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Přírodovědecká fakulta
Registrační šablony
Registrační šablony - studia započatá před rokem 2019
Program BIOCHEMIE (studijní programy v garanci Ústavu biochemie)
Magisterský dvouletý studijní program BIOCHEMIE
Magisterský dvouletý studijní obor ANALYTICKÁ BIOCHEMIE

2. semestr magisterského dvouletého studijního oboru ANALYTICKÁ BIOCHEMIE

Povinné předměty 2. semestru magisterského dvouletého studijního oboru ANALYTICKÁ BIOCHEMIE
  • PřF:C6206 Special biochemical methods
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8010 Diploma seminar from biochemistry II
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8210 Diploma Work II (BC)
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
Povinně volitelné předměty 2. semestru magisterského dvouletého studijního oboru ANALYTICKÁ BIOCHEMIE
  • PřF:Bi6400 Methods of molecular biology
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:Bi6405 Methods of Molecular Biology - practice
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:Bi8090 Gene engineering
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C4840 Methods for labelling and immobilization of biomolecules
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6010 Toxicology
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6140 Optimization and Evaluation of Analytical Methods
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6211 Biotechnology
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C7072 Bioanalytics II - Analytical methods in clinical praxis
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C7175 DNA diagnostics
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C7860 Plant Biochemistry
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8155 Cell signaling
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8202 Proteomics - a basic course
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
Doporučené volitelné předměty 2. semestru magisterského dvouletého studijního oboru ANALYTICKÁ BIOCHEMIE
  • PřF:Bi4020 Molecular biology
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C4060 Quantum Chemistry I
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C4100 Environmental Chemistry I
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6070 Methods of Chemical Research II - seminar
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6110 Environmental Analytical Chemistry - Inorganic Pollutants
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6120 Environmental Analytical Chemistry - Inorganic pollutants - laboratory course
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6160 Analytical chemistry II - seminar
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6210 Biotechnology
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6242 Analysis of Organic Compounds II
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6250 Methods of Chemical Research - laboratory
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6290 Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6300 Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission/Mass Spectrometry (ICP-AES, ICP-MS)
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6310 Molecular And Crystal Symmetry
     Mon 18. 9. to Fri 15. 12. Fri 12:00–13:50 C12/311, M. Nečas
  • PřF:C6320 Chemical Kinetics
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6410 Organic Analysis - laboratory
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6770 NMR Spectroscopy of Biomolecules
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6790 Mass Spectrometry
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6800 Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6830 Radioecology
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6860 Modern Methods of Pollutant Analysis
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6888 Protein Design and Engineering
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C6950 Plant trip
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C7670 Isotopic methods
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C7680 Isotopic methods - laboratory exercise
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C7998 Basics of Experimental NMR Spectroscopy
     L. Maier, Z. Moravec
  • PřF:C8042 Molecular Spectrometry
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8070 Molecular Spectroscopy
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8140 Bioenergetics
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8150 Bioenergetics - seminar
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8155 Cell signaling
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8156 Biochemistry of cell signaling - seminar
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8500 Mechanisms of Organic Reactions
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8510 Mechanisms of Organic Reactions - seminar
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8700 Technology of chemical productions
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8800 X-ray Structure Analysis
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8835 Biocoordination chemistry
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8855 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8856 Advanced Molecular Modelling Methods - Excercise
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8858 Biocatalysis
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8860 Synthesic Methods of Green Chemistry (Selected Chapters)
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8880 Analysis methods of solids
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8885 Supramolecular Chemistry
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8950 NMR Structural Analysis
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C9085 Protein-RNA interactions
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:F8300 Molecular Biophysics of Mutagens, Cancerogens and Cytostatics
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:F8510 Physics of biopolymers
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:JAP02 Angličtina pro přírodovědce 2
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:JAP04 Angličtina pro přírodovědce 4
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
Volitelné předměty 2. semestru magisterského dvouletého studijního oboru ANALYTICKÁ BIOCHEMIENo further information under this name available. ]

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