
Study plan is inactive.

FSS EUP81 European Politics (inactive)
Name in Czech: European Politics
master's full-time, completion only, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: FSS N-IREP International Relations and European Politics

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The program is concluded, typically in the fourth semester, by a Final State Examination. The examination consists of two parts:

    A written exam from two segments:

    A. The Politics of European Integration

    1. International Relations as a Science
    2. Actors in International Relations
    3. Basic Concepts of International Relations
    4. Classical Theories of International Relations
    5. Modern Theories of International Relations
    6. EU in World Politics
    7. European Union as a Supranational Entity and its Institutional Structure
    8. NATO and Western security during the Cold War
    9. The post-Cold War Era and the role of NATO
    10. The OSCE and security in Europe
    11. Europe and America: contending perspectives on the ballistic missile defence
    12. Europe and the United States: conflicting assessments of security threats, their sources and solutions
    13. Strategic cultures of CEE states
    14. Transnational organizations and world politics (transnational advocacy networks, international NGOs, etc.)
    15. Transnational organizations and their involvement in European and East European politics
    16. The Visegrad Group (V4) – problems of co-operation in East Central Europe

    B. Comparative Politics of Europe
    1. Three theoretical dimensions of politics (policy, polity, politics)
    2. General theory of the political system
    3. Presidential and parliamentary democracies – theoretical models
    4. Multilevel politics in Europe and concept of Europeanizetion
    5. Great Britain and the Westminster model of majoritarian democracy
    6. The political system of contemporary Italy
    7 German rationalized parliamentarism
    8. France – politics in semi-presidential settings
    9. Switzerland – a unique model of semi-direct democracy
    10. The Low Countries and the model of consensual democracy
    11. The Scandinavian countries and the Scandinavian model of political system
    12. The political system of Spain and Portugal
    13. Roots of European identity
    14. The Peace of Westphalia and the emergence of a new Europe
    15. Modern European thinking
    16. Societies and states in the 19th century
    17. Nationalism
    18. European states and international relations 1648-1789
    19. Concert of Powers and 19th century diplomacy – the road to the First World War
    20. The Versailles arrangement and its decline
    21. Democracy, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism in interwar Europe
    22. Division of Europe 1945-1948

    And the defense of a diploma thesis. The minimum character count of the Master’s thesis is 144,000 characters on 80-100 pages of text (including footnotes, front-page, contents, index, bibliography, and annotation).
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    The Europeanisation of Discourse & Policy in the UK since the Maastricht Treaty... The case of the Conservative & Labour parties

    Standing at the Gates of EU - Macedonia Case Study

    The democratization process of Georgia and governments attitude towards mass media

    Can the new expansionism of Turkey overcome its troubled past with nation question?

    Mediation Unchecked: A Study of Superpowers' Strategies in Armed Conflict Mediation

Recommended progress through the study plan


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