Degree programme objectives

The Business Informatics study programme prepares students to become experts in the development of business processes and in the implementation and control of information systems and information and communication technology (IS/ICT). For that reason, students become familiar with the knowledge of economic disciplines as well as of applied informatics, both of which are needed for such jobs. In business, graduates operate as a bridge between corporate management (including the operative management that knows the details of business processes at the operative level) and ITC specialists.

The aim of the study is to create condition for successful employment as consultants, managers, and developers of business IS/ICT, as members of implementation teams, and as projects managers, and to provide students with quality background knowledge allowing the continuation of the studies at the Master’s degree level in the same or similar studies.

Study plans

Admission Procedures
Přijímací řízení do bakalářských a magisterských studijních programů pro akademický rok 2021/2022
Submission deadline until midnight 28/2/2021

  • Information on entrance examinations designed for this degree programme
    You can find detailed information about the admission procedure at ECON.MUNI. Contact information: - questions concerning the Learning Potential Test: - questions concerning the electronic application form issues: - questions concerning the payment for the electronically submitted application form: - questions concerning of various fields of study, study purport and organization:
  • Recommended reading for the examinations under this field
    Please see ECON.MUNI for examples of Learning Potential Test (TSP) from previous years and field tests.
  • Evaluation criteria valid for the applicants applying for a place on this degree programme
    The condition of admission to study in a bachelor study program is to achieve secondary education. Faculty of Economics and Administration MU respects the provisions of Articles 48, 49 and 50 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll., On Higher Education, as amended, and provides as an additional condition for admission to study the composition of the entrance examination. The result of the entrance examination determines the order of the candidates. The admission of the candidate will be decided by the Dean of the faculty on the proposal of the Admissions Committee, which will recommend the admission of the candidate on the basis of the order of the entrance examination results. Decisions on admission / non-admission to study are received by the applicant after the meeting of the admission committee. For more information visit ECON.MUNI a MUNI.CZ.


  • Objectives

    The Business Informatics study programme prepares students to become experts in the development of business processes and in the implementation and control of information systems and information and communication technology (IS/ICT). For that reason, students become familiar with the knowledge of economic disciplines as well as of applied informatics, both of which are needed for such jobs. In business, graduates operate as a bridge between corporate management (including the operative management that knows the details of business processes at the operative level) and ITC specialists.

    The aim of the study is to create condition for successful employment as consultants, managers, and developers of business IS/ICT, as members of implementation teams, and as projects managers, and to provide students with quality background knowledge allowing the continuation of the studies at the Master’s degree level in the same or similar studies.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • understand thoroughly the link between businesses economics and corporate information needs
    • develop and apply relevant methodology in tasks related to the analysis of current IS/ICT and to design modifications of IS/ICT based on corporate technical and conceptual information needs
    • propose the development of IS/ICT and participate in managing IS/ICT
    • apply the general methods of scientific work
    • communicate about profession-related issues in a global language
    • to understand the theoretical background of business management and applied informatics at a level that will enable him/her to continue in the same or similar master study
    • to effectively search and process information.
    • to formulate their ideas into an academic text.

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates can take part in the analysis of the economic processes and of the specific system requirements when customizing information systems. They can work as leaders of smaller information system projects and as workers supporting the operation of IT economic functions.

  • Practical Training

    Practice is not compulsory, but only an optional part of the study, through the choice of the course "Traineeship".

  • Goals of Theses

    Bachelor thesis is a professional work which uses exact scientific methods and tools for data collection and analysis and interpretation of results. When creating the work, it is necessary to use the knowledge gained during the bachelor study. The thesis covers business informatics, which means that there must be two disciplines in the field - applied computer science and business management. The main part of the bachelor thesis is the design part, representing the student's proposed solution (or alternative solution) of the chosen problem. Proposals are substantiated and evaluated in their context, including economic evaluation. Instructions for its processing and other information can be found in the ESF Student Manual which is available on

  • Access to Further Studies

    The graduates of the branch have the possibility to continue with the follow-up master study program Business management.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

estimated number of admitted
number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Economics and Administration
Programme guaranteed by
In cooperation with
Programme guarantor