PřF MANAA Mathematical Analysis
Name in Czech: Mathematical Analysis
doctoral full-time specialized, language of instruction: English English
Included in the programme: PřF D-MAA_ Mathematics and Statistics

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    Before submitting an application for the state doctoral exam, the candidate must have fulfilled all the obligations set out in the individual study plan to this milestone.

    The state doctoral exam is oral and is held in the following areas of mathematics. The field committee will select three topics based on the suggestion of the advisor.

    - Qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations
    - Linear functional analysis
    - Nonlinear functional analysis
    - Measure theory and integration
    - Calculus of variations and optimization theory
    - Theory of fixed points and its applications
    - Topic related to the dissertation thesis

    The dissertation must contain own original and published results or results accepted for publication.
  • Requirements of the study
    The student passes at least four semester courses during the study, which are outside of the topic of the dissertation (5-15% of the total workload).
    Upon agreement with the advisor, a separate study will focus on broadening the knowledge in the given field and on special parts required for the dissertation.

    Research activities:
    - Dissertation preparation - takes place during the whole study period and constitutes 60-70% of the workload
    - Publications – As a standard in this field it is expected that the student will be the author or co-author of at least two quality publications in peer reviewed international journals, from which at least one publication will be in a journal with impact factor.
    - Pedagogical activities (participation in teaching) – the student can take part in supervising bachelor theses, conducting seminars, etc., up to a maximum of 150 hours per study (5-10% of the workload)
    - The results of the dissertation must be presented orally in English at an international forum. The expected extent of this activity is about 5-15% of the total workload.
    - Student will actively participate in the seminar of this specialization (5-10% of the workload).

    The duties in the doctoral study program include the completion of a part of the study at a foreign institution in the duration of at least one month, or some other form of student's direct participation in international cooperation.

Recommended progress through the study plan


The study plan does not contain any courses.