Reference(s) to higher template levels:
Filozofická fakulta - registrační a kontrolní šablony
Registrační šablony: imatrikulace do jara 2019 včetně
Studijní katalog a registrační šablony pro bakalářské a magisterské studium
Český jazyk se specializací počítačová lingvistika
Přehled kurzů magisterského studia
Jarní semestr
Povinně volitelné předměty (kredity B)

Blok I (kurzy vyučované na FF MU)
try to show in the print version (output format is experimental)

FF:PLIN019 Machine Translation
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

FF:PLIN032 Grammar and Corpus
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

FF:PLIN041 History of Computational Linguistics
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

FF:PLIN049 English language for computational linguistics
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

FF:PLIN052 Copywriting
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

FF:PLIN053 Mobile application programming project
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

FF:PLIN054 Project from Czech as a foreign language
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

FF:PLIN055 Corpus and computational linguistics project
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

FF:PLIN057 Automatic processing of text
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

Add terms in which the course is offered