Understanding Europe together.

Degree programme objectives

The field of European Studies empasizes most recent development in this field. Particular focus is put on the most important dimensions of the European integration process, more specifically those which are related to the role of the EU, its Member states and non-member countries. The field also develops theoretical dimension of European Studies and their application in praxis. The courses that are taught in the framework of the field react to the field development as a part of a science. They reflect recent trends in the discipline as a whole as well in its parts. The field combines theoretical as well as practical courses. Students follow recent development in the EU and transformation of the process of European integration. This is also reflected by ongoing permutation of compulsory courses (including increasing amount of courses taught in English language) and by increasing amount of lecturers reflecting praxis. Additionally, the field is built upon constant developing of methodological skills and research methods and put an emphasis of internationalization.

Study plans


  • Objectives

    The field of European Studies empasizes most recent development in this field. Particular focus is put on the most important dimensions of the European integration process, more specifically those which are related to the role of the EU, its Member states and non-member countries. The field also develops theoretical dimension of European Studies and their application in praxis. The courses that are taught in the framework of the field react to the field development as a part of a science. They reflect recent trends in the discipline as a whole as well in its parts. The field combines theoretical as well as practical courses. Students follow recent development in the EU and transformation of the process of European integration. This is also reflected by ongoing permutation of compulsory courses (including increasing amount of courses taught in English language) and by increasing amount of lecturers reflecting praxis. Additionally, the field is built upon constant developing of methodological skills and research methods and put an emphasis of internationalization.

  • Learning Outcomes

    After successfully completing his/her studies the graduate is able to:

    • analyze current situation in the EU with appropriate methods and tools
    • understand and to interpret modern EU history and history of its Member stateshe EU including its fundamental principles, rules and mechanisms
    • use EU legislation and EU documents
    • understand and to explain decision making mechanisms in the EU and in its Member states
    • understand and to interpret content of the EU in terms of specific EU policies
    • write an bachelor thesis dealing with relevant topic
    • understand the process of the European integration in the context of international politics
    • use basic rules of diplomatic praxis
    • understand influence of the EU on substate actors of the Czech politics
    • use EU terminology in English language
    • use comparative approach for EU analysis

  • Occupational Profiles of Graduates

    The graduates of this study programme have knowledge and skills to be able to work in great variety of areas. Most of the graduates find their jobs in think-tanks, state/regional/local administration, mass media, political parties or in the structures of international organizations (including the EU). Substantial share of graduates work in diplomatic service or in the area of research and teaching.

  • Practical Training

    Practical training accompanied by supervision is not an obligatory part of the curriculum for this field. However, the Department arranges various positions at partner institutions as for example CZELO office in Brussels or representations of Czech regions to the EU (for example, South Moravian regional representation).

  • Goals of Theses

    The students are expected to choose from three genres of BA thesis. The first one is a literature review analysing state of art in given area or topic, the second one policy paper and the third one represents research thesis. Another type of BA thesis that does not fall among three above mentioned genres is acceptable only after previous approval of field coordinator.

    Each BA thesis has to contain abstract which explicitly states which genre it applies. Evaluation of the thesis includes students approach towards consultation with his/her supervisor. Detailed instructions for completing the thesis can be found at Department web page (http://mve.fss.muni.cz/cs/studium/studijni-agenda/pokyny-ke-szz)

  • Access to Further Studies

    The gained knowledge is a suitable premise for further study at the graduate level - particularly in the area of European Studies, but also in the field of International Relations or Political Science.

Basic information

Bachelor's degree programme
Length of studies
3 years
Language of instruction
Czech Czech

number of active students
number of theses/dissertations

Faculty of Social Studies
Programme guaranteed by
Programme guarantor