Admission to Master's degree programmes in 2018/2019 (beginning: Autumn 2018)

Parallel and Distributed Systems

Master's degree programme (following bachelor's), study mode: full-time, single-subject, language of instruction: Czech.

Admission Procedures

  • Admission conditions

    Veškeré info najdete zde: Dalšími podmínkami pro přijetí do navazujících magisterských programů v akademickém roce 2018/2019:
    - podání elektronické přihlášky a zaplacení poplatku za přijímací řízení ve výši 400,- Kč do 30. 4. 2018, elektronické přihlášky se podávají na adrese
    - úspěšné ukončení bakalářského studia bakalářskou státní zkouškou

    V přihlášce je nutno uvést název programu i oboru a řádně ji vyplnit ve všech rubrikách. Potvrzení lékaře se nepožaduje.

    Přihlásí-li se uchazeč současně k více studijním oborům, musí podat pro každý studijní obor samostatnou přihlášku.

    Poplatek za přijímací řízení se hradí za každou podanou přihlášku. V přihlášce k dvouoborovému studiu je třeba uvést oba zvolené obory. Poplatek za přijímací řízení se nevrací.

  • Number of applicants admitted last year

  • Number of applicants last year



  • Objectives

    The study programme provides specific knowledge for working with parallel (concurrent) and distributed systems with an overlap to other areas including computer networks, cryptography, security etc. Close attention is paid to formal methods for modelling, analysis, and verification of parallel and distributed systems. The study programme puts emphasis on a balance between the theoretical background and practical skills. A recommended part of studies is a project focused on a prototype or experimental solution of a problem from the study field.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates are prepared for working in informatics disciplines in industry as well as for further studies and subsequent science work in academia or research and development work in industry. Acquired theoretical knowledge and programming skills provide them with the abilities to solve exacting practical tasks especially in the field of parallel, concurrent and distributed systems. They can start to take part in research and development work as well. Graduates can also continue in doctoral degree programmes, either in the ones specialised in informatics including the study of theoretical computer science, or the ones with other specialisations and thus gain relevant interdisciplinary knowledge.

  • Rules and Conditions for the Creation of a Study Plan

    Standard duration of studies is four semesters. In order to be admitted to take the final state examination, students must acquire in total 120 ECTS credits for required, selective and elective courses. Required subjects constitute the basis of the disciplines. Students choose the selective courses according to their interests and intended professional specialisation. During the course of their studies, students should follow the course catalogue for their year of matriculation. The catalogue shows a recommended course of study including suggestions for selective courses. Students can access the course catalogue at the Office for Studies or through the faculty website:

  • Goals of Theses

    The final state examination consists of a diploma thesis defence and an oral exam aimed at checking the field-related knowledge of the students. There is no written preparation to the exam and the student answers two to three questions asked by the examination committee. The final state examination typically takes about sixty minutes, half of which is taken by the thesis defence and half by the oral exam.

    More information about the final state exam and the questions can be found at the faculty website:

  • Access to Further Studies

    After the completion of the Master’s studies, students may choose to continue their studies in any Doctoral degree programme at Faculty of Informatics (after satisfying the admission requirements).

were accepted last year
applied last year

Field of study information

Field of Study
Parallel and Distributed Systems
master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
to 31/12/2024
N1801 N-IN Informatics

Faculty of Informatics logo
Field of study guaranteed by:
