ESF NMFTAP01 Public Administration
Name in Czech: Veřejná správa (Administration publique)
master's full-time in cooperation with another higher education institution, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: ESF N-MFTAP Public Administration

Study-related information

  • Parts of the final state examination and its content
    The final state examination in the Public Administration programme (L'Administration publique) will take the form of a defence and subsequent debate on the thesis. During the debate, the student will be asked questions covering the subjects of the profiling foundation. These questions will cover in particular Economics, Public Administration (both Czech and French) and Public Finance.

    The topics from which the questions will be selected will be published in advance.
  • Suggestion of theses topics and the topics of defended theses
    Proposal of qualification thesis topics:
    Municipal indebtedness in the Czech Republic and France
    Effects of limited perception of sunk costs in public projects
    Evaluation of a selected measure of the European policy of the Rural Development Programme from the point of view of subsidy beneficiaries
    Measurement of citizens' satisfaction with public services - practice of public administration offices in the Czech Republic
    Performance evaluation and management in the public sector
    Use of PMI tools in public projects
    Cost-effectiveness analysis and its use in selected areas of health care
    Barriers to inter-municipal cooperation
    Role of local action groups in rural development
    Opportunities and challenges of citizen participation in strategic and spatial planning

    Topics of defended theses (examples for the last 5 years):
    Financing of public universities in the Czech Republic
    Multiannual budgeting at regional level (in France)
    Quality management in public sector organisations (on the example of a selected organisation) (
    Analysis and evaluation of selected health policy objectives
    Employee satisfaction and motivation in public administration

Recommended progress through the study plan

Diplomová práce (min 20kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPV_TEDPDiploma Thesis R. Jahodaz 0/0/03 2P
ESF:MPV_MDS1MFTAP Diploma Thesis Seminar 1 J. Nemecz 0/2/08 3P
ESF:MPV_MDS2MFTAP Diploma Thesis Seminar 2 J. Nemecz 0/2/016 4P
27 credits

Povinné předměty (P a PV více než 90kr.)

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
ESF:MPE_MIVSMicroeconomics M. Kvizdazk 2/2/05 1Z
ESF:MPE_MPVSMacroeconomics M. Kvizdazk 2/2/05 1Z
ESF:MPV_VEPOPublic Policy I. Malýzk 2/1/05 1P
ESF:MPV_VESOIntroduction to Public Sector Economics J. Nemeczk 1/1/04 1P
ESF:MPV_VRRKCommunication Skills R. Lukášováz 0/2/02 1-
ESF:MPV_VVSUPublic Administration I D. Špačekzk 2/2/05 1Z
ESF:MPE_EAEIEconomic Aspects of European Integration M. Kvizdazk 2/2/05 2-
ESF:MPR_EUIPEuropean Union V. Klímovázk 2/2/05 2P
ESF:MPV_EPPEEuropean Law F. Křepelkazk 2/0/05 2P
ESF:MPV_MSCRInternship in Czech PA J. Nemecz 0/0/0 1 měsíc.6 2-
ESF:MPV_PVVSPublic Projects J. Soukopovázk 1/2/05 2-
ESF:MPV_VFEUPublic Finance in CR and EU R. Jahodazk 2/2/05 2Z
ESF:MPV_SPPOEU Policies J. Nemeczk 2/0/05 3P
ESF:MPV_VMSFInternship in French PA J. Nemeczk 0/0/0 1 měsíc.8 3-
ESF:MPV_VSFRPublic Administration II D. Špačekzk 1/1/05 3Z
ESF:MPP_PPPPLabour Law P. Dvořákovázk 2/0/04 4-
ESF:MPV_RKISManagement and Control in PA D. Špačekzk 2/2/05 4P
ESF:MPV_RKMNCommunication and Managerial Skills R. Lukášováz 1/2/04 4-
88 credits

Elective courses