PřF BCHAK Biochemistry
Name in Czech: Biochemistry
doctoral combined, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: PřF D-BCHA_ Biochemistry

Study-related information

  • Requirements of the study
    The combined (part-time) form of studies will be launched only exceptionally for applicants who want to study in-career. The laboratory work can be partly or wholly realized outside the supervising workplace. The students use distance study materials, literature and other information sources and consult with teachers during their office hours and via internet. Part-time students are not required to attend the research seminars regularly except for those at which they deliver their presentations. Other study requirements are identical to the full-time study programme. Those interested in doing a part-time PhD should in advance contact a potential supervisor to discuss with them if their project is feasible in part-time study mode.
    Full-time PhD students who are experiencing difficulties in completing their studies within the 4 years time period due to exceptional circumstances may apply for transfer to the combined study programme. A student requesting such a transfer must have met all the requirements of the individual study plan. Following the transfer, the student must complete and defend his/her thesis within 8 years counted from the date of his/her first registration in the PhD programme.

Recommended progress through the study plan


The study plan does not contain any courses.