Odkazy do vyšších úrovní šablon:
Fakulta sociálních studií / Faculty of Social Studies
Kontrolní a registrační šablony / Monitoring and registration templates
Programy / Programme

Doctoral Study (new cohort)

Sociology Ph.D. Study program

The doctoral study program in sociology (further DSPS) at the Faculty of Social Studies has a full time and a part-time form and its standard duration is four years. During their studies students work on their PhD dissertations and fulfill their study obligations as stipulated in the “Study regulation for students of the doctoral study program in sociology”. The fulfillment of requirements including of total 240 compulsory course credits must be proved when applying for the final doctoral exam and for dissertation defense. Students participating in DSPS work and are supervised on the basis of their general study outline that covers the whole period of studies and is adjusted for individual years and its fulfillment is annually reviewed. Doctoral students must actively communicate with their supervisors and inform them about the progress of their studies and about the stages reached at the writing of the dissertation and provide supervisors with information necessary for the planning and evaluation of the course of doctoral studies. The basic aim of the doctoral study program is to prepare students for their future academic career. Therefore, beside the work on dissertation, presentations at conferences and publications related to the dissertation are required from students. Training for teaching at the BA as well as MA level of the program in sociology is considered part of scientific training. This has the form of supervising final theses at the BA level, acting as opponents for such theses as well as assistance in BA and MA courses and other activities occasionally required by the Department of Sociology.

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  • Sociology_combined
  • Population_full-time
  • Population_combined