FaF FaCHP Medicinal Chemistry
Name in Czech: Farmaceutická chemie
doctoral full-time, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: FaF D-FCH Medicinal Chemistry

Farmaceutická chemie

Compulsory courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FaF:FDCFB_FAFMedicinal Chemistry -zk 1/1/030 --
FaF:FDCPP_FAFPropaedeutic of Scientific Work -zk 1/1/030 --
60 credits

Povinně volitelné předměty skupiny 1

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FaF:FDCAC_FAFGeneral and Inorganic Chemistry -zk 1/1/025 --
FaF:FDCAI_FAFAnalytical Chemistry -zk 1/1/025 --
FaF:FDCFL_FAFPharmacology -zk 1/1/025 --
FaF:FDCME_FAFMolecular Biology -zk 1/1/025 --
FaF:FDCOC_FAFOrganic Chemistry -zk 1/1/025 --
FaF:FDCSJ_FAFForeign Language -zk 1/1/015 --
FaF:FDCSU_FAFPhysical Chemistry -zk 1/1/025 --
165 credits

Povinně volitelné předměty skupiny 2

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FaF:FDCAL_FAFAnalysis of Drugs -zk 1/1/025 --
FaF:FDCBA_FAFBiofarmaceutics -zk 1/1/015 --
FaF:FDCBC_FAFBiochemistry -zk 1/1/025 --
FaF:FDCBO_FAFBioorganic Chemistry -zk 1/1/025 --
FaF:FDCSA_FAFInstrumental Methods of Structural Analysis -zk 1/1/015 --
FaF:FDCSB_FAFStructural Biology and Chemistry of Drugs -zk 1/1/015 --
FaF:FDCZV_FAFMolecular Bases of Drug´s Development -zk 1/1/015 --
135 credits

Elective courses

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
FaF:F0HS1_FAFSupervisor's evaluation -z 0/1/015 --
FaF:F0PC_FAF -- 0/0- --
FaF:F0VC_FAF -- 0/0- --
FaF:F9PC1_FAFTeaching 24 hours -z 0/0/08 --
FaF:F9ZP0_FAFRelevant stay in a foreign country -z 0/0/02 --
25 credits