Degree programme objectives

The objectives of the study are primarily based on the innovated graduate profile, which can be described systemically in the following way: economic base of knowledge (dominance of theory) – extension of economic base of knowledge (combination of general and program specific knowledge) – gaining of relevant competences and skills (dominance of practically usable procedure aimed at management of regional development and tourism). The study of the Regional Development and Tourism program gives opportunity to a comprehensive understanding of the links between territorial conditions and societal development results that respect the principles of holism, integration, sustainability, general usefulness and effectiveness. Compared to the current field of study, students will gain deeper knowledge and skills needed to processing of analyses and follow-up syntheses reflecting societal and business preferences of main actors of regional development and tourism. From a practical point of view, this knowledge forms an integral part of modern administration and management of regions and municipalities, as well as sustainable corporate management (with a specific emphasis on tourism), including the creation of strategic visions, concepts and development plans. The uniqueness of the proposed program lies just in this complex understanding of societal development in its spatial context.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The objectives of the study are primarily based on the innovated graduate profile, which can be described systemically in the following way: economic base of knowledge (dominance of theory) – extension of economic base of knowledge (combination of general and program specific knowledge) – gaining of relevant competences and skills (dominance of practically usable procedure aimed at management of regional development and tourism). The study of the Regional Development and Tourism program gives opportunity to a comprehensive understanding of the links between territorial conditions and societal development results that respect the principles of holism, integration, sustainability, general usefulness and effectiveness. Compared to the current field of study, students will gain deeper knowledge and skills needed to processing of analyses and follow-up syntheses reflecting societal and business preferences of main actors of regional development and tourism. From a practical point of view, this knowledge forms an integral part of modern administration and management of regions and municipalities, as well as sustainable corporate management (with a specific emphasis on tourism), including the creation of strategic visions, concepts and development plans. The uniqueness of the proposed program lies just in this complex understanding of societal development in its spatial context.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • explain spatial patterns and apply methodological approaches created in regional economics and related (especially economics oriented) scientific disciplines;
    • evaluate importance and potential benefits of individual tools of regional policy (with emphasis on the EU cohesion policy) and tourism policy at local, regional and national level;
    • apply acquired knowledge in tourism management and marketing, and other areas with strong links to spatial dimension of enterprise;
    • cooperate on process applications for development projects supported from national and foreign (European Union) public resources;
    • appreciate real estates as a primary component of territorial development and use their value within processing relevant expert opinion and analyses;
    • communicate with domestic and foreign experts from border and subsequent disciplines (e. g. business and public economics, spatial planning and ecology).

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    A balanced mix of acquired knowledge and skills enables graduates of the program to find various jobs in both private and public institutions in accordance with graduate’s own preferences. Potential job opportunities include professional/concept officer in public administration in the sphere of regional development and tourism, project manager, manager of tourist destination companies and agencies, marketing specialist of municipalities, regions and tourism, economic consultant in regional consultancy and tourism, estate broker, and specialist in developer companies. An important benefit is also that the graduation of the program makes it easier to start one’s own business.

  • Practical Training

    The curriculum does not include practical training.

  • Goals of Theses

    The standard length of the Bachelor’s thesis should be between 35 and 45 pages. Instructions for its processing and other information can be found in the ESF Student Manual which is available on

    The aim of the bachelor thesis is to prove the student's ability to work with primary and secondary sources, to use the scientific literature, to independently analyze the problems of tourism, to process and to interpret primary and secondary data on the socio-economic phenomena associated with tourism and, last but not least, to come up with their own problem solving. In the case of a bachelor thesis, it is expected to solve of partial problems or designing of a solution concept, which can be further elaborated in the diploma thesis.

    Thesis requirements:

    - assignment of the final thesis

    - annotation including keywords in the language of the thesis

    - annotation including keywords in English

    - statement of the author of the final thesis

    - list of references

    - lists of figures, charts, and used abbreviations

    - list of attachments.

    Structure of thesis:

    - content

    - introduction

    - overview of current knowledge, goals of the thesis, and methods used

    The text is appropriately divided into chapters and sections, contains conclusion and summary of the results (including identification of the benefits of work).

  • Access to Further Studies

    After completion of the Bachelor's studies, it is possible to continue further studies in Master's degree programme Regional Development (after satisfying the admission requirements).

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Economics and Administration
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor