CŽV - JP + celož. plány v Bc. programech

Individual courses of study

Lifelong learning, study mode: education in individual courses, language of instruction: Czech.

Admission Procedures

  • Admission conditions

    Přijímací zkouška se nekoná.

    Počet přijímaných účastníků není limitován. Účastníkem celoživotního vzdělávání se může stát každý, kdo:

    1. dosáhl úplného středního či úplného odborného středního vzdělání ukončeného maturitní zkouškou,
    2. podal přihlášku do celoživotního vzdělávání,
    3. zapsal se ke vzdělávání,
    4. uzavřel s fakultou smlouvu o realizaci celoživotního vzdělávání (uzavírá se elektronicky při úhradě vzdělávání) a
    5. uhradil cenu za vzdělávání.

    Bližší informace o Studiu jednotlivých předmětů najdete zde.


  • Presentation of the LLL plan (learning objectives)

    The offer of the study of individual subjects is intended for high school graduates. Participants in this form of lifelong learning can choose subjects from the range of accredited study programs of the Faculty of Arts of MU, particularly lectures, for which the number of attending students is not limited.

    This type of study is based on the timetables of the selected subjects.

    It normally lasts one semester. Participation in education ends on the last day set for the possibility of entering course completion assessments in the relevant semester in accordance with the Study and Examination Regulations of Masaryk University. For this period, you conclude a Contract for the Implementation of Lifelong Learning (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") when you pay for your education at the MU Business Centre. If you register for and pay for additional courses in the following semester, the education will be extended for another semester when you pay for it at the MU Business Centre by concluding a new Contract. You may educate in this manner for any number of consecutive semesters.

    However, this type of study does not lead to an academic degree.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The individual subject study programme is a paid service and the price is 600 CZK per credit. Prior to the purchase of the subject, verify whether you meet the subject’s registration requirements (some subjects are intended only for students of selected fields of study, are restricted in the number of students, or require a specific type of knowledge or skills). Once you have been accepted and enrolled in training, you can purchase your chosen course.

Field of study information

Field of Study
Individual courses of study
lifelong learning
C9999 C-CV Lifelong Education

Faculty of Arts logo
Field of study guaranteed by: