Admission to Doctoral degree programmes in 2019/2020 (beginning: Autumn 2019)

Auxiliary Historical Sciences

Doctoral studies, study mode: combined, single-subject, language of instruction: Czech.

Admission Procedures

  • Admission conditions

    Termín podání přihlášek: 1. únor – 30. duben 2019.
    Termín dodání podkladů pro přijímací řízení: do 17. května 2019.

    Podklady pro přijímací řízení:

    • podepsaný životopis;
    • soupis publikační činnosti;
    • projekt disertační práce.
    • Podklady pro přijímací řízení je třeba dodat v tištěné formě (nikoli e-mailem) na Studijní oddělení FF MU - přijímací řízení a to poštou (Arna Nováka 1, Brno) nebo osobně.

      Přijímací zkouška má formu ústní rozpravy.

      Hranice úspěšnosti: 70 bodů (max. počet bodů 100). Kandidát je hodnocen v částech: projekt disertační práce – max. 50 bodů, odborná a jazyková připravenost – max. 25 bodů, motivace – max. 25 bodů).

      Odkaz na Ústav pomocných věd historických a archivnictví.

      Obecné informace k průběhu přijímacího řízení do doktorských programů na FF MU naleznete zde. Dokumenty k aktuálnímu přijímacímu řízení jsou vedeny v Materiálech pro uchazeče.

      Upozornění: Doklad o absolvování magisterského studia (úředně ověřenou kopii diplomu, u vzdělání získaného v zahraničí také tzv. nostrifikaci) předloží přijatí uchazeči u zápisu do studia. U přijímacích zkoušek se doklad o absolvování magisterského studia nevyžaduje.

  • Approximate number of applicants that are to be admitted in this round



  • Objectives

    The doctoral degree study programme in auxiliary historical sciences focuses on the deep study of auxiliary historical sciences, the history of administration, and on the theoretical and practical aspects of editing techniques (concerning mediaeval and early modern and modern sources), including the history of the methodology of each auxiliary historical science. The objects of interest are both official and literary sources.

    Graduates of the doctoral degree study programme in auxiliary historical sciences have acquired very good knowledge of auxiliary historical sciences, history of administration, editing techniques, and at least one world language. They acquire excellent knowledge of the subject of their specialization.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • join scientific research according to their specialization
    • apply theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills in auxiliary historical sciences
    • prepare a critical edition of a selected historical source
    • provide independent research
    • lead courses at the university
    • provide lectures at the university
  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates of the doctoral degree study programme in auxiliary historical sciences are prepared primarily for further expert careers in research and scientific institutions focused on editing historical sources and in archives, museums, and libraries with historical collections. They are able to work in all other types of memorial institutions.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    The standard duration of the doctoral degree study programme is four years (eight semesters). Each student, with the cooperation with the supervisor, prepares an individual study plan according to the study catalogue at the beginning of the study. The study catalogue offers common basic courses (philosophical and methodological preparation), language courses (including one world language), type A/required courses (provided by the institute) and type B/selective courses (chosen by the student and corresponding to the subject of the dissertation). For admittance to the doctoral final state examination, students have to earn a total of 240 ECTS credits. During the course of their studies students should follow the study catalogue and the instructions of their tutor.

  • Practical Training

    The students are involved in the scientific research of the institute (Codex diplomaticus et epistolaris regni Bohemie, editing the literature monument of early Czech reformation, and Regesta Imperii, editing early modern administrative sources) according to the subject of their dissertation. They present the results of their research in the courses for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students. They are advised to attend lectures and courses offered by the Centre for Mediaeval Studies, lectures within Brno Mediaevistic Fridays, and other scholarly conferences. They are obliged to attend the regular meetings of the doctoral degree students, in which the advanced students present the state of their work on their dissertation themes and the selected problems of their scientific work.

  • Goals of Theses

    The graduation requirements include passing the final state examination and the defence of the thesis. The final oral examination has three parts: 1) the wider scientific base, including the knowledge of history and history of administration; 2) auxiliary historical sciences; and 3) the student’s own specialization. The debate concerns three written papers prepared by the student. The condition for success in all three parts of the examination is knowledge of the current state of individual disciplines and the literature as well.

approximate number of applicants
to be accepted

Field of study information

Field of Study
Auxiliary Historical Sciences
doctoral degree programme
to 31/12/2024
P7107 D-HI4 Historical Sciences (4-years)

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