PdF DSPD402 Special Education
Name in Czech: Speciální pedagogika
doctoral combined, language of instruction: Czech Czech
Included in the programme: PdF D-SPD4 Special Education

Study-related information

  • Final state doctoral examination and defence of the doctoral thesis
    Compulsory subjects
    - Inclusive special education
    - Patopsychology
    Selective choice courses – syllabus 1, 2 (1 course)
    - Speech therapy, Education of individuals with hearing impairment, Education of individuals with mental impairment, Education of individuals with social-pathological phenomenon in behaviour, Specific learning difficulties, Multiple disabilities, Special andragogy, Addictology
    The syllabus of state doctoral examination could be found on the website:
    Part of the state doctoral examination is a debate consisting of dissertation propositions which represent the essential parts of the dissertation thesis. The alternative could be represented by the defence of rigorous thesis.

    As the doctoral thesis there are accepted: original research theories, comparison from historical perspective, methodological and empirical thesis or thesis which represent appropriate combination of preceding designs. The expert committee of Doctoral study programme of Special Education stands for following requirements: empirical research preference; the doctoral thesis contains: definition of the topic and basic terms, summary of actual research and study process, description of research methodology (information about research process, design, research sample, methods of collecting and analysing the data), presentation of research results, discussion and interpretation of results, formulation of conclusion. The scope of the doctoral thesis is approximately 150 standard pages.

    The state doctoral examination is focused on achieving the knowledge from the field of special inclusive education and pathopsychology. It deals with students' competences - to be able to express deep knowledge of the subject and the educational field, and also to describe pedagogy from historical and actual perspective; systematically know significant theories, concepts and methods which represent the main areas in the field in national and also international context; to be able to choose, plan, implement and evaluate the research process in the particular field of study and also in pedagogy itself; to recognize processes and phenomenon in educational reality; to enrich the academic knowledge along with the respect to the research ethics; be familiar with the organization of academic community and its varieties; to be able to be a part of the national and international academic community including publishing, planning research projects and gaining sources for the realization.
  • Requirements of the study
    Part of the doctoral studies is continuous publishing; the minimal publishing standard is 4 studies of which the doctoral student is the main author or co-author - one of the studies is in the journal registered in the database WOS or SCOPUS, and one study in reviewed journal or chapters in publications. The active presentation (seminar papers) in four seminars or at conferences - 2 in the Czech Republic and 2 abroad (the scholarship is possible) and publication in collection. It is compulsory to be a part of the teaching the subject Inclusive special education and particular specializations (4 semesters). In four-year doctoral study programme - Special education contains compulsory foreign language at the level C1, optional at the level B1 and compulsory internship abroad (minimum of 7 weeks).
    In the ISP (Individual study plan) the milestones are set as a requirements of the study programme (f.e. Defence of the Dissertation thesis project – during the first year of the study; defence of the Research theses – after the third study year if the Rigorous thesis procedure is undertook; The defence of the Dissertation thesis – usually after the fourth study year).
  • Proposal of dissertation topics and topics of defended dissertations
    1. Analysis of social services provided to individuals with intellectual disabilities in Slovakia
    2. The development of professional skills of children living in institutional care within the context of their preparation for independent life
    3.The analysis of reading skills of pupils with specific learning difficulties
    4. Peer social support of children with problem behaviour
    5. Assessment and Self-evaluation in Foreign Language Teaching to Learners with Specific Learning Disorders
    6. Analysis of chosen determinants of education of pupils with severe/profound and multiple disabilities in Slovak republic
    7. Factors affecting secondary school choice in students with special educational needs
    8. The attention development of individuals with multiple disabilities in the form of targeted sensory stimulation
    9. Supporting children at risk within inclusive school environment
    10. Education and development of people with Alzheimer’s disease using ICT

Recommended progress through the study plan


Příprava disertační práce a odborná orientace v oboru

Předměty Odborná orientace v oboru a Příprava disertační práce zapisuje student každý semestr, tedy je úspěšně ukončí 8x za celé studium.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SPDC008Professional Orientation in the Field of Study K. Pančochak 0/0/05 --
PdF:SPDC009Dissertation Preparation K. Pančochak 0/0/015 --
20 credits
Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SPDC001Inclusive Special Education K. Pančochazk 0/0/08 3-
PdF:SPDC002Methodology 1 K. Pančochazk 0/0/010 1-
PdF:SPDC003Philosophy of Education K. Pančochazk 0/0/05 2-
PdF:SPDC004Psychology of Disability K. Pančochazk 0/0/05 1-
PdF:SPDC005Disorders of Mental Development K. Pančochazk 0/0/05 5-
PdF:SPDC006Internship Abroad V. Vojtováz 0/0/05 7-
PdF:SPDC007Methodology 2 K. Pančochazk 0/0/015 8-
53 credits

Povinně volitelné


Student během studia splní 2 předměty ze sekce povinně volitelných předmětů "Profilace".

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:SPDC010Specialization - wider scientific basis - Addictology P. Kachlíkzk 0/0/010 3-
PdF:SPDC011Specialization - wider scientific basis - Special Andragogy K. Pančochazk 0/0/010 3-
PdF:SPDC012Specialization-wider scientific basis - Education og Individuals with Emotional and Behavioural Di. V. Vojtovázk 0/0/010 3-
PdF:SPDC013Specialization - wider scientific basis - Education of Individuals with Speech Impairments I. Bytešníkovázk 0/0/010 3-
PdF:SPDC014Specialization - wider scientific basis - Education of Individuals with Visual Impairments P. Benešzk 0/0/010 3-
PdF:SPDC015Specialization - wider scientific basis - Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities B. Bazalovázk 0/0/010 3-
PdF:SPDC016Specialization-wider scientific basis-Education of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities V. Vojtovázk 0/0/010 3-
PdF:SPDC017Specialization - wider scientific basis - Education of Individuals with Physical Disabilities K. Pančochazk 0/0/010 3-
PdF:SPDC018Specialization - wider scientific basis - Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairments I. Bytešníkovázk 0/0/010 3-
PdF:SPDC019Specialization - wider scientific basis - Education of Individuals with Multiple Disabilities K. Pančochazk 0/0/010 3-
100 credits

Cizí jazyk na úrovni C1

Student během studia splní 1 předmět ze skupiny předmětů Cizí jazyk na úrovni C1.

Code Name Guarantor Type of Completion Extent and Intensity Credits Term Profile Cat.
PdF:RCSZ_AJC1English for PhD Studies - C1 R. Heroutzk 0/2/07 3-
PdF:RCSZ_FJC1French for Academic Purposes K. Sedláčkovázk 0/0/0 konzultace.7 3-
PdF:RCSZ_NJC1German for PhD Studies - C1 R. Heroutzk 0/0/0 konzultace.7 3-
PdF:RCSZ_RJC1Russian for PhD Studies - C1 M. Ševečkovázk 0/0/0 konzultace.7 3-
28 credits