Mgr. Ondřej Vymazal

učo 409055
ovymazal(zavináč/atsign)mail(tečka/dot)muni(tečka/dot)cz ondrejvymazal(zavináč/atsign)seznam(tečka/dot)cz


Biomedical sciences, Faculty of Medicine
Programme LF D-BIOM Biomedical sciences, doctoral degree programme
SupervisorMgr. Jan Frič, Ph.D., MHA
Study Modefull-time specialized
Statusreturned from a stay abroad
Research topicTLR ligands and sepsis induced signaling of human neutrophils and their progenitors
PlanLF DBIMOL Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
9th term, 5th year
Study groupZápis do jaro 2024+nástup JARO

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