The (in)secure world requires strategical action.

Degree programme objectives

The master's study of security and strategic studies allows students to gain important theoretical and methodological background for advanced analysis, comparison, and prediction of contemporary security phenomena. Students have the opportunity to work on tasks based on their specific professional interests and they are guided to participate in both individual and team research as well as in applied activities. During the study, emphasis is placed on the use of modern techniques and technologies. With regard to the fact that part of the study is lead in English language, students are also able to work within international frameworks. Students work with security databases and resources to analyze security information and data. Written outputs have the nature of expert studies and academic texts.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The master's study of security and strategic studies allows students to gain important theoretical and methodological background for advanced analysis, comparison, and prediction of contemporary security phenomena. Students have the opportunity to work on tasks based on their specific professional interests and they are guided to participate in both individual and team research as well as in applied activities. During the study, emphasis is placed on the use of modern techniques and technologies. With regard to the fact that part of the study is lead in English language, students are also able to work within international frameworks. Students work with security databases and resources to analyze security information and data. Written outputs have the nature of expert studies and academic texts.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • To clarify, compare and predict the development of security phenomena from the point of view of social science
    • To understand and explain trends in the development of techniques, methods, and theories of security and strategic studies
    • To analyze conflict and crisis situations in the fields of domestic and international security and to process plans for their solutions
    • To use relevant sources and security information databases
    • To formulate research questions in the field of security from a social science point of view and to elaborate expert studies and expert texts

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    Graduates will have a profound insight into the contemporary theoretical concepts of security and strategy. They will know the theoretical and methodological approaches giving them the ability of a thorough professional analysis of security and strategic issues. They will be able to be employed as security analysts in public administration, local administration, and diplomacy. They will also be able to work as managers and analysts in private companies, specialized in the security area, as members of security forces and armed forces in positions requiring master's degree (in accordance with Act No. 361/2003 Coll., on the service of security officers), as security analysts in media specializing in security area (security servers, security magazines, etc.), as well as research and educational staff in higher education and security-oriented research.

  • Practical Training

    Part of the compulsory subject is the course BSSn4407 Security Practice, which is intended as an active, practical training of students in security institutions or organizations, where they apply the knowledge gained during the study.

  • Goals of Theses

    The recommended length of Master thesis is 44.000 – 180.000 characters, including spaces (80-100 pages). The text of the thesis as well as footnotes are included in this range; title, statutory declaration, acknowledgements, content, list of abbreviations, bibliography and appendices are not included in the above stated range of bachelor thesis.

    The aim of the course is to undertake independent research in the specific thematic area of security and strategic studies under supervision of students’ supervisors. Students have to conduct original research in accordance to the focus and demands of bachelor studies and the topics of the discipline. They have to present their results in a standard academic text in the range of the recommended length and structure (the structure of the text, annotation, key words, formatting, citations, list of literature). Graduates are able to formulate a relevant research question, conduct a corresponding original research, and compile an original text in accordance with the theoretical, methodological and formal requirements of the Security and Strategic Study program. Master thesis and its public defense are arranged by the Directive FSS No. 5/2024 State Final Examinations, Final Theses and their Defences.

  • Access to Further Studies

    A graduate of the master's degree program may, after fulfilling the conditions, undertake the Advanced Master’s state examination in the field of political science. The student can also (after fulfilling the conditions of admission) continue to study the Doctoral Study Program of Political Science at the Faculty of Social Studies of Masaryk University.

Basic information

master's degree programme (following the bachelor's one)
Length of studies
2 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Social Studies
Programme guaranteed by