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Přírodovědecká fakulta
Registrační šablony
Registrační šablony - studia započatá před rokem 2019
Programy BIOLOGIE (Experimentální biologie, Lékařská genetika a molekulární diagnostika a Ekologická a evoluční biologie)
Magisterské obory
Lékařská genetika a molekulární diagnostika pro odborné pracovníky v laboratorních metodách
1. rok studia

Jarní semestr

Povinné předměty
  • PřF:Bi7021 Practical training in a cytogenetic/molecular genetic laboratory II
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:Bi7250 Medical genetics and genetic counseling
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:Bi8090 Gene engineering
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:Bi8118 Diploma Thesis LGMD - part 2
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:Bi8360 Molecular diagnostics of microorganisms
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:Bi9910 Molecular and Cell Biology of the Tumor
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
Doporučené volitelné předměty
  • PřF:Bi8280 Animal genetics
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:Bi8322 Diploma Seminar Molecular Biology and Genetics II
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
Další volitelné předměty
  • PřF:Bi8110 Mechanisms of carcinogenesis
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C7072 Bioanalytics II - Analytical methods in clinical praxis
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C7175 DNA diagnostics
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8202 Proteomics - a basic course
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C8302 Proteomics - practice
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]
  • PřF:C9041 Structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes
     [ the course is not offered in the term selected ]

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