination are based on the profile disciplines.
Information about this field of study and study materials are also available on the link below http://www.ped.muni.cz/winf study.