Reference(s) to higher template levels:
Filozofická fakulta - registrační a kontrolní šablony
Registrační šablony: imatrikulace do jara 2019 včetně
Studijní katalog a registrační šablony pro bakalářské a magisterské studium
Management v kultuře
Magisterské studium jednooborové
Doporučený studijní plán

1. semestr jaro 2015
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ESF:BPV_ERNO Economy and Management of Non-profit Organizations
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

ESF:BPV_MVVS Marketing, fundraising and Communication in Non-profit Sector
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

ESF:MPH_PEMA Personnel Management
 Mon 14:00–15:50 P102, except Mon 13. 9., except Mon 1. 11., E. Born, T. Ondráček

ESF:MPP_OPVZ Business Law
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

FF:MVK_05 Select Lecture of the systematics
 [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

FF:MVK_10 Work Experience
 P. Macek

Timetable for the template | Add terms in which the course is offered