MDDr. Alžbeta Omastová

née Alžbeta Kuklováučo 326799
326799(zavináč/atsign)mail(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz, email forwarded to another address


Dentistry and otorinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine
Programme LF D-STOM Dentistry and otorinolaryngology, doctoral degree programme
Supervisordoc. MUDr. Pavlína Černochová, Ph.D.
Study Modecombined, single-subject
Statusreturned from a stay abroad
Research topicMorphology of Sella Turcica in subjects with palatal canine impaction
PlanLF DST Dentistry
15th term, 8th year
Study groupOdevzdané disertace

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