ESF NFIN06 Financial Markets, Institutions and Technologies
Name in Czech: Finanční trhy, instituce a technologie
master's full-time specialized, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: ESF N-FIN Finance

Parts of the final state examination and its content

The final state examination consists of a defence of the final thesis and a debate on the content of the profiling courses and the fundamental theoretical profiling courses.

Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses

Investing in leveraged ETFs and analyzing their performance
Use of portfolio theory methods to build a portfolio with the potential for future growth
Currency risk hedging between EUR and USD
Methods for calculating technical provisions in non-life insurance
The impact of natural disasters and epidemics on the financial stability of banks and insurance companies

Recommended progress through the study plan

Společná část (60-80 kr.)

Diplomová práce (min 20kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPF_TEDPMaster Thesis E. Vávrováz 0/0/03 2P
ESF:MPF_DIS1Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 E. Vávrováz 0/2/012 3P
ESF:MPF_DIS2Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 E. Vávrováz 0/2/012 4P
27 credits

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPE_MIE2Microeconomics 2 O. Krčálzk 2/0/04 1Z
ESF:MPF_FIFICorporate Finance T. Výrostzk 2/2/06 1Z
ESF:MPM_MAT2Mathematics M. Matulovázk 2/2/08 1-
ESF:MPE_MAE2Macroeconomics 2 J. Čapekzk 2/0/04 2Z
ESF:MPF_MUSTInternational Financial Reporting E. Horvátovázk 2/2/06 3Z
ESF:MPP_PRFILegal investor protection F. Hamplzk 1/2/06 3-
34 credits

Selective courses


V daném semestru si student volí pouze jeden z nabízených jazyků, a to během studia v celém rozsahu Jazyk II/1-II/2.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPJ_JII1AaForeign Language II/1 - English M. Kovaříkováz 0/2/02 1-
ESF:MPJ_JII2AbForeign Language II/2 - English M. Kovaříkovázk 0/2/03 4-
5 credits
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPJ_JII1FaForeign Language II/1 - French M. Červenkováz 0/2/02 1-
ESF:MPJ_JII2FbForeign Language II/2 - French M. Červenkovázk 0/2/03 4-
5 credits
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPJ_JII1NaForeign Language II/1 - German P. Sojkováz 0/2/02 1-
ESF:MPJ_JII2NbForeign Language II/2 - German P. Sojkovázk 0/2/03 4-
5 credits
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPJ_JII1RaForeign Language II/1 - Russian M. Ševečkováz 0/2/02 1-
ESF:MPJ_JII2RbForeign Language II/2 - Russian (B2) M. Ševečkovázk 0/2/03 4-
5 credits
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPJ_JII1SaForeign Language II/1 - Spanish V. De Azevedo Camachoz 0/2/02 1-
ESF:MPJ_JII2SbForeign Language II/2 - Spanish V. De Azevedo Camachozk 0/2/03 4-
5 credits

Elective courses

Student si zapisuje volitelné předměty do požadovaného minimálního počtu 120 kreditů.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:BPF_DAEV -- 0/0- --
ESF:MPF_PRAXInternships P. Valouchz 0/4/06 --
ESF:MPF_POJ2Insurance Industry 2 E. Vávrovázk 2/0/04 --
ESF:MPF_POMA -- 0/0- --
ESF:MPF_APFEApplied Financial Econometrics A. Araneda Barahonazk 2/2/06 --
ESF:BPV_URVSAccounting and Analyses in Public Sector M. Hladkázk 2/2/06 --
ESF:BPF_BEFIBehavioral finance Z. Griczk 2/0/04 --
26 credits

Specializační část (40-60 kr.)

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPF_ACP1The Security Analysis Š. Lyócsazk 2/2/06 1P
ESF:MPF_MEZFInternational Finance M. Moravcovázk 2/1/05 1P
ESF:MPF_EARBEconomics and bank management E. Horvátovázk 2/2/06 2Z
ESF:MPF_EARPInsurance economics and management E. Vávrovázk 2/2/06 2Z
ESF:MPF_FIDEFinancial Market Derivatives T. Plíhalzk 2/2/06 2Z
ESF:MPF_TEPOPortfolio Theory L. Benadazk 2/2/06 2P
ESF:MPF_AIIFAI in Finance Š. Lyócsazk 2/2/06 3Z
ESF:MPF_RRFIRisk management of financial institutions E. Vávrovázk 2/2/06 3Z
ESF:MPF_RDFTRegulation and Supervision of Financial Markets F. Hamplzk 0/2/04 4P
51 credits