FSS IREP11 International Relations and European Politics
Name in Czech: International Relations and European Politics
master's full-time single-subject, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: FSS N-IREP International Relations and European Politics

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The study of the programme is completed by a state final examination (SZZ), which is usually taken at the end of the fourth semester of study. The final examination consists of two parts.

    The first is an oral examination in two areas. International Relations (Theories of Cooperation and Conflict in IR; International Law and Regimes; Contemporary World Politics; Executive skills in international relations and European politics) and European Politics (International Politics in Modern Europe; EU Political System; Europe in Global Economy). Research Methods in Social Sciences is reflected via the thesis and in the thesis defence.

    In the event that a student fails a particular strand, he/she repeats only that strand(s).

    The second is the defence of the thesis. This is 80-100 standard pages (i.e. a minimum of 144,000 characters).
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    The Europeanisation of Discourse & Policy in the UK since the Maastricht Treaty... The case of the Conservative & Labour parties

    Critical success factors (CSFs) to combat the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war: The Democratic
    Republic of Congo armed conflict case study

    Democratization in Spain and Mexico: a comparative perspective

    Can the new expansionism of Turkey overcome its troubled past with nation question?

    Mediation Unchecked: A Study of Superpowers' Strategies in Armed Conflict Mediation

    Standing at the Gates of EU - Macedonia Case Study

    The democratization process of Georgia and governments attitude towards mass media

Recommended progress through the study plan

Diploma Thesis

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:IREn4500Diploma seminar I. O. Krpecz 0/2/010 3P
FSS:IREn4501Diploma seminar II. O. Krpecz 0/2/012 4P
22 credits

Required courses

Compulsory courses form the core of the program and must be successfully concluded prior to the state exam. A total of 58 credits.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:IREn4001International Politics in Modern Europe V. Hloušekzk 1/1/06 1Z
FSS:IREn4002Theories of Cooperation and Conflict in IR O. Krpeczk 1/1/08 1Z
FSS:IREn4006Executive skills in international relations and European politics O. Krpeczk 2/2/08 1P
FSS:IREn4004International Law and Regimes O. Krpeczk 1/1/06 2Z
FSS:IREn4005Research Methods in Social Sciences F. Černochzk 1/1/08 2P
FSS:IREn4003EU Political System P. Kaniokzk 1/1/08 3P
FSS:IREn4007Contemporary World Politics O. Krpeczk 1/1/07 3P
FSS:IREn4008Europe in Global Economy O. Krpeczk 1/1/07 4Z
58 credits

Selective courses

Optional courses (B) constitute a mandatory segment where students choose courses according to their preference and field of expertise at a minimum of 40 ECTS.

Students may also choose to substitute a part of this minimum by enrolling in out-of-department optional courses (C) offered by other university departments. Only 12 ECTS credits from such courses count toward the necessary 40 ECTS minimum (C -> B).

Furthermore, students must fulfill requirements for minimal language competency (4 credits - Block 2) and successfully pass one practical subject (4 credits from Block 3) both counting toward the 40 ECTS for optional courses.

Refresher courses are optional courses offered to students from outside the department wishing to catch up on selective aspects of previous education in Block 4.

Block 1 - Optional courses

Traditional optional courses constitute an always expanding segment where students choose courses according to their preference and field of expertise.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:EVSb2054Political Issues and Social Policy in the European Union P. Kuchyňkovázk 1/1/05 --
FSS:IREn5005Modern Peacekeeping M. Chovančíkzk 1/1/05 2-
FSS:IREn5006German foreign policy J. Urbanovskázk 1/1/05 3-
FSS:IREn5011Human Evolution and International Politics P. Suchýzk 1/1/04 4-
FSS:IREn5012International sanctions M. Chovančíkzk 1/1/05 2-
FSS:IREn5016Comparative Politics of EU countries V. Hloušekzk 1/1/06 --
FSS:IREn5017European Union in European Politics since 1989 P. Kuchyňkovázk 1/1/05 --
FSS:MVZn5078Human Rights in Post-Conflict Societies Z. Křížzk 1/1/05 --
FSS:MEBn5011U.S. Energy Policy: Development and Challenges M. Jirušekzk 1/1/05 --
FSS:IREn5021EU crisis management J. Urbanovskázk 1/1/05 --
FSS:IREn5019No War, No Peace: Unresolved Conflicts in the Caucasus. Z. Bechnázk 2/0/05 --
FSS:EVSn5035Monetary integration in the EU V. Hodulákzk 1/1/06 --
FSS:IREn5023Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Innovation – Practitioner’s Perspective Z. Křížzk 1/1/04 --
FSS:MEBn5035Introduction to Economics F. Černochzk 1/1/04 --
FSS:EGOn5005Politics of Euroscepticism P. Kaniokzk 1/1/05 --
FSS:MVZn5036Military transformation in Central Europe Z. Křížz 1/1/04 --
FSS:IREn5025Memory on Wars Between Russia and Central and Eastern Europe Z. Křížz 1/1/04 --
FSS:EVSn5064The Schengen Roadmap: adapting EU’s justice and home affairs to new challenges P. Kaniokzk 1/1/05 --
87 credits

Block 2 - Minimal language competency

A condition for students to take the state final examination is the demonstration of the faculty's minimum language competence in academic and professional English (level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - SERR) in the range of 4 ECTS.

Block 3 - Practical courses

Students are required to successfully pass one practical subject at a minimum of 4 credits from this block.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:MVZn5900Internship Z. Křížz 0/0/05 --
FSS:MVZn5901Summer school Z. Křížz 0/0/03 --
FSS:IREn5900Internship in CZE/SVK A. Konvalinováz 0/0/05 --
FSS:IREn5020Mediation training for an international context M. Chovančíkzk 1/1/04 --
17 credits

Block 4 - Refresher courses

Refresher courses are optional courses offered to students from outside the department wishing to catch up on selective aspects of previous education.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FSS:IREn5500Academic skills review V. Havlíkzk 1/1/02 --
FSS:IREn5501Introduction to IR and EP M. Chovančíkzk 1/1/03 --
FSS:IREn5502Theory of International Relations and European Integration. M. Brusenbauch Meislovázk 2/0/03 --
8 credits