Degree programme objectives

A broad scope of knowledge, analytical ability, versatility, presentation and writing skills on economic topics, applied statistical and econometric tools. The programme Economics offers all this to its students. It is designed primarily for those who are interested in economic issues, who like to reflect upon the foundations of their analyses or on how to assess specific economic decisions, and who want to learn more about the workings of markets and economies. Students will also learn about modern analytical methods and software.

In the Master’s programme, you will expand your knowledge of behavioural and experimental economics, transport economics and public policy, as well as macroeconomic modelling. You will learn how to empirically identify and quantify the effects of specific economic decisions. Students of Economics gain universal knowledge that provides them with a broader perspective on economic, political, and social issues. They also gain a more critical view of different situations and a more appropriate choice of stance that takes into account the broader context.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
Application procedure into Master's degree programmes in English - Spring semester 2024/2025
Submission deadline until midnight 15/10/2024


  • Objectives

    A broad scope of knowledge, analytical ability, versatility, presentation and writing skills on economic topics, applied statistical and econometric tools. The programme Economics offers all this to its students. It is designed primarily for those who are interested in economic issues, who like to reflect upon the foundations of their analyses or on how to assess specific economic decisions, and who want to learn more about the workings of markets and economies. Students will also learn about modern analytical methods and software.

    In the Master’s programme, you will expand your knowledge of behavioural and experimental economics, transport economics and public policy, as well as macroeconomic modelling. You will learn how to empirically identify and quantify the effects of specific economic decisions. Students of Economics gain universal knowledge that provides them with a broader perspective on economic, political, and social issues. They also gain a more critical view of different situations and a more appropriate choice of stance that takes into account the broader context.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • have a good command of the main theoretical concepts in the field of economics and understand the content of current academic texts;
    • apply attention to detail and problem-solving skills in a wide range of professional environments, from finance and business to the public sector and non-profit organizations;
    • interpret current economic research and policy documents in a selected area of specialization;
    • analytically identify the hidden connections and economic impacts of economic and political decisions;
    • publish scholarly texts covering a wide range of topics while including sound arguments and opinions based on their own analysis;
  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates will find employment in analytical positions in the commercial sphere, consulting firms, or government and international organizations.

    The knowledge and skills acquired in transport economics courses can be applied in public administration or private transport companies. Last but not least, knowledge of macroeconomic modeling methods is valued in various positions in banking, the public sector, and consulting and advisory work.

    As the programme is taught in English, its graduates are well qualified to find jobs abroad and in international companies where English is used.

  • Practical Training

    Practical training is not an obligatory part of the study plan.

  • Goals of Theses

    The goal of the diploma thesis is to prove that the student is able to independently create an academic text that is 60-80 pages long. The student is involved in the formulation of the problem to be solved and the proposed methodology, prior to writing the thesis itself. At the end of the studies a discussion about the conclusions of the diploma thesis is held as a part of the diploma thesis examination.

    The topic for the diploma thesis is selected by the student from the topics listed in the IS. The thesis can be both theoretical and empirical. Depending on the nature of the thesis, the student should be able to understand published texts, be able to apply them correctly to the problem being solved in the diploma thesis and use appropriate methods for addressing the research question. The student should demonstrate good economic argumentation supporting the conclusions of their diploma thesis.

    Formal instructions for the thesis are found in the student's manual

  • Access to Further Studies

    After completing the Master’s degree study programme, it is possible to pursue further studies at doctoral level (after meeting the relevant admission requirements).

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
English English
Annual tuition fee
CZK 95,000

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Economics and Administration
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor